MetaFap: Winter ’14 – 03 [NSFW]

mf winter14 03

Do some laps in the pool

ImoCho – 05

ImoCho - 05 (1)

At least she has a nice butt.

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Super Sonico The Animation – 04


Happy Panda Shirt!

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Maken-Ki! Two – 03

makenki2 (2)

Never bring your crazy magical cat to work.

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Sakura Trick – 04

Sakura Trick-Haruka gets Yuu back

Happy Sunset, Haruka

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12 Responses to “MetaFap: Winter ’14 – 03 [NSFW]”

  1. MR.KLAC says:

    saikin – pool ep is one half yet other half step-sister got sick can’t take it anymore give ghost give had no choice due to stuck together & brother go like who are you?

    maken – the only way on too much cat girls on it yea who knew monji cat has power as well & thank goodness this cat was NOT in it.

    sonico – meet person inspire sonico into music & caring of the guitar (saw ep.5 sonico manage to re-inspire a writer female)

    sakura trick – yu’s sister aka blonde ayano (same voice from other yuri series) give wonder on whole yu & HARUKA TAKAYAMA go ask people spy on them & night chase now get both sisters?!

  2. Highway says:

    ImoCho: I kind of expected Hiyori and Mitsuki to settle down in to some kind of routine, but it’s interesting that they’ve had Mitsuki be less receptive to that than I imagined. But truly, Mitsuki is the one who’s being most put-upon here: She didn’t ask to be locked in a chastity belt, and have her entire existence put in peril based on sexing up her new step-brother. Hiyori can whine about how she’s actually dead, but if she hadn’t jumped out in traffic, she’d probably still be alive (if the ED can be believed). That’s a lot different from picking some other person at random and putting all sorts of onerous conditions on them.

    (oh, and from SYD* this week, I was clued in to why they call it a “TST”: the Japanese word for ‘chastity belt’ is teisoutai (貞操帯), so T-S-T, in case anyone else was wondering. Thanks Aria!)

    I think Yuuya’s been played pretty authentically so far. He hasn’t really been dense, he hasn’t acted stupid. I’d even say he could be forgiven for not knowing what a chastity belt is. The whole setup is designed to keep him off balance, so it’s not his fault that he’s having a hard time catching up. But even through that, he’s been pretty stalwart in caring for Mitsuki in whatever personality she’s been.

  3. AllenAndArth says:

    Sonico’s flashback was nice, and the message in the end was cute…i think…

  4. skylion says:

    Scary Panties: They need to progress some of the background at a much steadier pace. Especially the fact that Nee-Nee can see the ghost; that’s three episodes of dropping that hint, to much time wasted.

    The Mother of all Cybermen: Very nice flashback, fit’s very much into the charming narrative they consistently draw.

    Yuri Make-out Time: The Anime.

    • Highway says:

      Super Sonico is telling a very consistent, very nice story about the power of being good and positive and nice. Will your life turn out as well as Sonico’s? Nope. Probably not. But will your life be better off if you are relentlessly positive about it? Definitely. There’s going to be more of that in next week’s post for sure.

    • Highway says:

      And I think the point that Yuki-nee and now Yuuya can consistently see Hiyori is something that they’re building up to. As forward as this show has been about everything so far, a little coyness is not hurting it, I think. The time so far hasn’t really been wasted.

      • skylion says:

        By next week they will probably be developing the Hiyori sightings…I just think they had room for it this week and would have good for the pacing.

  5. BlackBriar says:

    Super Sonico The Animation – 04: Sonico sure is fortunate to have people that care for her like that. She’s happy go lucky.

    • Highway says:

      I think Sonico definitely has things going well for her, but she also repays that by doing the things she can for other people. We’ve never seen her turn down a job or request (even the one drunken Kitamura arranged in Okinawa), she’s always polite and humble, and she definitely realizes that she’s where she is with help from other people.

  6. BlackBriar says:

    ImoCho – 05: It was about time Mitsuki told Hiyori off about her twisted conceptions and I really feel sorry for her situation. All it’s been for her is suffering by having Hiyori’s one sided views imposed on her while Hiyori only thinks of herself.

  7. BlackBriar says:

    Maken-Ki! Two – 03: Hahahaha!! Talk about convenience! The girls got turned into cats just in time for mating season. Himegami is certainly hating herself for she shamelessly gave into her cats, especially when it happened after talking about overcoming them. If Issei Hyoudou were there, he’d definitely take advantage of the situation.

  8. BlackBriar says:

    Sakura Trick – 04: This pretty much confirms Mitsuki wants Haruka and if Yuu finds out, a sibling rivalry will erupt. Not that I’m hoping for that because Haruka only has eyes for Yuu and there’s this nagging feeling she was onto Yuzu spying and shot down anything that seemed suspicious.

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