First Impression – Sansha Sanyou

Looks Meets Deceiving 

Well they say that surprises come to those who wait. But in all honesty? I forgot this show was even coming out, and I think that’s part of what Doga Kobo was planning all along.

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Got to keep it mellow at first…

To say that it’s very risky to put a show near the bottom of the schedule, is to be putting it way to lightly. It’s gonna get forgotten once all the really cool programs air. But I think it pays off in spades. All that people are really going to remember is the Wow Factor, not the vagaries of the Japanese broadcasting systems. The recency effect is on their side. So with all that in mind, how did Doga Kobo do with a show of this caliber? Very well to be honest. I didn’t suspect a thing, I was disappointed (YMMV) at last season’s Luck & Logic, so I didn’t expect much from the studio anyway this soon, and since I had not even heard of the 4-koma it’s adapted from I was even less prepared.

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Everyone meets…

But, for all intents, I’ll make it short, as you can oversell these sorts of shows if you aren’t careful. We’ve had shows in the past that try to capitalize on turning the audiences head around very nearly 360-like. A good way to manipulate people is to put the compelling point in an innocuous package, and kawaii moe is a good way to do so. I don’t think most people have any other thoughts – other than their own preconceived notions – on what that style is despite it being a massive player in the industry. Good things come in unexpected packages, is what I’m trying to convey.

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A deep backstory…

So, I’ll try not to give anything away, to soon. This is character driven for the most part, and I’ll concentrate on that. We have our three majors, Youko Nishikawa, Teru Hayama, and Futaba Odagiri. All of them are, it seems, happy go lucky girls with distinct personality types. It doesn’t take long to figure out that they aren’t at all what most people would think. It’s testament to how well the creators have dived into their work to bring this sort of evocative creation into shape.

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This megane-chan is not at all the shrinking girl one would expect…

There’s something between Futaba and Hayama, and the bright cheerful disposition Nishikawas takes on a whole new light the closer we get to her story. Again I’m going to play it short, as I don’t want to give it away. Suffice it to say that the fun takes on a whole distinct layer when you look back on it, once the final scene of the show runs it’s course; the little bits and pieces snap into a sharp reliefe. You know why some of them act the way they do if you pay attention. I would like to say it changes everything abruptly, and I can’t rule that out for later. But the show is going for a slower pace than that. The effect to me is that, if I may demure my statement and speak in coded language, all three colors run together…. to put it very mildly.

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When all is said and done, they need to keep a better eye out….

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…even the service reveals layers…

I don’ think I’ll ever look at mille-feuille the same way again…she’s got some hidden depths

Phew! It’s hard not to spill the beans and say exactly what I really want to say about the show. Moe and kawaii are full of surprises, you just have to give it a chance. Again, kudos to Doga Kobo for such a great job. Koyasu Hideaki only has GJ-Bu as a full composition credit, and this is step in the right direction from there. But this is both Jun Yamazaki and Yasuhir Kimura’s first big credits for character design and animation and series direction respectively, but that hardly shows. The girls look great and it has some surprisingly wonderful full animation to go along with that. It’s a show worth watching, and sticking with to the very end. Again, I don’t know how they were able to pull it all off….

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I hope they can manage to follow up and keep the momentum moving….


All around nerd that enjoys just about any anime genre. I love history, politics, public policy, the sciences, literature, arts...pretty much anything can make me geeky...except sports. Follow me @theskylion
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13 Responses to “First Impression – Sansha Sanyou”

  1. HannoX says:

    Hayama proves you can’t judge a book by its cover. I hope sometime we get to see her verbally eviscerate someone. It’d be a shame for them to keep hinting at her having that type of personality without getting a payoff at some point. Of course, it needs to be someone who really deserves it.

    I think we’re going to see that all three girls don’t play to their perceived type if you judge them by their appearances.

  2. Namaewoinai says:

    Um…No Speculation at a moment so…uh
    Mille-Feuille huh…hmph…! Well, i just want some…

    and Expired Food Products…uh…OH OH!

    also that white cat vs this cat vs another cat!

  3. Highway says:

    It’s a 4-koma, so I’m not anticipating a ton of progress on the characters, but I do hope that Youko can relax a bit more. She just tries too hard at everything, which can be exhausting.

    Part of me hopes they show how withering Hayama can be, and the rest of me hopes that they don’t ever show it, just keep hinting at it. Just leave it in people’s imagination.

    • skylion says:

      They have to give a bit with the verbal evisceration, or else it will become empty.

      • Highway says:

        But the other problem applies too, the “Don’t show the scary monster” one. Maybe they can pull it off, but if they show it and it’s too much “the people she’s making cry are just being too sensitive” then Hayama’s character loses a little bit. It’s a fine line to ride, and I think they’d be better off just not going to that well too often.

        • skylion says:

          So let’s hope they can keep this sort of tension without snapping, right? It is a fine line, but there’s plenty of tension this show has built already…

        • HannoX says:

          I would say, “Don’t show the scary monster too soon. Wait until there’s been plenty of build-up, then spring it on the audience.” I know when I’m watching a monster movie I want to get a good look at the monster. However, revealing it too soon does break the build-up of tension. Like Skylion says it’s a fine line. But I think they have to show Hayama tearing someone apart at some point otherwise talking about how scary she is is just talk.

          • Highway says:

            There’s another component of the reveal that you discount, tho. The scary monster has to actually *be* scary, and that’s what I’m talking about. I think the show could get away with just continued hinting at it, because “Hayama is a monster!” is more of a side characteristic.

            • skylion says:

              Well, let’s not give to much away to the unwary shall we? Hayama is going to be a “threat” no matter what….

          • Foshizzel says:

            they have to show Hayama tearing someone apart at some point otherwise talking about how scary she is is just talk.

            agreed! We need proof hahah

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