MetaFap: Fall ’13 – 11 [NSFW]
They’re reaching a climax!
Freezing Vibration – 11
Amelia’s transformation into a Nova becomes complete
Scarlett has made an army of naked Lancelot clones
…and the idiocy of the showrunners in Alaska is exposed. Spencer Marks got arrested by Gengo Aoi, who’s now on the scene thanks to the el Bridget family mobilizing him. Oh, and Scarlett has been keeping all of these specimens in this big room in the Alaskan base for her own experiment that I guess nobody noticed or got suspicious of, and now they’re fighting against Pandoras along side an Amelia-birthed Nova. Because these two have been so awful from the start, it was uniquely satisfying to see this go all out of control right in their faces. The worst is yet to come for those two.
Satella taking a break to taste her own blood
Chiffon’s full strength and true nature is about to be seen
Meanwhile, the Chiffon vs. Satella fight was a pretty worthless use of episode time. There really isn’t a net gain from those scenes other than friendship is great and that Chiffon is damn strong… stuff we already knew. Only the fade out of Chiffon opening her eyes was the exciting part of it as she’ll have to work to clean up the mess that’s wreaking havoc so far.
Holly & Louis are here do not a lot
The censorship showed up this week with some assumedly much more detailed violence being blacked out by fellow Metanorn censorship alum shadow-kun. While the effect is understood well enough, I’ll be interested to see what it looks like in perhaps a slightly less censored blu-ray. We’ll never see full decapitation animation…
Cassie-“When we’re done, you can grope all you want, alright? Now’s not the best time…”
Roxanne-“What’s that? Nova clash? Be there after we record this fanservice scene.”
Yuushibu – 11
NO U (click for some gifs)
Well, what do you know? Yuushibu actually delivers with some darn fine animated action this week. It was a little on the short side, but what’s not to love about Raul and All A going at each other, no holds barred? What I love most about the action in this show is the constant use of long cuts with a moving camera. Most anime rely on static shots that show just one really cool looking pose before cutting to something else. At best, we might get one extended cut to serve as the highlight of the episode. In contrast, this show stacks its fight scenes with cuts that are long enough to show the characters doing multiple things, usually moving around the screen and each other. All fluidly animated. The smears look a little too off-model at times, but I’ll take that over looking at character freeze for 2 seconds at a time in perfect attack poses any day.
The story is progressing about as predictably as one might have predicted, though good animation and cinematography are making all that really easy to overlook. Ceara was one part that was unexpected. I like that she can turn debt and household appliances into devastating offensive magic. Fitting, considering this whole world is set up like a video game, what with off-hand mentions to “hit points” and whatnot. Shop keepers have been known to be very powerful in some games. And the commentary aspect of basic consumer-level technology like hairdryers and boom boxes utterly annihilating a demon who uses more traditional magic was quite nice.
Anime News Network and Wikipedia say there are 2 episodes left, while MyAnimeList says 1. Either way, this plot is sure to end next episode. I hope the Raul versus All A fight was just a taste of what’s to come for the big finish.
All A is just so much hotter in her full armor getup. Mainly because it covers up her hair and some of that horrible colored body suit.
This one part with Raul jumping in to intercept All Al was magnificent. Quick and deliberate action without glory shots.
Ceara making a strong case for appearing in Trigger’s next big project, animated about as well (click for stitch).
Walkure Romanze – 11
It’s yuri time on WalRoma
That got Celia’s attention
Akane did well to make it this far
For a show that had such a poor first couple episodes, Walkure Romanze has really bounced back into a very watchable show. Of course, a lot of that may be because Takahiro hasn’t really been around for a while. This week had the continuation of the Summer Tournament, as we get into the semi-finals and of course all of our heroines have made it this far. Well, except for Akane, who had to get through Celia to get there, and just couldn’t manage it with her wrist injured. But she did get a nice compliment from Celia and a hand up.
Bertille is the male gaze magnet for the show
We also had the rematch between Bertille and Mio, who have really acknowledged each other as rivals and friends, Bertille crediting Mio for being her destined rival, and Mio thanking Bertille for getting her into jousting. And after a well-paced match, Mio wins to make it to the final. But An and Ema are still happy for Bertille, who outdid her own expectations to make it to the semi-finals with very solid jousting, one point after another to win matches.
The Marquis comes around
The other semi-final pits Celia against Noel, who has been trying to follow Takahiro’s advice to fight with her emotions as her strength, but is pretty much all out of emotion when her father, who had come to retrieve Mirielle from the stadium, gives in and decides to support Noel (is there also a summer miracle about to happen with Mirielle?). She’s fought Celia to a winner-take-all final run, but of course we have to wait until next week to see how that turns out, as well as how that winner will do against Mio.
Mio wins her semi-final
I think it’s kind of surprising that the show engineered Mio into the final, and my guess is that she’s going to face Celia, with Noel having a happy reunion with her father (and that other surprise) after his unexpected support in this match. Meanwhile, Takahiro will finally show up after helping give birth to a foal (and I’ll bet he didn’t wash his hands or anything, either) and who will he pick to be begleiter for? This is an easy one: Mio. I mean, she’s the main heroine of the show, and it’s not like this show is going for any twists. But so far, they’ve handled this tournament well. The fights have been exciting, and they’ve skipped points as needed to only show us the important passes, but without leaving us feeling like we missed anything. I really have to say that this anime has been headed toward the finale with good momentum, and has really been interesting to watch.
It also keeps putting pans of Bertille in…
Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai! BD Vol. 1
Mud Wrasslin Girls
The Wrestling Girls’s anime first BD volume has been popping up in vids and pics with the disc-selling removal of steam. Also included with Vol. 1 was a mud-wrestling special.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10997 comments
Yuushibu: I would really like it if Ceara cleaned my house. It is kinda crazy, why shop keepers in any fantasy setting don’t take over the world. Too much overhead? Well, if it’s set in the underworld…
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 110 comments
Freezing vib – ameila gone nuclear nova mode & send in clones of maria to bring alaska to burn yea chiff’s eye open “uh-oh”.
yuushibu – never mess with magical witch female manager yet she will own’d you & raul time to save fino.
sekai wrestling – why elena doing this oh my way for “wanting” sakura go so far really yet 1ep left of wonder going kiss & make-up on it?
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Yuushibu – 11: The hero’s reasoning for forcing the leadership of demons on Phino continue to become more and more absurd and it’s all to satisfy their selfish motives. At least Airi’s justification for her actions is something non self centered people can understand and Raul is the type to see beyond himself and rescue Phino despite her being a demon. It all makes me think of what Fate/Zero’s Kiritsugu said about heroes, that they are perverse and looking for calamity so they could shine.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Freezing Vibration – 11: Spencer and Scarlett are reaping what they sowed. Take that, you arrogant bastards!! Too bad people had to suffer on their way there. Even if they survive this Nova attack (I’m not sure Scarlett did. Pretty sure the falling debris killed her), they’d be ruined for life. Unlike for her unfortunate friends, I think Amelia might have a chance to get of her situation alive, though there’s a chance she might not want that after losing Gina, Rattle and the other E-Pandora who shared her hopes.
I can’t wait to see Chiffon go all out. If she was holding back against Satella and Rana, her strength must monstrous indeed. My guess is she underwent some special experimentation while becoming a Pandora.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Walkure Romanze – 11: Once again, I’m amazed with the sportsmanship of the girls participating in the tournament without the slightest sign of ill will. All the matches were fun to watch and for a novice, Mio is rising sky high. A dark horse, indeed. All that potential would have been wasted had she not crossed paths with Bertille. Speaking of Bertille, she’s pretty damn sexy in that armor. It’s a total waste if she ever goes to war with it.
I’m glad to see The Marquis finally breaking out of self imposed isolation and cheering Noel on. There’s no changing the past, you can only move forward and hope for the best.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
I might complain a lot about the messages from some other anime, but I really like the messages in this anime, besides maybe “Guys are giant dolts”. Friendship, sportsmanship, desire to win and achieve. None of the girls are putting themselves in a bad position in order to ‘win’ Takahiro. I just really like the way this harem anime has gone.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai! – 11: Damn!! Two idol-turned wrestlers going at it for supremacy. That was the best episode of the series so far and the most brutal match on record that even completely undermines Sakura’s matches against Rio. Really intense and so much excitement that there was trouble deciding who to cheer for while blows were landing left and right. Who knew Elena had such talent as a wrestler? And she went in without mercy, not even her opponent a chance to catch her breath. Those knee-bars looked painful. I also have to applaud her immensely for her well kept secret. Undergoing wrestling training a week after Sakura’s declaration to go full time pro and still balancing her idol career… That had to have some unquestionable determination there.
Whoever brought up those Sekai de Ichiban Tsuyoku Naritai! pictures for the post, you have my sincerest gratitude. Those who dropped this show after the first three episodes are really missing out on good stuff. Without seeing the last episode yet, here’s hoping it gets another season and soon. 😀
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Man, that’s really a reach wanting more of that. So much better stuff that could have a second season. I’ll agree that SekaTsuyo isn’t that bad, but it could be a lot better and it’s just not.
I find the wrestling somewhat weird, because I’ve watched a bit of pro wrestling (from the 80’s with my grandfather, and some since then) and so many of the things they do would be forbidden in what I’m used to. Outright punches and kicks, the Sakura Special, all of that is out. So it seems odd sometimes.
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 110 comments
well OF COURSE SekaTsuyo wrestling have been really hidden good to watch yet i’m still watching all the way.
besides those who drop it yet better give it 2nd chance cause finale coming up yea so wonder a dub on it.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Yeah, I’m with you on that one. I intend to watch that show to the end and hope there’s another season.