Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru – 09
Let the tears flow.
I will agree with Skylion all the way! This is indeed an episode to break out the tissues for thanks to some really heavy emotion and personally this episode alone might push Yuuki Yuuna into my top five of the current season, but yeah let’s all share a group hug and discuss this episode because boy are we going to need some hugs.
OMG. Okay. So. In order, I need, someone to pick my jaw off the floor, a box of tissues, and some pancakes. Fosh, gimme some nice pancakes this time, not the evil one’s….
Heavy Emotion
Fuu needs a group hug right about now.
Fosh// Oh my god! Before I dive right into the topic I have to hand it to Yumi Uchiyama for doing such a good job as Fuu! Especially during the really heavy emotional parts with her character finally realizing that Itsuki will probably will never regain the ability to speak ever again or sing her song that she wrote. So was that scene tough for you to watch? Personally I feel that scene was great and also very tough to watch because Fuu for the most part has been a really upbeat girl who rarely let’s things affect her emotionally, but from my experience with those types of characters they tend to have a break down moment much like Hatoko from Inu Battle who we saw explode in an instant like a ticking time bomb and boy was Fuu on the edge! I think hearing Itsuki’s voice one last time on her laptop and learning that her true dream was to become a singer really tugged at her heart and who wouldn’t find that upsetting? Imagine hearing one final recording of a loved one who passed away? I think anyone would be moved to tears.
I was fine until I saw these scenes at the end of the episode and then the tears…
Was anyone else on the edge of their seats when Fuu transformed in the real world and took off seeking revenge? I’ll admit watching her turn the pain and sadness into pure anger and hate got me going and I do side with Fuu on deciding to go straight to Shinju-sama who she feels is the root of the problem and for the most part she is right, but surely there has to be some reason that it was being kept hidden from the girls for so long right? Just kidding! Honestly I fail to see any reasoning behind it or will Shinju-sama twist his words and say something like sacrificing one life to save millions of lives is worth it in the end? For some reason I could see that playing out if the girls ever question it and of course I think we all can see Fuu giving up her whole body as one final sacrifice to save the world and who knows maybe it will end the hero system forever or do you see it going down another way? Again like I said last week I don’t really want some kind of get out of jail free card being played at the last moment to create a loophole that saves everyone or resets time! Then again when I think about that statement in my head it almost makes it sound like I want Yuuki Yuuna to end in some super tragic way which I don’t because I really do want all the girls to be happy in the end, I guess just want it to be a reasonable ending without us going wait what happened? Anyway I know that it’s still quite early to say things like that because we are not even at the end yet.
More than just feels.
Itsuki is a great little sister~
Sky// This is one of those uncommon episodes of a show that comes along and surprise you on so many levels. Yeah, we can chart the WHAM moments if we so desire, the episode has quite a few of them to choose from. We can also talk about the feels. Again, so much to choose from. But for me, it all comes down to pacing. This show has done a superlative job of building from moment to moment, and from episode to episode; incorporating the tropes of both Slice of Life and Magical Girl, putting a fine polish on them, and making them shine. This is probably one of the best original stories I’ve watched in quite some time. I will give credit to writer Uezu Makoto, who has written most of the scripts and has served in series composition for the show. Your opinion of him may change, given the fact that those two jobs are the ones he performs for Akame ga KIll, as well.
The short fight with Fuu and Karin gave me goosebumps!
But the pacing behind Fuu’s eventual meltdown was so well done. Tiny little pings just start to build from one end to the other, until she feels nothing but one hammer blow after the other. I’m beginning to understand her so much more. Itsuki is more than a little sister to her. Ituski has been Fuu’s reason for being. She allows big sister to pour so much love into the world where she probably has had a great deal of bitterness. Fuu is a pretty awesome character in that regard. To turn it all around and to find value in her sister and their friends. So with that much riding, it isn’t hard to understand how she could lose it. It was a release of tension to see Ituski turnaround support her sister. That was one hell of a sweet hug and then we have both Karin and Yuuki themselves taking the fight. In terms of raw power, Karin was just outclassed, and so we have to have the titular Hero herself step in and take the biggest knocks that Yuu can deliver and both of them pay a bit of Mankai cost for this fight. So no matter what they may believe, they aren’t in the clear just yet because, Mimori has been a shrewd one all along. Can you believe how many ways she tried to kill herself? That was just a bit to creative, but got to give her credit for trying. It puts a piece of the puzzle into place. The Taisha aren’t interested in being either good or bad, but necessary. And they will protect their assets. Which probably swings them into pure evil territory for most. What you do you think? You cannot look at the Faery’s the same way again, that is for sure.
I could use some too…
Tougou shows off her unique way to cut cake!
I would pay for this to happen.
Yeah you have no idea what I am talking about right? I wish there was a real one for Yuuki Yuuna
End thoughts
Wow I don’t know what to say other than just wow! Fuu is in desperate need of a giant hug which I am glad her friends are there to comfort her and I was happy that Ituski was fine with the whole ordeal, but how are they even going to restore their bodies? I can’t help but picture Fuu giving up her life as a final payment to save the world and her all of friends! Also before I forget to mention! I totally forgot that Tougou said she tried to kill herself a few times, but the fairies prevent you from doing it? That is so screwed up and yeah it also destroys my theory behind the origins of the Vertex last week! So yeah this was a great episode and I think from this point on in the series will get even better! I have high hopes for the last few episodes to be awesome. So what was your favorite moment this week? I think Fuu’s breakdown was quite powerful and personally felt real and not super forced or do you feel differently on that whole part of the episode?
This record is broken. But I will call this the best if not one of the best shows this season. Not one episode has failed to deliver something awesome or fun or both. Can’t wait to see how it all turns out!
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
This was certainly an emotionally draining episode, and I actually liked that there were no WHAM moments, but that it was a slow march toward the conclusion we all knew already. And that the person who was ‘most’ affected was Itsuki was really the thing that broke Fuu. Watching her turn down invitations that everyone knew she’d love to accept out of deference to the wishes of her friends, learning that she had found a passion for singing that she hadn’t had, only to have that taken away immediately.
I wonder how much Tougou is actually interested in taking her life. Is it something she really wants? Or is it just an extreme test, where she may not have minded, or maybe would have hated, the consequences if her hypothesis was wrong?
I do think that the girls need to go meet with the Taisha and learn the truth. It seems so craven that the texts were still saying “We still think you will get better.” Do they really believe that? Are they praying for that against all evidence? Or are they just still leading the girls on, not knowing or acknowledging that the jig is up?
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1692 comments
The Taisha have to know the truth. But maybe they think they’re being kind to the girls by holding false hope out to them as long as possible. That’s not going to work any longer, so it’ll be interesting to see what the Taisha come up with next, if anything.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
But there were WHAM moments. Fuu going full Magical Girl outside the Forestize…and Both Karin and Yuuki getting petals in the Mankai gauge (yeah, I said there were plenty, but just two really…I was on a roll when I wrote my bit….)
Tougou strikes me as a serious study. But this doesn’t really jive right. I do feel she has a bit of fatalism to her characters.
Vis a vis the Taisha, I think the girls will be part of subverting the paradigm with Nogi being a major player in that…
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
I didn’t think they were particularly jarring, either of the ones you mention. I thought it was the natural extension of her feelings, finding the ability to try to do something about what she was feeling.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Jarring, no. Tremendous and unexpected. Yes. Candidate for WHAM….
POWUH: 600-699 with 691 comments
This episode…OH. MY. GOD! THE FEELS…i cried, that pretty rare for me…i don’t really change in drama’s and the likes, but this Episode…the feels
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Yeah, I think we all got pretty damn emotional.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Same! This got me more teary eyed than SAO2 episode 22 because I generally feel for these girls! Damn this hero system…
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Wow character dying of real disease vs. characters getting screwed over by plot device. Only in anime folks…
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
I’m not saying irl diseases aren’t something to cry over cause its real I know that I just think SAO did it for the sake of creating a sad moment cause “anime”
POWUH: Meta Team and Meta-Analyst with 3844 comments
Because in SAO, Jesus-Kirito can raise them from the dead! 😛
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
This is kinda interesting. Fosh and I just recorded our Mini-talks for Spread WIXOSS a few hours ago, and we did talk about what we wrote here, and how I wrote for SAO 2-22. Kirito may be able to do something close to raising the dead.
So you aren’t wrong, but you aren’t exactly right….
POWUH: Meta Team and Meta-Analyst with 3844 comments
And he said to Lazarus: Rise up and Walk!
And then Jesus-Kirito got crucified; but on the third day he arose from the Dead!
Blame fosh for the terminology. 😛
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Yeah, I do. Fosh…you got some fansplaing…
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Lol yeah Yuuki’s story ties into Yui’s story of bringing her into the real world via tech because the ED shows Asuna with a camera thingy on her shoulder which id guess is Yuuki? I really should put this comment on SAO2 – 22 post LOL
POWUH: 600-699 with 691 comments
I didn’t really care much about SAO2 because…SAO characters can turn into Sephiroth and comeback to life, but here, they can’t die or…have their body’s complete, they have to fight and lose body parts…it’s too sad
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 261 comments
Boy, Those people seems to had facing some “emotional aftermath” alright, what will be next for them…i mean really?
Well…Keep our Fingers Cross People, We may never know what will gonna happened!
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Magical Girls kick Taisha ass…that is what I want…
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 261 comments
Maybe…But be Warned, If they betray them well…hmmm…a lot of things will happened, i mean a lot, i tell ya! but it’s up to them now!
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1692 comments
I wouldn’t be surprised if the girls took the self-sacrificing route. The Taisha tell them, “If you aren’t the heroes we’ll find other girls and they’ll pay the price.” So then the Hero Club continues on thinking something like, “At least we’ll be together forever, even if we’re confined to beds next to each other.”
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Well, I might temper some earlier remarks from last week, in that the Taisha were lying about the number of vertexes. Sonoko talked about how she was impressed that Yuuna and Tougou had defeated the vertexes, and that they had only been able to beat them back before. So maybe there is just a limit to the amount of times that the girls will be called on to fight.
That still doesn’t help in the ‘you now have to live forever’ problem.
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1692 comments
Living forever might not be so bad if they can beat the Vertexes before they loose too much and end up helpless in a bed. Yes, they’ll watch family and other friends die and new friends they make over the millennium also die, but they’ll still have each other. What makes Sonoko particularly tragic isn’t just that she’s confined to a bed. She’s also lost everyone who had been important to her. Living forever will still become a drag after a while, but it’ll be eased by having friends sharing it.
POWUH: Novice (36-50) with 43 comments
I don’t think the number of Vertexes is really limited. From the scenes for next episode it seems more of them come up and Fuu will go Mankai alone (as she would have from the first if the Taisha had been honest with her) to fight them.
Well, this has been an emotional episode, but not the least bit of a surprise, of course. I was expecting this turn to horrible fate for the girls since the first episode (it’s one of the current trends since Madoka, after all). What annoys me is why does Karin attack Fuu out of nowhere without even asking her what’s going on, just so we could have a fight between them. That doesn’t make the least bit of sense to me. Yuuki trying to stop Fuu makes more sense, even though her instant forgiveness of the Taisha is also very annoying and unrealistic.
In the whole, however, a very interesting episode of what is, so far, an excellent series for me.
POWUH: Novice (36-50) with 43 comments
I don’t think the number of Vertexes is really limited. From the scenes for next episode it seems more of them come up and Fuu will go Mankai alone (as she would have from the first if the Taisha had been honest with her) to fight them.
Well, this has been an emotional episode, but not the least bit of a surprise, of course. I was expecting this turn to horrible fate for the girls since the first episode (it’s one of the current trends since Madoka, after all). What annoys me is why does Karin attack Fuu out of nowhere without even asking her what’s going on, just so we could have a fight between them. That doesn’t make the least bit of sense to me. Yuuki trying to stop Fuu makes more sense, even though her instant forgiveness of the Taisha is also very annoying and unrealistic.
In the whole, however, a very interesting episode of what is, so far, an excellent series for me.
POWUH: 900-999 with 915 comments
Fuu sacrificing herself? ‘course not. Yuuna is definitely gonna be the one. She has the most petals for the mankai to happen and she’s the only one that haven’t backed away from fighting ever since they discovered about the problems that Mankai can create. Either she’s going to find a solution to all this, or she’s going to end up like Nogi for the sake of her friends.
All hail goddess Yuuna.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
C’mon. That would totally make it a Madoka Clone…and it’s not…cause it’s not….
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 261 comments
Yuuki Yunna will become a Goddess…?
You know it’s not…Gonna work…really!
POWUH: 900-999 with 915 comments
But it’s a different kind of goddess. Not the awesome transcendent and omnipotent goddess. It’s that fucked up bedridden goddess that received this title for pity.
It’s not a clone. It’s gonna be completely different. That wouldn’t mean a half good, half bad ending, like Madoka pre-rebellion. It’s gonna be a really, really bad ending.
POWUH: 900-999 with 915 comments
Someone… Rescue my comment from Spammy’s belly… I accidentally fed it to her…