Kuroshitsuji Anime Trailer

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I also updated my FALL ANIME preview and changed the website of Kuroshitsuji.


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8 Responses to “Kuroshitsuji Anime Trailer”

  1. Llora-chan says:

    Sankyuu for uploading this. When I went to watch on my Media Player it wouldn’t work. So now I can finally see it. ^^
    Sankyuu~ ^^

  2. Shinji says:

    I’m definitely watching this one.

  3. Llora-chan says:

    @Shinji: Same here. ^^

  4. kanzeon says:

    @Llora-chan and Shinji: lol, same here too ^^

  5. tanaguchi-sama says:

    Lol, the boy with an eyepatch looks a bit like Ryoma Echizen/Miharu from Nabari no Ou and the butler looks like from Nabari too ^^

  6. Llora-chan says:

    @tanaguchi-sama: I thought the same thing too. Especially here: http://metanorn.wordpress.com/2008/07/08/manga-hunting-kuroshitsujiblack-butler/

  7. kanzeon says:

    @tanaguchi-sama and Llora-chan: many people are really comparing it with Nabari^^ (but hope this one would turn out better XD)

  8. Aru says:

    Oh my goood finallyyy! Kuroshitsujiiii <33

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