Koutetsujou no Kabaneri – 10
Her eyes are just so dull and lifeless…hmm, I wonder if that’s a metaphor for something?
“You know this series is going to be headed towards very dark territory now that we’ve had our fun, easy times. It’s entirely possible that the Liberator decides to fall entirely off the deep end and have a large eugenics campaign in the name of Japan’s survival.”
Hmm, I must be freakin’ psychic, or perhaps it’s that fabled woman’s intuition? Or…it’s just the quality of writing that I’ve come to expect, who knows?
This series is so predictable it’s just getting sad now. After they tossed in everything other than the kitchen sink last week, this week felt very paint-by-numbers. I can pretty much tell you exactly what’s going to happen in the last two episodes and because of that, I’m getting bored now. What can I say that hasn’t already been said? This show is a train-wreck, pun intended. I tried to think positively, but KnK has just made it too hard.
The thing with bad writing is that…well…there’s a lot of it out there in the world. And because of that, and by its very nature, you can pretty much expect and foresee anything that’s going to happen.
Let’s see if you can play this guessing game!
See! Even Onii-sama thinks you can do it!
Biba has placed all of the Koutetsujou crew as his prisoners, forcefully making them blood donors. One of them pleads for his wife’s life and is willing to give blood in her place. What will happen to him? (a) they nicely let him and his wife go, (b) they politely tell him no, or (c) they chop his arm off?
If you answered (c), you’ve seen this song and dance before!
Let’s try another one!
Sukari has suddenly become a turncoat and works for the enemy, claiming that he just likes to work for the stronger party. Is he (a) taking the coward’s way out, (b) just plain greedy, or (c) is pretending to be a traitor in order to give information to the MC, even though most of the crew will hate him?
Again, if you answered (c), you’ve seen at least two other shows in your lifetime.
This is fun!
The best friend of the main character happens to be the only one able to accompany him in confronting the villain at the story’s climax, and right after having spent the night assembling a massive death flag by having an intimate, reminiscent tête-à-tête with the MC. Will he (a) circumvent his own obvious death flag by pushing his friend out of the path of danger and then help take down the villain for the win, or (b) die in a heroic sacrifice that will give more rage fuel to our main character, causing them to do something foolish?
If you chose (b), you know your cliches!
Last one!
The MC is able to get a plot together to take down the villain and sets up an uprising against him. The fight has been going surprisingly well, despite the fact that only two episodes earlier, it was plainly seen that the Hunters are 2 times stronger, faster, more organized, and have better weaponry than our main characters and are extremely loyal to their cause. The hero is about to win, even though it isn’t even the penultimate episode yet, and this arc is nowhere near the falling action. How will this end? Is it: (a) The hero and his posse will defeat the villain and toss him and his ilk off the train, before riding off into the sunset in victory, (b) a kabane horde will come and gobble them all up, or (c) the villain will have seen through the whole thing and set up a trap that the main character falls for completely, leading to Murphy’s law being activated, causing death and devastation for our hero, putting him at his lowest point?
Well, you’ve seen this episode (or any episode for that matter)! Even Matt Murdock could see the answer to this one from a mile away.
And that’s the issue. This series is just so predictable.And it’s not even the good predictable. Another series that’s out this season, is also extremely predictable and you could easily guess every action that will happen from beginning to end. And yet that series is being lauded by me and much of the anime community as being a standout for this season. Why? Because while the plot points were telegraphed out of the gate ( the main character even narrates in retrospective), it’s the characters and the execution that is exemplary. The writing is done so well that even though you do know what’s going to happen, you are still sitting on pins and needles to see how the journey will unfold. It’s this type of execution that KnK is missing. It doesn’t matter if the plot is predictable, if at least you can make the journey engaging. If you fail in that, then there’s really not much of a leg for the series to stand on.
Hmm, I see a giant flag. Let me see if I can trigger it.
Biba (yes, I’ve decided to use his stupid name; if they don’t give a care, why should I?) is an interesting villain in that he has the whole message about how the weak have no place in this world and that only the strong will survive, and yet, anyone who really spends time with him, knows that really that’s more veneer than anything else. If I had to really think about it, I would say that honestly, our “Liberator” has actually been driven mad by betrayal and the pursuit of vengeance. And yet, despite his insanity, he IS still a military charismatic genius that has men who believe his words and are loyal to a fault.
I’m lying through my teeth, your tears are all the company I need.
And when I say men, I do indeed mean the male sex. An issue that my writing partner brought up last week, in regards to the fact that the few women by his side, seem to be more under his influence than to really be his men-at-arms. There are some men by his side that are just there for the violence, but the majority seem to be completely in their right mind and still follow Biba, simply because they believe what he says and believe in his cause and his right to revenge. The women? Well, of the two we’ve seen, one was enamored with him enough to allow him to turn her into a biological weapon, and the other has been medically brainwashed and also turned into a weapon.
The men stand by his side, the women…not so much.
I find it interesting that they do make a point to say that male kabaneri are actually “rare”. First, is there really enough of a sample size to really be able to classify male kabaneri as rare? And why exactly is that? Is the “virus” afraid of the Y chromosome or something? I think the writers are just trying to make Ikoma feel special or something, but…whatever.
Don’t you know I’m awesome? It’s in the script.
We learn a little here of what happened to Biba and what exactly his father did to him that caused him to fall over that line between genius and insanity. It seems, that even zombie apocalypses breed politics and in this world we have people that believe that we need to keep sending the military to fight the problem, and another side that is more moderate that says that everyone should stay inside the walls. The shogun was part of the moderates, and to prove their point, he sent an army of 400,000 strong, with his 12-year old son at the helm to fight against the kabane hordes.
Field of Devastation
Unfortunately, no one told this army of hundreds of thousands that they were just pawns being used to make a point, and Biba’s dad secretly but swiftly cut off all necessary resupply and reinforcements at the most critical point. This lead to everyone in the army being slaughtered except Biba, who being 12 and the commander of all these men, was understandably mentally and psychologically scarred. The shogun’s ploy to convince the militarist that their beliefs were futile, worked, and the militarists backed off, giving the moderates the edge. And of course, who was blamed for the failure and the deaths of all those men but Biba, who was exiled as punishment and put in charge of the Recon Corp the Hunters.
Yeah, this would probably be scarring for most 12 year-olds on their first major campaign.
Knowing all this, you can kind of see why and how the young man went mad with anger and hatred, especially since he’s had to carry the guilt of all those deaths for years, only to find out that his own dad made him and them all pawns simply for a political maneuver. A person really doesn’t know what they would do in that same situation and if they would react the same way, especially after such deep psychological wounds at such a young age. Keep in mind some of this was in supplementary material, but psshhh, it’s not like we need these detail in the actual episode, right? Most of this story was pretty much glanced over in the episode itself.
I hope we get more of the Liberator’s backstory, it’s again why despite everything he’s done and the bad writing, that Biba continues to be the most interesting character in the series, and I honestly want to see him confront his dad and find out how much more of a monster he is compared to his son.
As for Ikoma, I held up such high hopes for him, but somehow he’s kind of devolved into the tepid kind of stereotypical shounen hero. There are times where you can see his brains shine through, like when he doing some plans and leading the revolt. And yet, he does so many stupid actions that it kind of all cancels everything out. I’m now to the point where I honestly couldn’t give a care if he comes back or not. You know he is, and you even have a good idea of how and why he will survive and even when we’ll probably see him pop up again.
As for Mumei, it really seems that they cannot find a happy medium for that girl. I think there was only one episode that treated her well, and that was during the breather episode a few episodes back. Now, she seems to have gone too far in the other extreme from what she was in the beginning. At this point, she really is a useless tool, doing nothing but be shocked and look like a lost lamb. She does get strong enough to finally say no to Biba, and yet, too dumb and weak to realize the obvious trap. And now she’s brainwashed and under the leader’s sway, though not all the way though since you know that’s why Ikoma will survive. She will simply be that way long enough for him to come rescue her, only to die in his arms through self-sacrifice if we’re lucky. We have two more episodes to go, and I’m not holding my breath.
This is just not a good day for me.
Well, I’m sorry that I dogged on this show for so long. Trust me, I didn’t enjoy it in the least. This series had a lot of potential that it’s unfortunately squandering, and if there’s nothing that frustrates me more than squandered potential. At the rate this series is going, it either going to fizzle out into the most rushed ending of the season, or it’s going to limp into another season somehow. If there is another cour, I don’t know if Biba will survive this season, the odds are 50/50. If he lives, he will become a sort of unwanted ally against a greater threat. If he dies, then another, worse villain, presumably his father, will take his place. We have two more episodes to see what will happen. Sorry, if I’m not ecstatic. 🙁
POWUH: 500-599 with 540 comments
I don’t think you guessed the plot from psychic powers or women’s intuition both of which I don’t believe in. You’re probably just savvy from having watched so many similar bad shows. I for one can agree that I’ve never once been surprised by the turns in event of this show.
This is probably a metaphor for the series’ current direction :3
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Doubting psychic powers is natural but questioning women’s intuition? *shivers* I’ll speak fondly of you at your funeral. 😛
POWUH: 500-599 with 540 comments
BB women’s intuition is basically psychic powers XD… but all you peoples and the jokes. Espically Skylion’s one XD.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10997 comments
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Your words, not mine. I’ll just have a front row seat as you get lynched by a horde of angry girls.
POWUH: and Athenaeum Châtelaine with 2212 comments
Lol, my statements were meant to be sarcastic, but pretty much…yeah. 😛
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10997 comments
A woman!? Using sarcasm!? Why next thing you know, they’ll want the vote! Madness, I tell you! Madness!
POWUH: 500-599 with 540 comments
You’ve unleashed Pandora’s Box Irene 🙂 Sekinin wo totte kudasai!
POWUH: iLurker with 5 comments
I just watched this show since my cousin said that it was very Shingeki no Kyojin-esque. But I got turned off ridiculously fast. It might’ve been because I watched SnK before KnK.
SnK immediately compels you because its Giants/Superpowered Giants with only one weak point VS Spidermen Samurais. Then it pulls you in because of the characters, the drama, the huge amount of realistic despair in such a situation and also actual tactics and strategies. Let’s not forget about the world building which makes the events and battles bigger.
KnK pales in comparison in its battles because it feels just like how you normally fight against zombies. Either slice them or shoot at them. No finesse nor strategy to pull off other than not getting bitten. The only thing their best forces can show off is that they have motorcycles. And as for the world itself, we were stuck in the train so long that it felt claustrophobic compared to the events that happened in SnK.
When I watched the first 2 episodes, there was a glimmer of potential. The Kabaneri had plenty of potential in battles or storyline. I thought that they would’ve become Claymore-esque. Even SnK showed that each titan-transformer have different traits and capabilities. But then I discovered that it just provided them with more strength and agility. It’s not even in the superhuman variety.
So my point is, would’ve KnK been saved if the Kabaneri were Claymore-like? No. But at least it would’ve been interesting.
POWUH: iLurker with 5 comments
I would also like to add that it kind of became Claymore-esque when they gave Horobi the blue blood. But it was already late at that point and they only turn into Nues. Would’ve been interesting if they fought/encountered Nues (Kabaneri turned Kabane) that’s just not another Black Smoke.
Sorry for the rambling. It might just be me seeking an anime that combines Claymore with SnK.
POWUH: and Athenaeum Châtelaine with 2212 comments
First, welcome to Metanorn, kick off your shoes and stay awhile! 🙂
I think that perhaps the biggest difference between why SnK works a whole heck of a lot better than Knk, is the writing.
Any series or movie or production is only as strong as the sum of its parts. KnK has many of SnK’s parts, but not the most valuable one. Unlike Kabaneri, Attack on Titan is not an original work, it was adapted from a manga that was well written and tweaked long before the anime was created. Also, the series composer was different, as well as having different script writers all of which helped adapt Attack on Titan to the screen allowing the the original mangaka’s work to shine through. It’s easier to follow a well written template, especially if you have good writers adapting it.
Kabaneri is being created from scratch, and it has a series composer who, while celebrated for some series, is actually rather hit or miss. It’s entirely possible that this type of story is not his forte, or that there could always be the constant issue of too many cooks in the kitchen. But in the end, it just couldn’t hold to it’s own potential.
The biggest issues of Kabaneri’s writing is the characterization and the story telling. They’ve done an okay job setting up the world at first, but then every five minutes, they’re changing it. First it’s in some alternate end of the Edo period, then it’s a vastly steampunk Edo period, and then eventually it’s just turned into some kind of steampunk fantasy world with Japanese elements. Everything kept escalating until it went out of control.
It’s okay to build up a world, but unless you stick to some kind of frame work of what this world is exactly, it can easily turn into a tangled mess.
The characters themselves need to have clear identities, and not simply roles. Honestly, the majority of the characters on this series could be gotten rid of and I would never notice. I can barely remember their names. And that’s because a majority of them have gotten any time to flesh out their characters in any meaningful capacity.
SnK in twelve episodes, I knew and cared for most of the main cast, not just Eren, Mikasa, and Armin, but also many of the secondary characters like Jean and Annie. Why? Because they weren’t simply there to fulfill roles, they were characters first.
KnK failed at the first rule of good storytelling. Your story should have one action lead to another (Something happens and then that causes this to happen, and because of that, this happens, etc.), not simply have a string of actions laid out next to each other (This happens, then this happens, then this happens, etc.).
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10997 comments
It’s not a stretch to think that they were trying to recreate the zeitgeist behind SnK, so that they could own a “popular” (still not the same thing as good) franchise themselves. I mean, you might get something wrong in the initial recipe – in the case of KnK it’s to much ingredient that’s already mixed in, you can’t cook it out, and it’s always gonna give that off taste no matter how much sauce you cover it with. In this case it was the rotten meat of the lack of any discernible plot or theme other than generic zombie survival/people are badasses when they’re generically evil for no other reason than we need a dumb-ass villain cause that’s what people expect. If you have that ingredient on your shelf, bin it!
This thing needed a new recipe from the start.
POWUH: 500-599 with 540 comments
Oh, hi there Mirroga I didn’t notice until it was pointed out but you really are new. Now guys time for the real question, what do American’s do to freshmen? And Does it have anything to do with the term freshmeat… (I’m not from America so idk)
POWUH: Meta Resident and LN Informant with 1529 comments
At the rate this series is going, it either going to fizzle out into the most rushed ending of the season, or it’s going to limp into another season somehow.
Not in Japan – Kabaneri’s still very popular with Japanese viewers, and Bluray sales are definitely guaranteed. Emotions have run high over there – some viewers there said they were moved to tears when Ikoma’s friend died and the attack failed.
POWUH: iLurker with 5 comments
It’s like One Piece vs Naruto all over again. I’m honestly interested how massively different the International Anime market/interests is compared to the Japanese.
I felt nothing. It might be because their characters were overall weaker than those in Shingeki no Kyojin. And I’ve seen much heavier turmoil in SnK.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
You see, that’s the greatest difference right there. I’ve always found the Japanese far more open-minded than westerners whose standards are fixed way too high. Then again, all anime and manga material were geared toward them from the get-go. Everyone else on the outside are just privileged partakers. In the end, the Japanese always have the final say.
POWUH: iLurker with 5 comments
Pretty much. But sooner or later Japanese would also get tired of being told the same kind of story/genre over and over again.
Was Shingeki no Kyojin and One-Punch Man huge in Japan? I felt that it succeeded because it broke from the usual genre formula present in most manga/anime.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Maybe Shingeki no Kyojin/Attack on Titan was a huge hit in Japan, that I can’t recall (Though I did enjoy it as it aired) but certainly not One Punch Man. For them, One Punch Man was average at best whereas the majority of westerners ate it up like hot cakes. Personally, I didn’t see the slightest the appeal in that series and couldn’t make it past the 5th episode.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
You see, that’s the fatal problem, the Achilles heel with the concept of “originality”. The moment someone comes up with anything legitimately new and it works with massive results, in time, everyone else will come in droves to draw from that same well until it runs dry and the “new” idea will suddenly become common like all others. It’s like locusts consuming a crop field. And honestly, whether people like it or not, a considerable amount of things have already been tried.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
That’s not exactly ‘open-minded’. It’s more simple-minded. Preferring retread storytelling that travels the exact same path again and again and again, with nary an effort at things like internal consistency, interesting character motivations, positive character depictions, or thought-provokation is not a benefit. It’s an indictment. It’s part of the reason that “otaku” is an insult.
The fact that horrendous shows like this sell over plenty of shows that don’t insult their viewers intelligence is not an indicator of good taste on the part of the buyers.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
And it’s out of line, not to mention poor form to label what’s good taste or not of others just because it doesn’t align with yours. The definition of the sentence “To each their own”.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
It’s certainly not out of line, and you don’t think it is at all. Otherwise you wouldn’t do it constantly with every entire *genre* you have decided you don’t like on the sole evidence of trying one show where your mindset going in was “I knew I wasn’t going to like that show when I tried it because someone else called it a style I don’t like.” That’s certainly not anything like open-minded.
You just don’t like anyone challenging the things you like. You don’t have a problem throwing shade at dozens of shows you don’t even watch, if they dare to offend your precious sensibilities by doing things like “Having people talk to each other without shouting”, but if anyone points out obvious deficiencies in shows that you’ve embraced, you get your pants all in a wad whining “Don’t malign my personal taste!” You don’t even try to rebut other people’s points. You just act like because you like a show, nobody can ever say anything bad about it. That’s not how this works.
Nobody’s saying you can’t like it. But trying to prop yourself up as a paragon of ‘open-mindedness’ because you like an unimaginative by-the-numbers shounen cash grab is risible.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
In case you lost some of the context along the line of this talk, I was referring to the labeling of people who have a taste in show for their own reasons, not the genre of the show itself. Two completely separate, irrelevant matters.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10997 comments
OMG this is silly. Japan makes some sh*t, The US makes some sh*t, the BBC makes some sh*t, and I’m sure our international audience can chime in on their home country and the sh*t they see on television at home. No single ethnicity is free from lazy storytelling…You don’t have to live inside a singular border to be able to claim that it only happens to your country…or to claim that your’s only has the good stuff.
Dude, you’ve talked some nonsense up there; open-mindedness or close-mindedness need not apply…
POWUH: and Athenaeum Châtelaine with 2212 comments
I don’t really think it’s a matter of open-minded vs. close-minded. If we were really close-minded, we would have never given it a chance in the first place.
I think that perhaps it’s more so an issue of exposure. When I was younger and hadn’t really been exposed to many stories or hadn’t become more and more versed in the art of storytelling and simple writing techniques, than many things that I know were horribly written today, I thought were awesome back then.
You have to remember that much of Kabaneri’s audience probably skews a bit younger and less experienced than the audience here, which is made up of a lot more 20 to 30 somethings or older, who have been exposed to more, from both sides of the ocean.
All the faults of Kabaneri are still there, it’s just that because of experience, we’re more well versed at picking up on it then we were if we were less so.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10997 comments
I have removed a comment and placed it in our pending folder for further review. The comment, I feel, is condescending and rude and goes against the humor and principles of our community. Upon taking the time to review it, we will make a decision if we are going to reinstate it.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10997 comments
After reviewing the comment with two other Metanorn writer’s we’ve determined that the comment was indeed condescending, rude, and insulting and in violation of Rule Four of the website.
IOW had the comment been made to the original commenter we determined that they would have taken offense to it as well. I would like to point out we don’t have the real power to bash or burn to death. I don’t really even know if we should ban…so don’t make us consider it!
Know what an opinion is, and if you need to demean or insult to get your point across, then DON’T. Make. The. Comment. At. All.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10997 comments
Once upon a time the bubonic plague was popular, and nearly everyone had to have it! I guess it depends on perspective?
Who the f*ck choose to show this show to a kindergarten class!?
POWUH: and Athenaeum Châtelaine with 2212 comments
Well, there’s no accounting for taste. 😛
Honestly, it’s probably just a culture thing. There are a lot of things that are popular elsewhere that just doesn’t work here and vice versa.
And no matter how popular something is, that has little bearing on the actual quality of the product.
POWUH: 500-599 with 540 comments
Its probably like an acquired taste. e.g. Gurren Lagaan a show I have much too many complaints (which I won’t elaborate on in case I offend fans of the show) about but apparently to many its a godly work.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Zztop left a comment on RandomC’s version of this post to explain in better detail of Biba’s desire for revenge. I thought I’d bring it up to put things in perspective:
“Biba was the sacrificial pawn in a power play between 2 opposing government factions 10 yrs ago. The militarists wanted to wage war and destroy the kabane, while the moderates thought it dangerous and wanted to hide out in their fortresses.
The shogun was part of the moderates, and to strengthen his faction’s cause he created a 400,000 strong army squad to fight the kabane with the intention of ensuring the squad would be killed by denying them necessary reinforcements. This was to convince the militarists of the futility of fighting the kabane. 12 yr old Biba was chosen as the squad commander, and Kurusu’s dad was part of that squad.
The plan worked – everyone but Biba died, and the moderates were able to gain their political leverage. Biba was made a scapegoat and exiled to the Hunters. For 10 years he’s been investigating who betrayed him, and as of the current timeline he’s discovered the truth and wants bloody vengeance.”
POWUH: and Athenaeum Châtelaine with 2212 comments
Yes, I thank our resident LN Informant (thanks zztop 😉 ) for posting the info around, as that’s where I was able to get the information for this post (I outlined Biba’s tragic backstory somewhere in the later paragraphs.)
Honestly, I still don’t know why they couldn’t have just had all of that in the actual series, rather then in the supplementary material.
The last time I remember a series doing a gaff as bad as that was in the original ending for the Gatchaman series some seasons ago.
POWUH: 500-599 with 540 comments
Yeah, this information would have been greatly appreciated in the actual series :/ Its like with Aldnoah zero where my friend had to ask me why the moon was all blown up and just about the history in general. Why didn’t they add this information in the actual series.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
That was explained but it quickly fell into the background amongst everything else that was going on. Though I can’t remember all the details myself.
POWUH: 500-599 with 540 comments
Nah BB it was touched on but that’s not all, they didn’t explain the history of the wars with Vers and how asseylum’s dad got himself killed resulting in her grandfather resuming his reign as emperor, or how Vers even came about and why they got the idea they were superior etc. Details like these aren’t necessary but they add flavour and I see no reason for the show to leave them out.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10997 comments
…from the people that brought you the over-wrought drama of Death Note, and the dog-pile of junk automobiles that was Guilty Crown, not to mention the not-so-bad, but still not-really-all-that-great Attack on Titan…We present
Hero, Falls out of Frame! Will he rise back up despite stupidly over-dramatic stacks against him? You bet you’re ass he will, it’s not like consulting a directors shitty past work and copying it is that hard!
POWUH: and Athenaeum Châtelaine with 2212 comments
Both Death Note and Attack on Titan were both better written than this. Both of them were also adapted from original material that was written by much better writers.
KnK seems to have some of the same problems that the recent Fant4stic had. It’s written by committee to the point that whatever good story that might have been there, get’s lost because there are too many hands in the pot.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Much gratefulness in not sharing in your displeasure. Thus far, I’ve been able to watch Kabaneri for what it is, what it’s doing without a problem, seeing it in a positive light. It’s not as though it was ever aiming to be a masterpiece. Predictability can be overlooked if it’s enjoyable regardless. A show’s core point should always be its entertainment value.
In light of the skin-crawling, hellish situation that played throughout, an insurrection was definitely and undisputedly needed for the captives.
Biba’s rage and desire for revenge is more intense than I imagined. Wanting to kill him is one thing but looking back at previous episodes, he’s far more broken. Razing the last station stood as a symbol because it was under the governance of a Daimyo who answers to his father, therefore one of his retainers. Meaning his aim is not only ending his father physically but destroying his influence. Which equals to completely erasing him from existence. Then there’s proposition to Ikoma after Takumi took the shot for him.
Ikoma’s damaged goods but he’ll pull through but I wouldn’t count Takumi out yet. With Mumei towering over his body like that, I’m expecting something interesting to happen to him.
POWUH: 500-599 with 540 comments
It is indisputable that entertainment is a major factor but that happens to be a department Kabenari is losing steam on (pun intended :P) If I were to plot the entertainment value of Kabenari it would be decreasing at an increasing rate. Well its not going to get as bad as Guilty Crown since its only half the length so Guilty Crown can rest assured its the undisputed King of the Hill, of “Trainwreck Hill”.
I have to agree with Irene, this is probably a good reason for the inconsistency and original shows tend to suffer a lot from this.
POWUH: 500-599 with 540 comments
Yeah, BB I just think you’ve been subconsciously filing away all the things that are ruining everyone else’s experience. btw you’ve seen guilty crown haven’t you?
POWUH: 500-599 with 540 comments
Comparing, it to guilty crown just gives you a better understanding of what I mean i.e. Guilty Crown was greatly hyped, it had stellar graphics/animation, great music and its plot+characters were disappointing. Comparing it to Guilty Crown makes a lot of sense considering the ‘connections’ I just mentioned. If I consider Kabenari on its own its passable but its very difficult to ever take anyone as a single entity since human’s like to group, categorise and find trends in things. Where else can we attain a scale then from then from comparison. Some shows will do things better, others will not. Evaluating a show on a standalone basis is good and all but unless you compare it to similar articles it cannot be brought into reverence with anything else. It will always be on its own, and after you’ve watched it you’ve gained nothing.
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
I felt exactly the same way about how predictable it was, but having you point it all out gameshow style really shows how ridiculous things have gotten! Takumi’s death flag was so obvious. And then because I have no reason to be attached to him, his death meant nothing. Your comprison to Boku no Herto Academia is very apt too. Predictability in of itself is not necessarily bad. But predictable and stupid events just don’t make for a great show.
Oh gosh, if we limp towards another season I’m getting off this train lol
POWUH: and Athenaeum Châtelaine with 2212 comments
Lol, I’ll be interested to read what you think of this newest episode.
Evil Dead much? 😛
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10997 comments
…he fell out of frame and into Evil Dead? This show dares profane the majesty that is Bruce?
POWUH: iLurker with 5 comments
You know what would’ve saved this series? Make Biba the main protagonist from the start. Clearly he has the better history and storyline and emotional turmoil. I want to see him from being a promising military leader fall into a shamed and failed leader. His trauma turned vengeance. Him constantly trying to find who’s responsible, how he turned into Kabaneri, how he studied the Kabane, how he obtained followers, and how he has fallen from grace and believes in a twisted world view.
That’s more worthy of a story more than what I’ve experienced in 10 episodes of KnK.
POWUH: 500-599 with 540 comments
No, actually Both Biba and Ikoma could have been good protagonist’s and made good stories but the problem is they didn’t stay on track to tell Ikoma’s story about not being controlled by fear and about the meaning of humanity or Biba’s story of betrayal and vengeance. They did a bit of this and a bit of that and the end result was a confusing jumble of incoherency. If a story doesn’t stay on track, it can be derailed 😉 .
POWUH: and Athenaeum Châtelaine with 2212 comments
Well, first, get rid of the writer. He’s not good at this.
However, as for Biba, being the main character, hmm, it would be interesting, but I think he would have been fine where he is. I would have pushed him as more of an antihero, and have him and his hunters be pretty much what they are, but less into chaos and destruction. I would keep them as obsessed with vengeance, but also have some heroic redeeming qualities as well. Pretty much keep him at the level he was in episode 8.
Ikoma is a good template for a main character, if he was treated well. He’s kind of being wasted right now, but for him, have him think about straddling the line like Biba. Again, like in episode 8, have it so that Ikoma and Biba are pretty much on the same wavelength in terms of ideals, yet, Biba has crossed some lines and hardened his heart in a way that Ikoma is not sure he can do. It would create more of a grey area rather than just tossing Biba into the villain territory.
I would have the antagonists of the story be one part kabane horde, but the worse villain would actually be the shogunate as their politics and ideas in regards to protecting Japan, actually lead them to sacrificing the very things that make them humane.
POWUH: 500-599 with 540 comments
Irene, I think you’ve convinced me that if you were the script writer I may not have cringed as bad as I did through the developments mentioned like if Biba was more anti-hero instead of just “the BAD guy” and weaving in the shogunate’s policies with the theme of losing one’s humanity.
POWUH: 500-599 with 540 comments
Oh, hot danm I can’t wait for the ep 11 review to comeout. I’m sure everyone has plenty to say about it, at least I do though I might forget by the time it comes out 😛