MetaFap – 45 [NSFW]
Handbras, Contracts, and an Ouji-san
Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Bride – 09
Now you’ve ticked off Matabei
Finally the return of Nia
The stalker stalking continues this week as the Yagyuu girls are trying to track down the mysterious qi, as well as figure out what the Guardian Stone is. We do find out that Sen’s brother Yoshihiko knows about the Guardian Stone and is trying to rebuild a barrier, but he won’t tell Sen about it. That doesn’t stop the tentacle monster from trying to get the information out of her, tho (yeah, that was pretty unnecessary).
Two new Master Samurai!
But the real news this week was that we had not one, but two new Master Samurai. Yes, finally, Matabei and Hanzou were given contracts and became powerful Master Samurai. I’m kind of torn on this, because I’m glad that they finally get more recognition and that they’ll be able to join in whatever fun we have towards the end of the show. But I also think it maybe cheapens the Master Samurai bit a little. I guess they will have to go further with the Samurai Bride to differentiate Sen and Yukimura from the rest of the Master Samurai (although Kanetsugu differentiates herself by smacking into a bell).
They’ve set up two separate things for the future of the show, I think, besides Samurai Brides. One, what are the Yagyuu Dojo girls going to do about thinking that the stalker is the volition of the Dark Samurai? And the other is what are the Dark Samurai going to do about the stalker? I can see this stalker being the thing that unites the Dark Samurai with Muneakira’s forces, especially if we find out what it wants with the Guardian Stone.
Did they really need a tentacle monster?
Photo Kano – 09
Come in for a peek
Nonoka is on deck this week.
This week was Nonoka Masaki’s turn, and they turned a couple things around this time. Much like Haruka’s arc, Nonoka has been in love with Kazuya since middle school, when they first met. But when she sees the way he acts with her good friend Haruka, she decides she has to make a move, and finally confesses, by way of a ‘Challenge of Love’. The surreal effects throughout the show helped to separate this arc from the others, from the samurai armor and arrows hanging through the fence, to the lightning strike in the woods, to the “Challenge of Love” point losses.
Throughout, we have Nonoka trying to improve as a softball pitcher, and Kazuya helping her. And her moment of weakness comes when she starts thinking that if she improves, she won’t have that link to Kazuya and they’ll drift apart. Much like Kazuya’s thinking with Aki last episode at losing her interest because she stops worrying about his blackmail pictures, Nonoka doesn’t want to ‘finish’. But by that point, she’s already made her connection, and there probably wasn’t anything she was going to do to lose Kazuya. I did think she seemed to go a little overboard when he finally confessed back to her. I mean, she’s spent all this time with him, but she thinks he’s going to turn her down? But maybe it’s just that same theme of “I need to hear it.”
Ahh, what charm
As an aside, this series is pretty ambitious with the scheduling, to the point where it’s probably too crammed in. 7 girls in 12 episodes? With two for Haruka, and one for everyone else, everything does tend to feel a bit rushed (except, again, for Haruka whose story felt almost a little too drawn out). This is another argument for the idea of breaking up the ‘cour’ system, I think. If they gave each girl two episodes, perhaps it would have been a lot more satisfying. And if there was the possibility of an 18 episode show, exactly 1.5 cour, that would be perfect. I wish they’d give it a try for some shows, because one like this is begging for it.
Kazuya, get your hands out of there!
The Hentai Prince and the Stony Cat – 08
Hooray for swimsuits!
Dem tanlines.
It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this.
Somehow, this shot makes perfect sense in context of the show.
It seems pretty expected these days for harem shows to toss in new girl(s) midway through. Makes sense, given that these shows are all about fetishizing various types of girls. I guess a loli bunny is fine too, but I gotta say, I’m more interested in tying up the loose ends of the girls we’ve already grown to know and love. That said, the show is clearly hinting at Azusa’s latest wish being responsible for this new girl in some way – if the cold open repeat of last week’s final scene wasn’t enough, there was her stalking behavior throughout this episode. So this arc will probably circle back around to her.
And I really couldn’t ask for a better plot device than Emanuella who immediately made the school more awesome thanks to yet another stony cat, a portable one this time. We’ve got swimsuit uniforms, Italian architecture, and Youto becoming the most popular guy around, which seems like it should be a dream situation for a “HENTAI Prince,” but he still acts just far too civilized. And that’s with his wish for more courage from many weeks ago still in effect. At least I have no complain about the snappy pacing which has us diving right into yet another magical mystery. And more ominous evil laughter to end the episode, which I hope we’ll see explained to some capacity soon.
Considering how often female characters’ spines get twisted into impossible positions, I guess turnabout is fair play.
POWUH: Metanorn Lover with 175 comments
well at least stony cat anime now going total bunny, swimsuit ruling, italy, etc yea yoto is so like this
with now another female in mix oh my what next?
(summer anime coming up with pervy yuji kaji as issei for DxD s2 & yet s1 dub in august with Jamie Marchi as Rias i’m so YES YES YES for it all).
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10997 comments
DAT LOLI: But she’s really a bunny. Or is she? That was one strange thing to remember. Hey he had a bunny named that…
That was one heck of an intro, proving that the Prince is made of some strong stuff.
At this point I’m beginning to feel more pity for Asuza.
POWUH: 600-699 and LN Enthusiast with 623 comments
Photokano: I still can’t wrap my head with the logic of that kiss in the stairs. I mean, they should have tumbled down the stairs with how Nonoka had jumped and was falling downwards. How the heck did Maeda stay in the exact same place and even more, Nonoka being adjacent to him. Was Maeda firmly rooted there on the spot and that kiss somehow just carried Nonoka’s whole body to the side like he swung her there?
…well damn, I think I answered my own question.
Besides that, best episode and best girl, period.
Always knew I would like her ever since the first episode. Saito Chiwa’s acting made it even better. Even though it was terribly rushed with only an episode dedicated to her, it was still good. Would have been better if she had more episodes but what can you do.
That handbra…
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Well, the “Jumping Nonoka Turn” was silly in the first place. 🙂 But I did like that they tied Nonoka’s solo episode into the things that happened before in the show.
I think they did a good job with both Aki and Nonoka these last two episodes. Mai is up next, and I’m not sure how they are gonna handle it. She’s shown a bit of an impish streak in the past, but also quite a lot of interest in Kazuya.
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
Did somebody say handbra?
Gentlemen, may I present to you…
Hand-bra jeans!
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Bride – 09: It’s about time Matabei and Hanzou got promoted to Master Samurai status though in a way it feels cheap having both of them ascend so close to the end of the series. It’s like they were used as a last ditch effort to keep viewers because the studio finally realized this season isn’t on par with the last. Matabei doesn’t look very different from her usual form but Hanzou is actually very appealing without the glasses.
Other than what’s going on with Mataemon, I seriously can’t see the Dark Samurais as villains. They’re more like carefree teenagers who want a reason to keep loitering around and they hang around their “enemies” like it’s no big deal. I’m seeing an ending close to Senran Kagura.
Takahiro Sakurai is finally back as Sen’s “mostly acts like an ass” brother Yoshihiko. Man, I say it’s pure misfortune that Sen managed to be related to someone like him. The whole using monks and technology to rebuild a spiritual barrier is very similar to a scenario used in Devil Survivor 2. Not to mention Yoshihiko annoyingly reminds me of Yamato Houtsuin from the same show. How do selfish bastards like these guys always manage to be of noble lineage and have high ranking authority?
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
I think a lot of the reason that Matabei, Hanzou, and even Kanetsugu became Master Samurai is that the plot was leaving them behind power-wise. In the first season, they were able to be supportive and significant even without the power of a Master Samurai. But it’s been getting obvious that they just can’t keep up (and neither can Muneakira, to be honest) and are more liabilities when they’re in play. That’s even what started the sequence in this episode, Muneakira basically telling them ‘stay home, let the big girls handle this.’
I was disappointed that they changed Hanzou’s shoes. Her Tenga geta were very distinctive and fit her style, and changing them to just generic platform heels was a step back, imo.
I like your ‘mostly acts like an ass’ characterization of Yoshihiko. He’s a two-bit side villain, and usually those guys develop with the power that they’ve inherited going to their heads, so they are jerkoffs.
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
Samurai Bride: I wanted Hanzou and Matabei to get more attention…but not like this. I was hoping the arc would end with them providing some sort of other support that still helped them win. Nope, there’s no other way to win other than becoming a Master Samurai! At this rate, Muneakira should just go around kissing everybody, make an army, and do whatever the hell he wants. He even has a monkey, so there are no boundaries. If he kissed a roomba it’d probably become a cyborg Master Samurai…
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Well, I do think that it’s some character growth on both Matabei’s and Hanzou’s parts. In the first season, and even the first half of this season, I think there was no way they could have become Master Samurai even if they had kissed Muneakira. But they’ve grown close enough to him to have the trust needed to make the contract (yeah, I’m *trying* to justify this, more than “hey, we need more effectives”). Don’t ask about Kanetsugu. She’s been pretty much a pimple on this whole series.
I do think it is a bit (a lot) cheapening, tho, because you have Sen, Juubei, and Yukimura who obviously love Muneakira. But now he’s got an entourage of others who are just there for whatever reason. There’s a connection, to be sure, but it’s just not on the same level.
Maybe Kazuya can turn Nonoka into a Master Softball Samurai with some more Jumping Nonoka Turns.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Hahaha. It may be a funny suggestion but I can’t bring myself to imagine a cyborg Master Samurai. Already accepting that a monkey like Sasuke can change is a stretch.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Photo Kano – 09: The amazement about this show continues as all the girls in Kazuya’s path turn out to be beautiful and kind hearted. There isn’t one that I have been able to find anything negative to say. That’s a feat in of itself. I find Nonoka’s tomboyish aura appealing and her short hair complements her nicely. It’s admirable that the girls have understandable reasoning behind what they do other shallow, meaningless motives. Who could be mad at someone for wanting to stay close to a person they love?
Things would be better if each female character had at least two epsiodes to better develop them. Sure the number of episodes would be irregular but hey, we’ve already had an irregular number of episodes for other animes. Bakemonogatari had 15, Nisemonogatari had 11 and Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sou Desu yo had 10.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Shorter series are easier to fit in, because of the 13 episode series. And I think it would have been hard to do this series as an ONA addon, like OreImo season 1 “True End” was. But it’s not just this show that would benefit. Every season, there seems to be at least one show that would benefit from a half season length change, some shorter, some longer.
I didn’t really think about it until now, but this was the first time in the show there was really some ‘competition’ between girls. Nonoka thought she’d already gotten behind to Haruka, and basically decided to go down swinging. It’s really hard not to like a girl like that.
I wonder if we’ll see a little more deceit with Mai. As I said, she’s already filched the gravure mags, possibly to blackmail Kazuya with. And there was definitely a glint in her eye as she did.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
The Hentai Prince and the Stony Cat – 08: A loli-pedo hybrid pervert? Whoa, a new species of pervert has been discovered. Somebody better be starting some research on this find and I expect results very soon.
Emi must have really enjoyed Italy if she renovated the entire school in its image. A portable stony cat. Hahaha, as if there wasn’t enough grief for Youto with the ones that stay in place causing chaos. Who makes these things and how do the most influential people get their hands on them? Youto isn’t enjoying himself with this new reality because he knows it’s all fake. There’s no satisfaction in something like that if it isn’t genuinely achieved.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10997 comments
But will this new species be protected…
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
If you mean by locked away and throwing away the key, then yes, it will be protected. A hybrid anything is asking for trouble.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10997 comments
I was afraid of that.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
It must be done. A pure species can be handled. A hybrid is just plain unpredictable. We must take precautions.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10997 comments
Hmmmph. Humans. So predictable. I’ll let you play this little game until I tire off it. Who knows, you may provide me with some amusement. So go, gather your pieces like a good player. I’ll be waiting.
I’m sorry. I must have blacked out there for a moment. What were you saying, BB?
POWUH: 700-799 and Parkouring Fanboy with 776 comments
Well, a loli can’t really be a pedo, since that’s just liking same aged people. I don’t think Emi’s really a pervert, though, just following what she thought would make Youto happy. Her personal stony cat, I suspect will be related to Azusa’s wish; can a stony cat create more stony cats? Isn’t that like wishing for more wishes? I don’t really expect anything amazing, but I hope the supernatural elements get a whole lot clearer by the time the show is over.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10997 comments
Hmm, how on Earth would a girl that age think that the generous gift of undies is what makes a shounen happy? Unless she really is a bunny and they have that kind of knowledge on tap?
Yeah, they’ve tossed a bunch of stony cats into the story blender this one…It kinda reminds me of computers over the years. The first one is a house sized main frame, the second is like a laptop, and Emi’s is a phablet. Will we see a StonyCatGlass?
POWUH: 700-799 and Parkouring Fanboy with 776 comments
Holy shit. A stony cat that sees everything you see and uses personalized information from your search history and email and such to make wishes for you before you even know you want them. That’d be a winner.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10997 comments
…but you can’t disable the sinister laughter…really should read the end-users agreement..
POWUH: 1000-1099 and Pirate King with 1048 comments
Samurai Bride 09 – This is where I wish episode 5 had been dedicated to one of those 2 girls being given the power of Master Samurai instead of dumb swimsuit competition. We’ve dwelled on that ep plenty, but having both at the same time doesn’t give them singularly the moment in the spotlight they deserve as, in their own ways, likable characters in Hyakka.
I do like how Hanzo’s looks with her attire and face-wide scanner; Matabei’s not so much impressive looking.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
I agree. Hanzou does look better as a Master Samurai. She seemed almost like a different person and the face-wide scanner is an improvement. I always felt her having the glasses diminished her appeal. It may work for some characters but it didn’t work for her.
POWUH: 1000-1099 and Pirate King with 1048 comments
Photo Kano 09 – In an ideal world, anime companies can work freely with however many episodes they deem fit, though that would’ve meant Little Busters would be in episode 83 or whatever of 200 by now, haha 😉
Nonoka’s been my fave, so I’m a bit biased in favoring her ep., though I did like Sanehara’s more. I chuckled a bit after the Samurai bit that they stuck with the clothing for a couple of shots, that was fun. Nono’s swimsuit shoot was really nice, and her mindset about being more daring would’ve had “jackpot” rolling in any guy’s eyes.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10997 comments
I cannot say anything about Photo Kano, but man, Little Busters…I was in drama fatigue by the 16th episode, I cannot image being a glutton for more punishment. Nah, who am I kidding….200 episodes sound about right.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Hey, they’re still working on Little Busters! That show will be back.
As far as LB! drama fatigue, it always felt to me like it was ‘junior drama’. I just never got the feeling that anything in that show was really anything deep. It got better (anything gets better when it’s not focusing on Komari), but even with Kudryavka, it felt like such a manufactured scenario that it just wasn’t that impactful to me.
If Clannad is as superficial as LB was, I have been avoiding it for the wrong reasons. I’ve heard it wasn’t, tho.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
Of the four so far, Sanehara’s actually been the one I thought was done least well. The others had more of a definite path from start to finish, that while fast was still there. Hikari’s just seemed to have a couple jumps in there.
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 77 comments
PhotoKano: I liked this episode, and Nonoka, best girl in my mind. Dat body, and the fact she does baseball too. But also because her personality is great. But next episode will interesting again. I love the preview bit, ” all men love leotards”. True since I have a friend who does gymnastics. But another good episode from PhotoKano but I agree the series could have dedicated more time to each girl.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
I’d have been more in favor of a two-episodes for each girl in a 12-episode series, even if it meant that they only had endings for four girls. That would have allowed for finishing up the others in either OVA’s or a second season.
But honestly, I think they’re still doing a pretty good job. I’m really enjoying the show, and I do prefer the one-girl-at-a-time omnibus romance format over the ‘giant harem free-for-all’. Plus, let’s be honest, this is the only way that most of the girls get a chance in this show.
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 77 comments
True, a harem fre for all like To Love-Ru is kinda silly at times, and it allows for better character development when it’s one on one, with no outside interference, but yes, the two episode deal would have been excellent, so long as the story didnt frag on or become pointless like it did with Haruka, but enjoying the show so far.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
I give To-Love-Ru Darkness some credit, tho, since Momo is actually trying to flip the genre around, by building a literal harem in the show. That show needs another season.
POWUH: and LOLi Defender with 10997 comments
I give To-LOVE-Ru plenty of credit, it’s a scream. And yes, to Momo.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
For a show like that which has multiple seasons, it would be good if a cour of 12 episodes were released every other season since fans apparently like it so much. But then one would have to consider the eventual lack of material and a possible budget that may not be enough to support the animation.
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 77 comments
To Love-ru is quite the show, I enjoy the comedy that’s built into it, and I think another season wouldn’t go amiss, it’s been great so far and they have plenty of material they can use from the manga which is still going strong.