Bad Girl Gone Good?


Yes. I am purified. I’m not a bitch anymore… Just kidding! Bitch.

Yeah. I had a change of themes. It’s all because of Internet Explorer… and my previous theme. Damn that!!! Besides from 7 saying this to me, I had been also receiving e-mails from concerned readers that my blog is either distorted or can’t be viewed in IE (or it looks cut from the header down down down below like hell in IE 7). My old theme looks awesome, yeah, but it’s ONE HELL OF A SHIT to arrange… (and did I mentioned already that it can’t be viewed properly on IE?)

I spent the whole afternoon looking for a cool theme and I found Atalhualpa (did I just spelled it right?). I customized it a bit… All clean and white. Though we bid farewell to the “Cut Here” part, the “I Love Metanorn” text when the page is loading, as well as the stars on the sidebar… But don’t fret because this theme sure has it’s own pros. Try all the pretty buttons on the sidebar ^_^ It changes from gray to different colors depending on the category order ^^. Lol. My headers also become “purified” as they also turned into the “good side” XD. Some headers would be gone for now, since they look lame in white, but I’ll definitely make a new batch of Blog Eye Candies ^^. This theme is also very easy to handle and manipulate with easy options, so I don’t have to hurt my brain in CSS codes and all…










Cerulean Bliss





Other than the major change in theme and banners, I’m also updating the pages on my blog. I’m also going to put in a “Gallery” feature and a clean, separate place for the music downloads. But I’ll prioritize first on arranging my Headernorn, Chart Action and Anime-NTM pages. (Btw, you can check them out above the site ^^ there’s a drop down list of pages there).

A huge thanks also to 7 for being a huge help on coding, lending me his labrat site to help me experient, and such!!! Thanks 7!!! Also, thanks for lurkers and readers for mailing me. If there’s anything wrong with the theme again, please feel free to tell me again ^^.


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8 Responses to “Bad Girl Gone Good?”

  1. Panther says:

    Congrats on the new theme. You can also look to me for CSS help at times, and anything to deal with plugins. The new layout, seems like it is variable width because it fit the size of my browser lol. That would work for quite a few browsers I guess. Your Twitter section looks very disorganized though, you should get a better plugin for that.

    Panther’s last blog post..Asu no Yoichi 03 – Angela, Sanjou!

  2. foomafoo says:

    I didn’t notice those bugs because I always use firefox. Anyway, you better try it as well using Safari for Mac users and Opera since it is supposedly the “bugless of all bugless” among the browsers :umm: . My blog doesn’t seem right using IE 6 but IE 7, Opera and Firefox isn’t problem for me~ :clap:

    foomafoo’s last blog post..Lupin VS Conan!

  3. foomafoo says:

    Maybe you can include this in my 1st comment but I have to say that I prefer this theme of yours since it deleted the Google Ads every after title of your entries. I also have to agree with Panther that your Twitter widget is kind of mess back then but I think it has become better.

    foomafoo’s last blog post..Lupin VS Conan!

  4. FuyuMaiden says:

    Aww. I kind of liked the old theme since black is so cool, but this one is really good too. So pretty and white and…well this one looks really nice too.

    Of course it will take a little getting used to for me because it has no fixed width, so I’ll have to do more back and forth reading on my widescreen computer. Not a problem, but it would bother me so much on my own blog.

    But ah~ Black is cool, but white is so pretty~

    FuyuMaiden’s last blog post..White Album – Episode 03

  5. Xiao says:

    Hey, being a bitch is fun. xD;

    I’ll miss the original black but ooo~, I really like the new white theme. So purdy~. ^^

    The buttons changing color makes me so happy for some reason. *plays with the mouse scrolling for a while* xD; And your banners still look so gorgeous after being “purified”. :aww:

    Agh, the CSS codes sound like such a pain, though. I’m wondering if I should bother learning them at all (hopefully, my computer class this term will teach me so I don’t have to learn it myself *so lazy*).

    Hmm, yep. :^_^:

    Xiao Jie’s last blog post..Shugo Chara!! Doki ~ Ep. 67

  6. Ashe says:

    OMG LUUUUV the Hitman Reborn banner! Word, girl! :zsnap:

  7. mikaino says:

    IE is freaking stupid. It makes graphics horrible >_<
    But the good part in IE is that the cursor is working! lol.

  8. kanzeon says:

    @Panther: I now finally edited the Twitter box with the Twitter Plugin ^^. Thanks for the suggestion 😀

    @foomafoo: Glad you use FF… because IE sometimes is UNfriendly XDD

    @FuyuMaiden: Fixed the width ^^. Yay!

    @Xiao Jie: Glad you like the theme ^^. And I learned more about CSS with 7’s help… (And when you join Kokidokom, he’ll definitely teach you more ^^ It’s so fun so join now ;))

    @Ashe: Lol thanks ^^

    @mikaino: Yea i agree with you!!!!! Lol

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