Log Horizon 2 – 14

Log Horizon (2)

MC-kun finally appears!

Hard Mode of Crota’s End is coming, and there’s a void handcannon with the same White Nail perk that makes Black Hammer such an awesome sniper rifle. DO WANT!


Today’s episode follows a new team of fighters stuck in the world of elder tale and with some surprise twists thrown in, but it seems we are headed straight into war with the china sever versus the Japan server!? Hell ya! That means action is just around the corner.



Log Horizon (1)

Kanami is a lot of fun!

Log Horizon (3)

Yes Leonardo is a huge ninja turtle fan!

Log Horizon (4)

Kanami-“Whatever it is I must smash it!”

Log Horizon (5)

I totally forgot Marina Inoue voices Kanami


Log Horizon (6)

Time for a road trip?


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10 Responses to “Log Horizon 2 – 14”

  1. BlackBriar says:

    Impressive on how the episode managed to create a balance between backstory and current development without either overpowering the other. Kanami may act like an airhead but proves she isn’t one and shows she’s good at motivating others. Like a more physical Hajime Ichinose from Gatchaman Crowds.

    • AllenAndArth says:

      that’s a great comparison… kanami and hajime have the same strange and endearing way of making things right and motivating people

      • BlackBriar says:

        Yeah, I find they’re a lot alike though the difference is Kanami is thoroughly capable of kicking ass.

        By the way, welcome back, AllenAndArth!!

  2. HannoX says:

    So now we know why the Debauchery Tea Party broke up. Once its charismatic leader Kanami left it’s easy to see how the others would drift away. I can’t wait to see her and Shiroe team up again. Look out world!

    • BlackBriar says:

      True. It’s easy to see Kanami was more the glue that held the guild together than Shiroe was. Where he was anti-social, she was more outspoken and outgoing. Only recently did Shiroe started going out of his shell.

  3. skylion says:

    I really like this new group. But the Leonardo thing was just a touch overplayed. Three cheers for the ‘bot. I kinda like her.

  4. AllenAndArth says:

    i think i enjoyed this episode more than the other 13 episodes of the second season, Kanami is the best character ever, together with Shiroe i ship them by the way, they would be a funny couple, and in third place…the unicorn(can’t stop laughing a the unicorn guy) pretty convenient the emergency warping ability though

    • BlackBriar says:

      As a tactical team, yeah, they’d make a good pair. With everything else, I’m not so sure.

      • AllenAndArth says:

        C’mon they sound like a riot together, better than Akatsuki… I just CAN’T like her!

        • BlackBriar says:

          I have no problem with Akatsuki. A lot of admiration towards her is from her unwavering loyalty to Shiroe and she’s a badass fighter.

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