Outbreak Company – 07
Myucel has learned “omurice”.
You may have heard this show is pretty meta. But it’s something else entirely when it singles out the director of Minami-ke Okaeri as the sole cause of that show being bad. If you didn’t know, Outbreak Company is also directed by him. Take that as you will.
Maid to order in a bag.
Remember those moments when Myucel and Shinichi talked about returning to Japan? Well I’ll be darned it actually happened. I figured if anything, it would be thrown in at the very end as a sort of omake where Shinichi takes a brief vacation from Eldant or something. But I never would have guessed we’d see it so soon (relatively speaking, as we are technically more than halfway through the season now). And as a filler episode, at that. It’s OK though, because this turned out to be a fairly humorous experience. Without a doubt, Myucel stole the spotlight here perhaps more so than in any other episode. To start off, hiding herself in a bag, while obviously not original, was still a hilarious ploy. Then we have her overflowing enthusiasm and excitement during her tour of Akiba (and the travel there as well). Don’t even get me started on that maid cafe segment. Finally, her awe at the technology we take for granted was as expected, but the delivery of it definitely sealed the deal.
Don’t heed the words on the shirt! They’re trying to lead you astray!
Shinichi, on the other hand, is having the time of his life for completely different reasons. This is the first time he’s been alone in his room with a girl. And all the signs are literally telling him to make good use of the situation, if you know what I mean. But of course, this isn’t that kind of show, so our hero manages to resist the temptation of doing some unscrupulous things to Myucel while she’s asleep. In the end, he spent the entire day distracted by her and thus never accomplished what he set out to do. But that’s OK, because this is pretty much a filler anyway. And in that way, I suspect we might actually never get to see him back in Japan ever again unless the show takes a turn in that direction near the end.
Other Stuff
What did I just see?
There are some hijinks with Petralka, Galious, and even Zahar of all people. I was wondering what the usually straight-laced advisor would do to appease her royal highness. But I never expected him to dress as Shinichi. Who does he think he’s fooling? Also present is the always-plotting Matoba, who arranged for the trip back to Japan to begin with. I find it hard to believe that he would have confused the goods Shinichi requested, so I’m inclined to believe he orchestrated the whole thing from the very beginning just for kicks. He’d certainly be one to do that and be able to pull it off successfully, knowing the guy.
In the end there’s really not much to say about this episode beyond Shinichi and Myucel being OTP. The exchanges between those two were at times adorable and at times hilarious, but what else is new? Petralka does get shafted here in spite of the progress she’s been making more recently. But at least her attitude remains more tolerable now so I can sympathize with her missing out on a prime opportunity to get cozy and intimate with Shinichi.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10997 comments
Myucel Is definitely Best Girl.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Wouldn’t that mean the director is flaming himself?
Well, now we know Miusel can do devious things when under duress. The thought of her doing something that underhanded never crossed my mind. Love makes a person do crazy things.
Even if Motoba’s lie turned out to be true about the other world residents not being able to tolerate Japan’s air, I don’t think it would have been much of a problem for Miusel since she’s half human. And then there’s Petrarca who is completely human.
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 88 comments
I lost it when the cafe maid said that Miusel was a pro at being a maid.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Experience is the great teacher!!
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Man, Petralka is not a bad character, but she gets totally stomped by Myucel. I also fear for Shinichi when Petralka finds out that Myucel went to Japan with him. I know that she’s mostly made friends with Myucel, but that could be something that ends up putting the hurt on Shinichi.
Something I liked: They had the reverse fish out of water story without making Myucel ever get into some huge incident. She just enjoyed her time there, and came away loving Japan more than she had just hearing about it.