MetaVerse – Spring ’15 – 04

mv spring 15 04

Water, CG fighting, (B)romance, pantsu and shonen talk on this weeks MV!


winter15-jrowYo all, my regular podcasting partner Fosh joins me as we discuss one of Koro-sensei’s bigger weaknesses, Etotama’s CG fighting quality, Takeo’s moments of joy and the strangeness that is Punchline. We also delve into shonen by talking about how we view powerups in the many series and our thoughts on the usage of timeskipping.


Intro (“PUNCH LINE!” by Shokotan ♥ Denpa Gumi)

01:27 – News

Anime Episode Discussions

  • 09:47 – Assassination Classroom 14
  • 14:35 – Etotama 03
  • 21:26 – My Love Story 03
  • 27:00 – Punchline 03

34:42 – Topic: Shonen Powerups & Timeskips

Outro (“Hello, shooting-star” by moumoon from Assassination Classroom)


For a guy that uses Luffy as his identifier around Metanorn, I don’t have many opportunities to talk in detail about it, so when Fosh came on and suggested the topic, of course I was on board. Hope you enjoyed the show, and I’ll be doing double the work next week with this show and the New Blood special. Cya!


The team behind Metanorn's Podcast, MetaVerse. Our aniblogging experience gives us the expertise to dish out detailed opinions on which series to watch and ones to drop. And remember, we take fangirling seriously!
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43 Responses to “MetaVerse – Spring ’15 – 04”

  1. skylion says:

    I’m really happy to see Assassination Classroom get more shows. Just like Fosh says, it took a while for me to get into it, but once there, I’ve come to enjoy the company. I do hope they change things up a bit more.

    I’m guarded against most cross-medium adaptations. I work with the theory that a story, characters, and setting are built for a specific medium, and that medium is the raison d’etre for those facets. But the MCU has emboldened the copy-cats. For the record, I think Jared Leto’s Joker looks like a meth’d out Hot Topic cashier. It gives me the impression that they don’t know, or don’t want to know the character. Jim Carrey’s Grinch…was made into a manic caricature, not the mean one a short cartoon is capable of making work.

    Yeah, we got Fresh Meat! Pfffft. Whatever. Get to work!
    Oh, I kid. As Fosh says, they’ve got some challenging shows to write for. Sidonia, Kekkai, and Ore all have that look, don’t they? I remember that I was still looking for my feet four weeks in covering WIXOSS;with characters, setting, and my own sense of style in writing and post set-up.

    • skylion says:

      Etotama is such a strange egg. But the CGI really does blend into the rest of the show; a conceit of their playing in an alternate world, something they do a touch better here than in SbR! But man, that ending for the third episode was nuts!

      Ore Monogatari is a show that I won’t second guess or speculate on too much. It’s not because the storyline is simple enough to not have that sort of discussion, far from it. It’s just that it would feel like idle gossip. They done a great job of fulfilling the time and space quotient for the show. We are lucky to be peering in on their lives.

      Punch Line is a show that I’m willing to let tell it’s own story at it’s own pace. It has some happy little reveals, and some incredibly odd nonsense that is good harmless fun. But, hey, you can just listen to me go on about it during the Mini-Talks.

    • Foshizzel says:

      I’m guarded against most cross-medium adaptations. I work with the theory that a story, characters, and setting are built for a specific medium, and that medium is the raison d’etre for those facets. But the MCU has emboldened the copy-cats. For the record, I think Jared Leto’s Joker looks like a meth’d out Hot Topic cashier. It gives me the impression that they don’t know, or don’t want to know the character. Jim Carrey’s Grinch…was made into a manic caricature, not the mean one a short cartoon is capable of making work.


  2. Di Gi Kazune says:

    From now on, Punchline will be known as Pantyline(r). Just browsing sankaku is already enough instead of watching.

    Etotama is cute but doesn’t really arouse my interest. Also, Miko-Horse is THE Best. Although Irisviel Squeaky Chu-tan comes next at the moment despite her oppaium.

    Seriously, I have got to start getting into the interesting shows that normally I would watch (Apart from UBW), ie. Aslan and Seraph.

    • skylion says:

      …Punch Line does have a bit more depth to it than it immediately lets on. It’s literally mixed in with the time travel, so if that is a thing for you…

      Just based on a surface impression (which may miss your fandom levels) I think Serpah would be more to your liking than Arlsan. But give em both a shot.

    • BlackBriar says:

      Seriously, I have got to start getting into the interesting shows that normally I would watch (Apart from UBW), ie. Aslan and Seraph.

      *puts target on Di Gi Kazune’s back for not following both mentioned series* It’s open season, fellas!!!

    • IreneSharda says:

      I would suggest both series. As of right now, I’m liking Arslan a little more than Seraph. But both are interesting.

      Also, if you haven’t gotten into Kekkai Sensen, it’s really cool as well.

      • BlackBriar says:

        Arslan looks promising though it’s easy to see it’ll be far bloodier than Akatsuki no Yona. I still have trouble containing my laughter knowing Arslan’s voice actor played Yona’s Su-won.

        I take it you saw Seraph’s recent episode and are pondering on what was said at the vampire conference toward the end concerning the humans.

        • IreneSharda says:

          Actually, I’m kind of waiting until they finally get out of the training/school stage of the plot. If there is anything that’s kind of bringing it down for me it’s that. I like the new redhead guy and I like Mikaela a lot more than Yu right now. He just pulls on the heart strings. 🙂

          Krul is okay, though I’ve never really liked the whole Loli vampire queen thing. And to be honest, the Blood Breed in Kekkai Sensen could kick these vampires butts. And I’d take that creepy King of Despair over Ms. Gothic Lolita. However, I am interested in the what this Seraph prophecy/curse is, though I’m almost sure that it has something to do with our two main leads.

          • BlackBriar says:

            And to be honest, the Blood Breed in Kekkai Sensen could kick these vampires butts.

            *laughs* Tsk, tsk, tsk. Shame on you, making such premature judgments before even seeing what’s there to be presented. You’re going to eat those words.

            • IreneSharda says:

              Well, technically we’ve seen them both fight, and come on, Blood Breeds are more powerful, especially since they can’t be seen at all if they don’t want to be. Also, the red wing glow is cool.

              Now, if and when the vampires of Seraph do something awesome other than dress gaudy and talk arrogantly, then we’ll have to see. 😉

            • BlackBriar says:

              You’ll see when bodies start dropping. I’ve recently been up to speed on the manga. Now if only there were more chapters available!

            • Irenesharda says:

              Any vampire can kill, it’s all about the how. It’s the vampire culture that’s important as well.

            • Foshizzel says:

              Valvrave vampires > ALL

            • Di Gi Kazune says:

              Dead Apostle > Valvrave vampires.

            • BlackBriar says:

              You could tell Fosh is no true fan of vampires.

            • Di Gi Kazune says:

              Next in the Precure series: Precure Vampire.

  3. Di Gi Kazune says:


  4. zztop says:

    Assassination Classroom: Did they say when Season 2 is coming? All I know is that the live action movie version is getting a sequel next year.

    Dungeon: What happened to Dungeon’s weekly coverage?

    Seraph: Readers of Kagami Takaya’s works say we can expect a lot of crazy plot developments and crazy backstories for Seraph; it’s literally Kagami’s forte in writing.
    I’m guessing the latest revelation on humans possibly creating the plague is one indication.

    • BlackBriar says:

      Assassination Classroom: Did they say when Season 2 is coming?

      No word on that. If I had to guess, the release would likely be for Winter 2016, exactly a year after the current season began airing. The first season will end right before this Summer so the studio would need time time to prepare. The same procedure was done with both seasons of Magi and Log Horizon.

    • Foshizzel says:

      Yep probably what BB says! If anything I am thinking it will feel like a normal split cour so 24 episodes now, skip a season and then 24 more episodes later or something like that…

    • Di Gi Kazune says:

      Danmachi has been held up as the number of Bell x Hestia doujins proliferate across the Internets. The 34 uses of Hestia’s ribbon.

  5. Highway says:

    I’ve found that I’ve lost all interest in Assassination Classroom since the Spring season started. Don’t know exactly why, but I just don’t find myself wanting to watch it. And I’ll be honest that hearing that it’s supposed to get even more episodes to me means they’re going to jam more time in between the current show and “the end of the year” or they are going to go past that year (which I just don’t see happening). So that means that it’ll just be more of the same, which I’ve been getting kind of tired of. Sometimes I can put that aside (like with Nisekoi) and enjoy it for what it is, but this show doesn’t really seem like it.

    • Foshizzel says:

      I will say the whole gotta kill Koro-sensei does get really repetitive fast, but after a while it becomes less about that and more about the students becoming closer to Koro-sensei even though the assassination stuff still comes up of course.

      As for more episodes in the future I guess if you are a fan this is great news and for the not so fans it’s lame! I guess it’s like me with SAO? I don’t really care much for it but everyone else loves it.

      • Highway says:

        I liked that the show was about the students growing, but even that starts to get old because it’s pretty formulaic, and there never seems to be more than just the most superficial growth for any one student. And the show is relentless with introducing new characters, each with their own gimmick, teaching them a lesson for an episode and then shoving them into the company with everyone else to smile and nod when the next person comes along and fails at killing Koro-sensei.

  6. BlackBriar says:

    More Koro-sensei is on the way! The news of a second season of Assassination Classroom leaves me somewhat conflicted. While I welcome more oddball hijinks from our neglected misfit characters, to announce it so early that not even a full month of the following season has passed feels like a spoiler, basically telling you the students aren’t going to get the job of assassinating their target done at the end of the run which is the show’s biggest plot point and therefore, focus. Removing the sense of anticipation. So it’s hard to express how this feels without being all 50/50 on the subject.

    New writers take the stage next week! Who will be the Fresh Meat that gets grilled first?

    • IreneSharda says:

      New writers take the stage next week! Who will be the Fresh Meat that gets grilled first?

      Ya know, we could always stay raw? Like sushi. 😛

      • BlackBriar says:

        Never had sushi but I like my steak well done. 😀

        • skylion says:

          …that really makes me want sushi now. Perhaps some with grilled eel? Oh, and a good medium rare steak, nearly mooing and just dripping in juice. I guess I could have some natto with that?

        • IreneSharda says:

          Sushi’s pretty good, but it’s not for everyone. It’s not something I would eat all the time, but I like it a lot.

  7. skylion says:

    Just for the purpose of general interest…

    Attack on Thrones!

  8. BlackBriar says:

    Hey guys! Since this MetaVerse podcast is on the topic of shounen series, here’s a big heads up: Dragon Ball Gets 1st New TV Anime in 18 Years in July

    • Foshizzel says:

      Yep I just heard the news and was like OH MY GOD AMAZING!!! I am glad they are doing more because wow GT was trash and of course the creator said that is non-canon xD

      • Di Gi Kazune says:

        It’s over 9000!!

      • BlackBriar says:

        For a non-canon, I wouldn’t say GT was a complete mess. No denying the first handful of episodes were laborious and dreadful but it honestly started getting good with the Baby saga followed by Super Android 17 then the Black Dragon saga.

        • Foshizzel says:

          SSJ5 enough said that is one of the worst transformations in DB history! I don’t think anyone liked it or the fact that Goku HAD to be a child again was dumb, but I get why it was made because the editors wanted more…

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