
GUARANTEED to shock you
Trick-or-treating and dressing up used to make Halloween one of the best Holidays. You finally got to stay up late, dress like anything in the entire world, and go on a sugar-fueled rampage. It was heaven. But now I’m lucky to get candy that I didn’t pay for myself and schoolwork is usually the spookiest part of my night. I imagine it’s similar for most of you. It’s just as majestic when you get to the age and height where adults only give you candy because they’re afraid your hormones will act up and cause you to mug them. The solution is to find your own way to have fun. Well you will find information of good worth at melodyeotvos.
One of those ways is to create your own “otakuween” and indulge in horror anime. It’s the perfect way to cap off the creepiest night of the year without leaving your house or even spending money (oh you dirty pirate, you). If you plan on such festivities then let me help you. Whether you’re throwing a horror marathon party or just huddling under the blankets by yourself, I’ve got the 5 most blood-chilling, spine-tingling, scream-inducing shows to make you look twice before settling into bed. I claim no responsibility for any emotional scarring experienced while watching these. Only those who can stomach true horror should proceed…
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The name that strikes fear into the hearts of all! Like a good vampire movie or zombie movie, everyone loves to be scared by a moeblob movie. They are lesser known monsters, but have proven to be fearsome in their ability to single-handedly kill the anime industry. The few survivors of contact with moeblobs note that they are potentially the most powerful force on Earth. Moe is harder than diamonds. Moe is infinite. Moe is all of us. Looking into the void that is K-ON! will cause the void to stare back at you. The more you watch, the more you see how K-ON! secretly controls all of anime from the past, present, and future. K-ON!’s extensive reach is so distressing that you will look under your bed every night to see if a chipmunk-cheeked girl is staring back at your with sparkling eyes. You will keep all the lights on out of fear a black-haired girl with appear out the shadows and call you “senpai” while looking flustered. But no matter what they do…they will find you. And they will have their way with you until you are never the same. You know one is lurking near, knife glistening in hand, when you hear these menacing words: moe moe kyun.
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Inferno Cop
Now even a child could see the true horror of Inferno Cop. An infant, even! Yes, you should show Inferno Cop to infants and tell me exactly what happens. If they cry, then I was right. If not, then their soul has been forever stolen and replaced with a doppelganger baby and they will only love you half as much as the original. I am sorry.
Back to Inferno Cop, it is obviously super scary because the main character is a skeleton. Say no more, am I right? Okay, now it’s going to get even scarier…his head is on fire. I hope you haven’t wet your pants yet. Inferno Cop manages to scare even those with nerves of steel with its hyperrealistic animation. The quality of the monsters is so stunning that just looking at them makes you feel disgusted. The rotting flesh of the zombies is particularly gruesome, in a way no other zombie flick (even live action) has managed to accomplish. You can almost smell the decay. Inferno Cop goes to hell and back, and you’ll be dragged in too when you watch it. Remember..I WARNED YOU THERE WAS A SCARY SKELETON.
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Every Ecchi/Hentai Show Ever
Need examples? Senran Kagura, Samurai Girls, and Queen’s Blade come to mind. Looking at MetaFap will give you an idea of what I’m talking about. It’s amazing how widely spread this genre of horror it is. Everyone loves a classic “possessed boobs” horror flick! The nostalgia factor puts this fan favourite at number 3 on the list. It’s one of the oldest genres in the book but it always gives me goosebumps.
A classic “possessed boobs” movie or anime consists of a girl getting possessed by weaker level ghosts or spirits. Unable to take over the entire body, they reside in the boobs instead. Note that usually one ghost inhabits each boob (let’s be serious, there’s plenty of room for rent, so why not?). This causes all kinds of scary things to happen to the host. Much like poltergeists moving around furniture, these ghosts cause mischief by moving things around. Without even the slightest provocation, boobs will move all by themselves. The case of haunted boobs is terrifying and often is so serious that it isn’t even solved by the end of the series. As such, the female is subjected to her breasts trying to break free from her chest, moving in all different directions, vibrating at the speed of light and moving in all kinds of disturbing ways. Sometimes they even try to kill the male lead by suffocating him in a gruesome, murder scene. Much like watching that kid twist his neck around in the Exorcist, watching these disembodied boobs is just too much for most viewers. Beware of oppai, my friends. Squeeze them, and some may squeeze back.
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Jesus Christ, have you even seen that cat thing? I can barely stand to write about it!!
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AUUUUUGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH GOD MAKE IT STOP!!!! Ahh….ahh…sorry readers, I simply could not contain myself. This movie is so frightening that it brings back traumatic memories that even my meds won’t suppress at this point. It pains me to write about it, but I feel I must for the greater good. I must warn you all that no matter what – do not watch this movie! Not even with the lights on! Hayao Miyazaki is like satan himself, creating the most hellish stories of despair, death, and torment.
In this movie, a ferocious grey monster haunts a family moving into a haunted house. He sends smaller minions to scout around the house, constantly tormenting them. Eventually, he lures them into the forest where he snatches them up in a hidden passage that only he can open. Once trapped, he opens his endless maw and in it you will see your greatest fear. He then devours both sisters and rides back to hell on a bus with millions of legs that cause death to whatever they touch.
To be honest, I’m a little fuzzy about the latter details of the plot, but I’m COMPLETELY CERTAIN that is what probably maybe happened. Please heed my warnings and never watch this movie!
Now, I know none of you expected those choices. I can guarantee these aren’t on any horror list anywhere else. I guarantee it! So even if you don’t like horror anime, at least you have learned to find the Halloween spirit in just about anything now. Have a Happy Halloween, folks, and try not to get too many cavities.
A neuroscience graduate, black belt, and all-around nerd. You'll either find me in my lab or curled up in my rilakkuma kigurumi watching anime.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
That was nuckin’ futs.
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
In that case, my plan succeeded!
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Such a lovely list! 😉 <333
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
Thank you, Kyokai-sama!
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 104 comments
@nr.4 – “Sometimes they even try to kill the male lead by suffocating him in a gruesome, murder scene.”
Now that’s what I call a good way to die.Hyoudou Issei would approve.
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
I underestimated the iron will of men…
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
We would gladly go down like that.
POWUH: Meta Resident and Werewolf Chaser with 1270 comments
MFW: щ (*ㅇ△ Φ☆)ノ
@OC You made harmless shows sounds like a horror movie (´w`;) You must be having fun writing that lol. XD
K-ON Days?
NTR doujin and loli hentai is traumatic yo.
QB is taht your friend?
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
Meanwhile, I’m laughing in front of my laptop. I had lots of fun writing it!
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1692 comments
You forgot the scariest one of all–the English dub of Sailor Moon. Even having watched only a few minutes of it, the mere thought of hearing Serena’s voice again makes me quiver and whimper in dread.
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
Oh God, you’re right. Bad dubs will be the death of me.
POWUH: 500-599 with 519 comments
Those are all so scary! *shivers in corner* I’m not going to be able to sleep tonight! D:
POWUH: 800-899 and Mad Scientist with 814 comments
Attack on boob-possessed inferno moeblob neighbor?
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
Sounds like the ultimate horror anime.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Oh no! now I can’t sleep because the moe-blobs are gonna eat my soul!
-runs away screaming- “Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!”
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Meanwhile…skylion walks through the park….
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
I knew something wasn’t right about moeblobs. Just couldn’t put my finger on it!! Now I’m chilled to the bone. I still have a chance at sanity against Ecchi/Hentai. I’ve already steeled myself against such profound horrors.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
See….I knew you were a fraidy cat. Not enough guts for the blob eh?
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
I have 3 words to all these so-called ‘threats’:
POWUH: Meta Resident and Yōko Fanboy with 1246 comments
Embrace the moeblob and you shall become fuwa fuwa as well, JOIN US! We have tea… MOE MOE KYUN!
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
In finding that link, I actually subjected myself, quite by accident to a clip that was the K-ON English dub……now that stuff is scary!
POWUH: Meta Resident and Yōko Fanboy with 1246 comments
Omg I saw a fan-made live action once on Youtube…….
………….the memories are coming back to me…. oh god
POWUH: Meta Resident and Werewolf Chaser with 1270 comments
You guys have some pretty interesting horror ideas 😛
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
Bad spammy…
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
I sense brainwashing. Even more reason to fear moe and its dastardly influence.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
We wash brains with tea and cake!
POWUH: Meta Resident and Yōko Fanboy with 1246 comments
moe is bliss, don’t knock it till you try it 😉
it’z the SHITZZZZ~
Limited time offer, you also get a pet turtle! Who wouldn’t want a pet turtle! They are all K-On fan’s best friends~
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
And we have angels
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
skylion’s trying to make me all teary.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10998 comments
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Then don’t fall for his trick. You must show endurance.
POWUH: Meta Resident and Metanorn's Hime-chan~ with 1758 comments
And cakes :3
POWUH: Meta Team and Megane-chan with 3214 comments
…That picture for #1 is genuinely terrifying. My childhood is ruined beyond repair now. Thanks, OC.
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
You’re welcome! :3c
POWUH: 600-699 and LN Enthusiast with 623 comments
I had downloaded Totoro months ago but never got to watch it(along with a ton of other movies and OVAs). Seeing that pic and what you said about it makes me want to watch it now.
And death by softness suffocation? I’m fine with that.
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
In all seriousness, I LOVE Totoro. Even as an adult, it’s really fun to watch.
POWUH: Novice (36-50) with 39 comments
UAU that was great! Cool you realy should write a comedy book because your humor is awesome!!!! About the ecchi stuf a i AWAYS KNEW those evil jumping squezing boobs could only be work of the devil, oh my god the horror!
Now really keep those kind of stuff up cause i ashure you that everyone loves it, however you forgot one of the most threatning, scary, spoky stuff On the anime industry BISHIE SPARKLES LOL
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
Thanks! I haven’t written an editorial in a while and it was fun to go FULL-OUT SILLY. It’s good for relieving stress and practicing to write other things =w=
Bishie sparkles can cause blindness. I’ve seen it happen and it’s not pretty. They are like pink will-o-wisps waiting to lead your soul to hell.
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 88 comments
I think K-On should have been number one.
POWUH: Meta Resident and Metanorn's Hime-chan~ with 1758 comments
Yay, Halloween! Best Holiday of the year <3 Even though I never went trick or treating, because we actually don't celebrate Halloween. BUT In the last few years, crazy people like me decided that an opportunity like this shouldn't be wasted, so a few places actually celebrate it now. YAY~ <3 And every year it gets bigger and bigger *happy,teary eyes*
Great idea, OC 😀 Just… amazing 😀 Especially about K-ON. It actually freaked me out a little. ME
I really wanted to watch a couple of my favorite horror movies, or even re-watch Corpse Party on Halloween night but at the end of the day I was too lazy and tired to do it TT^TT
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
I love Halloween but none of my friends seem too into it T_T I’m lucky to be surrounded by houses to trick-or-treat at though. I would be so sad if no one celebrated it where I lived!
Forget Corpse Party, watch the K-ON! movie! …Although I really do need to watch the Corpse Party OVA. I have it sitting on my computer still.
POWUH: Meta Resident and Metanorn's Hime-chan~ with 1758 comments
At least that’s nice. Though here, we don’t do trick or treating stuff. Several clubs make big parties for Halloween, and that’s how we celebrate it here. With candy that we bought for ourselves, loud music and alcohol 😀
No, I don’t think I’m tough enough for that 😀 You should definitely watch corpse party. It’s definitely not the best horror I’ve seen, not even close. But it’s so violent! The nice thing about it was that you don’t know if someone will live or die. I enjoyed it a lot. And lastly – it may be even more violent than Higurashi. Srsly o-o