Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari – 10
Literally everything cooked so far in this show has been a disaster. I feel tricked.
Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari – 06
When you just want to hog the fluffiness for yourself but your friend finds out
Move over, “Girls Talk”, it’s time for “Obaa-san Talk”
Literally everything cooked so far in this show has been a disaster. I feel tricked.
I’m not sure he needs a mask when what’s underneath is the same
When you hit puberty and hair starts growing in new places
Sometimes, senpai notices you TOO much and starts stalking you
Like a furry angel, descending from heaven
Boys just wanna have fun
You guys are dabbing all wrong!!!
When you just want to hog the fluffiness for yourself but your friend finds out
“I’m immigrating to Canada”
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