I’ve been through HELL…
In this moment while I’m typing this post, I’m here sneaking in the internet at our school library since our connection at home was f*cked up since Saturday. That’s the main reason why I haven’t been able to change this horrible layout and post anything. I’ve been through Meta-Hell this past 5 days from the deletion of my old blog (goodbye cute Ranka header, goodbye uber-cool layout, goodbye BLOGROLLS T.T) to the internet connection hell I’m into at our home, I hope our broadband would fix it up soon… I’m also busy at school activities. If you could name me a school cliche, I would be a singing-cheerleader-scholar-socialite-closet otaku….. Please bear with me…
I also wanna thank you all first for those who had supported me in my old blog. Too bad that it wont be back again T.T I totally cried for like, 2 days because I’m so depressed and I’ve came with the thought of missing you all… I’m really sad up until today… *EMO MODE*
I also felt happy that these people show care for me… That had became a big comfort. Thank you very much. I’ll be also posting my replies to your messages:
- Mr WordPress: Thank you for your comment XD
- issa-sa: Unfortunately, no so this would be a new one. It made me cry tears of happiness when I knew you are the first to comment on my new blog. Thank you very much for caring ^_^.
- biankita: Thank you very much. I think the ‘old’ one was now called the ‘non-permanent’ this time.
- Llora-chan: Llora-chan T.T!!! Thank you very much. You have been a great blog pal since we’re just starting ^_^
- Sagacious1: Thank you (I’m crying again) I really feel happy that you are all listening and caring for me.
- Omisyth: Lol you made me smile. Thank you very much omisyth!
Thank you all again for being with me in throughout this time. I’ll be fixing this as soon as possible (or as soon as our broadband will stop bitching up.)
P.S. = For those whom I’ve havent informed about my new blog sorry because I’m still busy fixing thing up and I’m too shy to present to you this crappy layout… But oh well, now that you see it already, thank you very much for caring ^_^
P.P.S. = Sorry if there’s too much wrong grammar here because I’m in a hurry… 15 minutes of time-limit is already running out ^_^” The school librarian is comi
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 105 comments
Gah! I was wondering where you went! T.T I’m so sorry about that! I missed you and your posts! Hope you get this up and running soon, and no matter what, I’m still one of your viewers!
POWUH: Metanorn Lover and Metanorn's old-timer with 161 comments
That sounds awful. I was wondering what happened when I noticed no updates and then I clicked on your blog and saw “This blog has been archived or suspended for violation of our TOS”. I can’t think of any terms your blog broke off the top of my head. Did they tell you or did they just scrap your blog?
Hmm…anyway this gives me more motivation to find a way to get my own hosting and get off of wordpress.com
I’m glad that you’re getting things running again though. Hopefully things will be back to normal soon (all the posts I remember seem to be around. That’s a good sign).
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 105 comments
Just out of curiousty, what do you use to make your blog headers? I’m having a bit of trouble with them. *Head Desk*
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 138 comments
*Urgh* Web AND internet connection problems?? Sounds like hell indeed. But hang in there all right, I remember when I moved blogs that there seemed to be so much to do and tinker about with with such a limited connection here that I was about to just go back to my room and cry… Then I sorted out my priorities and watched some anime instead 😛
Seriously, if it becomes too much of a pain for now, give it a rest, we’ll still be here when you get back 😛
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 86 comments
;_; I’m so sorry about what happened, especially since you’d customised the blog so much (it looked way better than mine does). Did you find out why they deleted your blog, just so something like this doesn’t happen again.
POWUH: iLurker with 7 comments
Kanzeon > Ouch, really sorry to hear that. RL and the doujin project have been keeping me tied down, so I can’t really keep up with blogosphere news right now. Rest Assured I will relink you ASAP. ^_^
And, to make up for my horrendous timing:
Melon-pan for you Kanzeon! Cheer up, will ya!
POWUH: Metanorn Lover and Metanorn's old-timer with 207 comments
I was wondering what happened to your blog. So they permanently deleted your old blog, not just inactivated? :O
That must have been a horrible experience for you over the last several days 🙁
Think of it as an opportunity to start anew and change some things that might not have worked so well in the previous blog.
I’ll change the link in my blogroll to your new address 🙂
“If you are going through hell, keep going”
Winston Churchill
POWUH: 1100-1199 with 1187 comments
@amayalee: Before, I use Powerpint (really) but now I make them using photoshop… I’m kinda not good at it but I’m getting used to it right now… ^_^
@FuyuMaiden: They just scrapped the hell out of my blog T.T I haven’t even received a single email T.T
@issa-sa: Thanks ^_^ This is like, hell much but I keep up.
@omisyth: They didn’t deleted it, they just made it inactive (or suspended, i think) but until now, it’s still deactivated so I’ll just move here ^_^
@xephfyre: I love Melon Pan (but the link does not work here T.T) thank you much much ^_^
@Kitsune: Thanks and sorry for not letting you know at first T.T because I’m really not yet finished fixing up things here.