Mayoiga – 07


Kill the ghost! Even though she’s already dead!

…This show just seems to get sillier every episode. Though at least this episode went into Mitsumune’s past so the whole episode wasn’t just the group trying to murder a ghost.



Mitsumune’s reaction to Masaki liking his name makes a lot more sense. His backstory is pretty tragic too, regarding his mother and his dead brother. Mitsumune probably should have spoken up about it or something considering how long it was going on and how much it seemed to bother him, but I suppose him overcoming it is something that he needs to do over the course of the anime. …Though that doesn’t really seem like a good reason to just run away and leave Masaki in the cave by herself. Sure, she didn’t really seem harmed by the monster Mitsumune was seeing, but he still ditched her without much thought.


Everyone got along better again though! …Until they started another witch hunt, blamed people based on vague evidence, and decided that violence was the best way to get answers when they hadn’t even asked nicely yet. But at least they were more self aware this time I guess, and labelled it as it was. Another thing that was really stupid was how while Mikage seemed nicer to Mitsumune this episode, that seems to have been merely for the sake of getting info about Masaki out of him. In fact, none of the people who kidnapped him seem to have reflected on their actions or sincerely apologized for not only kidnapping and threatening him, but also practically leaving him to die in a fire. …Though of course, if any of them had learned anything in that event, the current one with Masaki probably wouldn’t be happening.

It’s kind of amazing how stupid everyone is in this show. For a ghost with monsters following her (which they deciphered using a really vague and creepy folksong), it sure it amazing that Masaki is able to throw up, have her clothing ripped, be physically restrained, and bleed. Maybe she is a ghost (a rather corporal one that somehow fooled Lion), but it would be a lot easier to get that out there if everyone would have stopped yelling “shut up” at her whenever she tried to speak. She definitely knows something too and there’s no guarantee that getting rid of her gets rid of the monsters, so it would have been really stupid to let Hayato kill her. …Though it’s pretty silly how everyone minus Nanko seems to have forgotten all of Lion’s “I see dead people” thing and didn’t even bother to consult her about Masaki. Though I can see why she wouldn’t want to speak up, since everything and anything makes someone suspicious and if Lion said anything, she would probably be the next new target for everyone to gang up on.


Not to mention how hypocritical the characters are being right now. They locked up Jack for attacking another person, and he didn’t even make anyone bleed. Though of course, circumstances are different and watching someone attack another is totally okay as long as the majority of the group agrees with it and/or no one does anything. The ones in the back going “gosh, we should do something, but we don’t know what to do so we’ll just stand here and ask the rest to stop” aren’t really much better either. …Part of me thinks that the people behind this just wanted to see how pissed off they could make everyone who watched this. Luckily, there are a few characters that don’t seem totally stupid. At this point, I’m pretty sure the audience is supposed to like characters like Valkana, Nanko, and Mitsumune. …If only because they’re not totally part of the dumb mob mentality.

It’s interesting how everyone hates their lives so much that they still want to stay in Nanakimura. I suppose the monster is the only deterrent to living their lives there, but it’s kind of funny how none of them seem to have realized that they can barely agree regarding anything. Even before the monster showed up, they argued about everything. I guess it’s nice that they have a way out via the tunnel Masaki was ditched in, but none of them even want to use that. …Though of course, essentially what they’re doing is running away from their problems, so it’s kind of poetic that in a way to return to their old lives, they need to face those problems.


Though of course, if they run away after one hit like Mitsumune, no one is ever going to escape even if they want to.

This show probably would have gone a lot smoother if the characters had all died off one by one (or in groups) like everyone was predicting at the start of the anime. Instead, the majority of the characters are still around and they all grate against each other in the most painful way possible to draw out any kind of progression the show could have had. But at least there are kind of answers now. Hopefully the next episode actually gets to them without too many interruptions, but with this group that’s probably going to be very difficult.


University student and the one at Metanorn who's known for wearing glasses. Likes blood, insanity and plot twists, but also plays otome games and adores cute romance anime. It balances out... somehow.
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7 Responses to “Mayoiga – 07”

  1. Highway says:

    I’m actually liking the way they grate against each other, even if I wish Mikage had been silenced for being wrong (again and again).

    I actually think that quite a few of them are reasonable people. It’s just that they’re being drowned out by folks like Mikage, Lovepon, and Nyanta. And Hayato’s just mad at Masaki because she stole his boyfriend. But I would like to hear from those people, like the Yuukos (rather than them just being the greek chorus), Nanko (although I think there’s something that’s really hiding there with her), and even more from Koharu.

    The parallels to a witch hunt were interesting to note, too.

    • skylion says:

      It seems like most of them thought this would be a lark. They would get away for a bit, and come back to their lives with a fresh perspective, or something similar to that. I honestly don’t think that Nyanta is that bad, just really excited to be able to fully express her gun skils, and tht just gets away from her. But yeah, Mikage just wants to see the world burn…any world that gave birth to a loser like him doesn’t deserve to exist…is probably something he would say. But even that is interesting.

  2. IreneSharda says:

    Mitsumune’s story was quite tragic. They should have never enabled his mother like that. It just covers up the situation and makes everything worse for everyone in the long run.

    This episode once again changed my perspective on this series. I’m beginning to think that no one is going to die, at least not in the normal sense. I think that what it is, is that this village is a place to take people who are unable to face their problems and teaches them how to not only do so, but to live again. Basically it does grant them “new lives” by help them to overcome the trials of their old one.

    • BlackBriar says:

      They should have never enabled his mother like that. It just covers up the situation and makes everything worse for everyone in the long run.

      Most of the blame goes to the father who started the whole charade. He should have taken responsibility and straightened his wife out with the truth. I mean, it was his child, too. And lying to her like that for years counts as a betrayal, to her and mostly Mitsumune who is the one who gets short end of the stick.

  3. skylion says:

    I think a great degree of the horror or discomfort in Mitsumune’s story comes from a very Japanese point of view. The story is trading on obedience to parents above your own self; it’s really stretching that sense of identity out to a fine, harsh point. So hear they insert the sense that she is losing her own personal identity as well. It’s a bit of a double whammy, and a good set up for some disturbing horror storytelling…

  4. BlackBriar says:

    I don’t really care for Mitsumune because of his doormat personality but he does have quite a backstory. The death of his brother was indeed tragic but is no excuse to sacrifice the other child’s identity for the sake of the one who’s gone, no matter how much a traumatized parent refused to accept it. Forget Mitsumune needing to speak up about it. The father is the worst offender for proposing and encouraging the charade, letting it drag out so long. It’s just prolonging the damage of his wife’s mental break instead of helping her recover from it.

    It didn’t long for the group to develop a mob mentality. A few unproven speculations and everything goes straight to hell. It’s actually relieving a naïve mouse like Mitsumune isn’t swallowed by their atmosphere and is thinking for himself. Besides, maybe they haven’t heard: If a person bleeds, they’re not a ghost. Regardless, Masaki’s definitely hiding something. So right now, withholding information isn’t going to be conducive for her health.

    Obviously these characters are “special” but some get under the skin more than others. Mikage is one case by himself but Speedstar/Hayato is quickly showing him up in the asshole department with his wannabe god complex. The narcissist actually said Mitsumune doesn’t need to put any faith in himself as long as he does what he says. Really, what the hell?

    They should have never enabled his mother like that. It just covers up the situation and makes everything worse for everyone in the long run.

    Most of the blame goes to the father who started the whole charade. He should have taken responsibility and straightened his wife out with the truth. I mean, it was his child, too. And lying to her like that for years counts as a betrayal, to her and mostly Mitsumune who is the one who gets short end of the stick.

  5. SherrisLok says:

    I really appreciate everyone’s stupidity and lack of common sense.

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