Hibike! Euphonium – 05
Hard work pays off…
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…and that is the surprise twist of the episode! I have to salute the writing here. It would have been predictable, jarring, and overly-dramatic to have the Kitauji band fail. It would have been about the same had they blown everyone away with awesome… |
…so instead, we got not mediocre. Which, given the point they started at, is saying quite a lot. A great deal of the narrative thrust of this show has been delivered with a back to the basics approach. For music that is a complex, but, very straightforward direction. For some of our characters, they struggle to find out the exact “steps” they have to take to stay abreast of their peers.
The Basic Steps
You want the first one, not the second one
As far as the personal relationships are going, Aoi is still trying to get used to her “sempai” status. Which is still speaking quite a bit about her hesitancy, and her past history with this very band. Is she still in the “don’t go to Nationals” minority? We also learn quite a bit about the leadership “dynamic duo” in that they weren’t so hot at those roles in just the recent past. If feels like neither one wanted to put much effort into previous years.
We also get a chance to revisit the not-quite-on, not-quite-off position that Kumiko finds herself in with Reina. The trumpeter has some hidden depths that is for sure, and Kumiko is just now reaching out, with a bit of the past to inform her. And speaking of Reina we get a tiny clue about why she choose Kitauji. But it only begs more questions.
Getting into the Swing
When you get right down to it, the rest of the episode is very much as you see it. The preparations for the day of the Sunshine Festival are pretty much by the book. It’s all down to the administration tasks at hand. I can imagine that moving sixty plus bodies and equipment from the school to the festival site it quite the shore, but it’s neat to see how it breaks down piece by piece in a “backstage” sort of manner. It’s a regimented affair, which is exactly what they need on the day. Remember every step, relying on practice after practice to move them when the time comes.
Time for the show!
I love how the music selection very nearly perfectly underscores the nature of the individual bands. I don’t know if the name and circumstances are original to the novel, or if it’s a case of KyoAni taking a light hearted jab at it’s past catalog, but the Rikka Light Blue Demons just screams chuunibyou, as does their piece, Funiculi Funicula! As Taki-sensei would say in his pep talk, they do seem to be keen on showing off. But then, his selection of what has to be a pop-standard isn’t very far off. I was unaware of Rydeen before this episode, but I am now very much aware of this jaunty, catchy little tune, and it’s concert band version. It’s a good piece, and it did get the attention the band deserves.
additional steps, some a mystery, some not
A saxy little group…
Well even with a good showing like this there is still room to grow. I would be a pessimist if I were to think that they need to be taken back by a few knocks, but I would like to see a few more steps backward before moving forward. A steady progression is nice, but some of the drama needs a bit more of a meaty hook for it to be savored. Which is not to say that it needs to sink into cheap melodrama, far from that. The writing has succeeded with flying colors just based on this mature style alone. Sometimes character revelations don’t need to be big, loud, or brassy to shine. They simply need to be stated and understood.
With that in mind, I think the gap between both Reina and Kumiko is very much based on coming to the same place from different directions. Yeah, some of the past strain figures into it, but the scenes between them have relaxed that. Reina is a complex character in that she is silent, but that can means she can possibly observe more. Well, the question of her feelings towards Taki-sensei may take her in the blindside, but I don’t think we can call that a crush. I don’t think he is the reason she chose this school. For me, I think she did her homework, and wanted to make a splash; despite her stoical appearance. And finally with Kumiko we get one very simple observation, thanks to her old friend. She has that fresh start.
On some technical notes, this was perhaps the most lush and high polished episodes they’ve worked on so far. All the backgrounds were just gorgeous, and the character animation, especially for the marching and band work popped. They were able to tell quite a bit of story with just a few tricks in pacing. Of course my favorite moment was Reina’s smile….that was just to awesome for mere words.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
The dynamic between Haruka and Asuka is one I like seeing. And there is a lot of smart thinking in their relative positions. I’ve said that this show reminds me a lot of WoW guilds, and something I have been very interested in in the past is the administration of social groups like this (even being part of a non-official group of advice givers on the subject of WoW guild ‘relations’). And what we have with Haruka and Asuka are people who understand how to lead a group, but do it in their way. It’s certain that if Asuka was the club president, she would not have the freedom to act the way she does. But it’s great when people realize that they don’t need to be the president to be the face of the organization, or the mood-maker, or the spiritual leader. And sometimes that can allow a very capable person who wouldn’t have the qualities that allow them to be that out in front person to take up the reins and do a lot of the important leadership work. Both Asuka and Haruka are freed by their dodging of roles they don’t want, and are able to take on the mantle of roles they are more capable in without the hassles of having to do things they’re not that comfortable with.
Another thing I thought was very significant this episode was Natsuki, the second-year on the bass section, coming over to talk to Hazuki and Kumiko. Some of it was definitely for exposition purposes, but it’s a good demonstration of the attitude change that Kumiko talks about in her thoughts. Before, Natsuki was just not interested in the others, staring out the window with her earbuds in, shutting out the band as much as possible. In the act of seeking out Hazuki and Kumiko, I think she’s showing a willingness to be included that she didn’t have before, and a couple of people that she’s more comfortable with, rather than the older members. I really liked that.
I also like the multiple sides of Kumiko that are brought out by other characters. It’s like she takes on the opposite role of the person she’s with. With the bubbly Hazuki, Kumiko is the quieter, thoughtful, maybe even a bit dour person. But when she is with Reina, who out-quiets and out-dours her 6 days a week and twice on sunday, Kumiko gets a bit flustered, and becomes a lot more chatty, a lot more smiley, a lot more outwardly friendly. I think she’s finally getting a handle on Reina, even if she’s still not sure about what her deal is.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
It’s like Joe Biden became vice-president for Jimmy Carter.I’ve wanted to know more about Natsuki for quite some time, so this was a welcome bit of fresh air.
…so, what is Kumiko like with Midori?
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
We don’t really know, because Midori’s not the person that the show sets up to show the different sides of Kumiko. That’s partly because Midori isn’t someone who brings out something different with Kumiko. She’s somewhere in the middle, not out on an extreme like Reina or Hazuki.
One thing that’s interesting is that Kumiko is able to balance out her classmates, but gets very reticent around her sister. There’s certainly a different dynamic there.
I wonder if Reina is starting to understand that Kumiko has a little bit of the same thing that Aoi-ch…sempai had during the initial vote. While Reina is striving for the most they can get, Kumiko is always holding down her opinion of the group. Maybe she wants an alibi also.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
I wonder how much she has inherited from her sister? Did her sister have an attitude that Kumiko came under, and now the sister has changed face…
You’re making me wonder a key thing. Does Kumiko feel worthy of any group?
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Do any teens? It would be more unusual if any of them felt worthy of a group.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
…Little Miss Complainer probably does…
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1692 comments
I think Asuka and Haruka have the perfect roles for them as the band’s leadership team. Asuka’s personality might be too dynamic and demanding for many band members if she were president. But now she’s free to be forceful when needed while Haruka is the gentle side and just by being the president she soothes any feathers Asuka may ruffle.
But when it comes to marching, Asuka is the right choice for drum major. Her height, good looks and dynamic personality will naturally make a great impression on the audience and she will use the baton in an energetic, eye-catching manner that Haruka would be unable to do.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
The model I keep coming back to in my mind is that of a Captain and Executive Officer of a ship. The XO gets things done that the Captain needs done, and has a lot of authority on their own. And as the person who faces most of the other crew, they can be much more gregarious than the Captain.
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1692 comments
Yes. I’ve also thought of them as the CO and XO of a ship or other military unit. The CO sets the tone and strategy while the XO makes sure the CO’s vision is carried out and is in charge of personnel matters. The XO is also the one who cracks the whip when necessary until things really start to get out of hand, then the CO steps in. In the case of the band, it’s Asuka as the XO who provides the energy to motivate the other members.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
They are both very nice girls. But you guys might be giving them too much credit. At the very least you guys are making me thing of Riker from TNG. Now I got images of him in a drum majorette uniform, and I’m blaming you both….especially since it’s a big derail from his playing the trombone.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Here you go, imagine this in a miniskirt majorette uniform.
POWUH: Meta Team and Meta-Analyst with 3844 comments
Commander Riker, I want you to crossplay. Make it so! Engage!
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1692 comments
Is that Riker with or without the beard in a drum majorette uniform?
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
…oh dear, do you even have to ask?
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Anime news: Rage of Bahamut: Genesis Anime Gets 2nd Season
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
I’ll also point out that bassoons don’t march. I don’t know if they were shown in the performance, but there was definitely a scene where someone was on the practice field with a bassoon.
Edit: Actually, let’s say that bassoons don’t *usually* march. There are some nitwits that do it. It won’t kill you or anything, but it’s usually considered too fragile an instrument (particularly the double reed) to march with.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
So is it the length of the instrument, the double reed, or a combination of both? Tenor sax is big, but with just the one reed.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
It’s mostly the double reed. Oboes are rarer than bassoons in marching bands. I could see some issues with the length and ergonomics as well: most bassoons that I’ve seen are supported by a strap that the player sits on, and attaches to the bottom of the instrument. Compare that to saxophones and Bass Clarinets, which have a neck strap that connects to the middle of the instrument.
(The Contra-alto clarinet I played is one of the few wind instruments that actually sits on the floor, with an adjustable peg)
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Ah, an instrument that you and John Linnell of They Might be Giants share. And they just had a new album come out…
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Well, bass clarinet…close enough?
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
I played Bass Clarinet for two years also. Muse has also used it for a solo in a song.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
And as far as big, euphonium might be one of the most difficult things to march with, as it’s a large heavy brass instrument but doesn’t usually have a strap or other support. Go bigger, and a lot of people swap out their tuba for a sousaphone, which is supported on the shoulder of the player.
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 261 comments
I’am Kinda bit pity to Ms.Euphonium (Kumiko Oumae). Well her bust size never grow up even a bit…how unlucky!
and Ms.Tuba (Hazuki Katou), Her Lungs get Tortured so much…Thanks to Taki The “Lung Torturer” LOL!
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
One thing that some folks in our band investigated (for their required research project) was that you could increase lung capacity and force by practicing breathing through a straw while lying down with books on your stomach. Basically a weight-training workout for your diaphragm.