Saimoe – MetaMoe Update and Predictions
Predictions, results, and more!~

Nothing too surprising went down here. Saki was almost taken out by Maho Misawa from Ro-Kyu-Bu, which would have been an exciting start if it went through. Remon exceeded my expectations, garnering the second highest total of Group A1., not that she was up against tough competition or anything. For me this round shows a weakness for the Saki supporters, who despite getting a record breaking number of characters through to the main tournament have simply provided a large amount of fodder for everyone else. At this point I can see only one outcome for Group A1, and that’s a showdown between Saki and Kobato.
Two pleasant surprises for me in Group A2 were Reika and Miki, the support of which I underestimated. It’s nice to see both Idolmaster and Smile Precure doing well! Otherwise, this round went by somewhat predictably. Although I had Yuno pegged as the winner of her match, I was silently rooting for Natsuiro’s Saki who fell short by a small margin of votes. What’s worse is that she was in the lead for a long period of time, right up until the last couple hours or so. The Miki-Tomoka match was also one of the more intense matches to watch, as both girls went back and forth between first throughout the round, but thanks to a final push Miki ended up taking the win!
Except for Kanade, who barely slipped past Hayate’s Isumi, these matches were all very one-sided. Toki’s huge win margin was surprising, and that says a lot about how she’ll perform from now on, and looking at the other girls it seems her biggest enemy at this point in Group B1 is Iori, but I won’t count out the donut-loving vampire just yet! Chris Yukine’s win was the only big surprise to me. If a Symphogear wins Saimoe … just kill me.
AKARIN~ DOMINATION. Those other girls didn’t stand a chance. I’m looking forward to her next match with Azusa, it should be one of the best this year. Oh, and another surprise, Chihaya Ayase ALMOST WON! A last minute voting surge almost pushed her through, which would have been the most awesome upset this year. It’s too bad it wasn’t enough, but really … 4 votes. Another one of the closer matches was Mei verse Ayano, and even though I’m rooting for the Yuru Yuris, I was happy to see Mei win. In fact, it’ll probably be Mei facing off against the winner of the Akari-Azusa showdown. Look forward to it!~
( My Current Prediction Record: 17 / 24 )
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8/23: Shizuno Takakamo // Rise Matsumoto // Kyouko Toshinou 8/24: Kokoro Akechi // Hare Menjou // Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen 8/25: Cthugha // Francesca Lucchini // Chinatsu Yoshikawa 8/26: Maria (Hayate) // Maon Sakurada // Laura Bodewig 8/23: Fuu Sawatari // Kanon Nakagawa // Norie Okazaki 8/24: Yuuka Morigaki // Hisa Takei // Sae Nakata |
8/25: Awai Oohashi // Astarotte Ygvar // Mami Futami 8/26: Sherlock Shellingford // Mayuri Shiina // Asuha Tohara 8/23: Kaoru Hanawa // Ringo Oginome // Professor Shinonome 8/24: Sen Yarizui // Suruga Kanbaru // Ui Hirasawa 8/25: Yune (Ikoku Meiro) // Sonya (Kill Me Baby) // Erica Hartmann 8/26: Yayoi Kise // Gruier Serenity // Ai Haibara |
GROUP C1: The next group kicks off with an intense match-up between Saki front-runner and protagonist Shizuno facing off against popular Yuru Yuri TOSHINO KYOUKOOOO! I’m giving this one to Shizuno, simply because of how large the Saki fanbase is, this is their opportunity to knock out a tough competitor. Rise’s voice won’t be heard this time, as usual. My choice of Hisa for the last match was easier to make.
Hare is more of a personal choice than a prediction, best guilty gear right there. ;_; The support for Strike Witches and Milky Holmes doesn’t seem nearly as strong as last year, so someone like Hare has a good chance of slipping in. I get the feeling this match will be revealing for the those two fanbases.
Cthugha and Maria felt like obvious choices. Poor Chinatsu just doesn’t have the same popularity as the other Yuru Yuris. The next match was a bit more difficult to pick, but I went with Kanon, though I still feel wary of that choice. The Tamayura girls got really screwed over by the placings. All four of the representatives are in Group C, not that I expect them to do well or anything.
GROUP C2: Both Lotte and Erica Hartmann, who made it to the final eight last year, are in group C2 and I feel confident that they’ll both make it through. Lotte seems to have it easier though, as Erica is going up against Yune, who in my opinion has as much potential as Mei Misaki.
I wanted to give the second round to Mayuri, but I have this gut feeling Sherlock will get through as the main protagonist of Milky Holmes. Similarly with Ringo, Hakase seems more popular. Suruga vs. Ui should be a close one, but Suruga has never been as popular as the other Bakemono girls in Saimoe. Yayoi was an obvious choice.
GROUP D1![]() |
GROUP D2![]() |
8/27: Houki Shinonono // Rinko Tamaki // Harue Akado 8/28: Chihaya Kisaragi // Hibiki Tachibana // Koneko Toujou 8/29: Henriette Mystere // Suzu Hagimura // Hajime Kunihiro 8/30: Hinata Hakamada // Unused Character (Kill Me Baby) // Perinne H Clostermann 8/27: Tamao Kurei // Hibino Shiba // Sana Inui 8/28: Ayumi Tokita // Kurisu Makise // Mihoko Fukuji |
8/29: Teru Miyanaga // Madoka Kyouno // Tomoki Sawamura 8/30: Hiroe Atago // Utao Kuga // Nagi Sanzenin 8/27: Gertrud Barkhorn // Yasuna Oribe // Sakurako Gibbard 8/28: Louise De La Valliere // Yuuko Shionji // Kei Arakawa 8/29: Karuta Roromiya // Makoto Kikuchi // Fear Kubrick 8/30: Agiri Goshiki // Touka Ryuumonbuchi // Saber |
GROUP D1: These three second prelim winner got pretty lucky being grouped up together! It’s a hard one to call however. Rinko topped Harue originally in R2 of the second prelims, but Harue will most likely do better in this much smaller pool of options. Which leaves Houki. After some debating I went with Houki.
I would love to think Chihaya has an easy match-up, but Hibiki might prove tougher than her first show. I went with Chihaya anyway, because I loveu~ her. The next three were all a toss-up and are definitely going to screw up my prediction record, but whatever! Kurisu is matched against Mihoko unfortunately, which doesn’t give her much of an opportunity to win.
GROUP D2: If you haven’t noticed the trend, Group D is one of the weaker of the tournament. I fully expect Nagi to sweep through, unless she gets sniped. But anyway, Saki’s big sister Teru should do well against Madoka. Sakurako might get joke votes like Sui last year, but I’m predicting against it.
Karuta, one of the most popular choices from MetaMoe, is up with an easy match-up. Makoto will be one of the easier iM@S girls to beat luckily. Louise seems to have an easy match. I was on the edge for the last match-up, but ultimately I went with Touka.
Updates : The following is a list of players who have characters on their list that have either advanced to the next round or been eliminated. If your name isn’t here then obviously there is nothing new to report! The changes are also being reflected in the banners underneath the spoiler below this list.
- Akagami : Miki Hoshii advances to Round 2.
- Anemorj : Oshino Shinobu advances to Round 2.
- BlackBriar : Oshino Shinobu advances to Round 2.
- D-LaN : Yuka Hanaki advances to Round 2.
- Hawthorne : Akari Akaza advances to Round 2.
- Highway : Lost 1st pick Saki Mizukoshi in tight match against Yuna Gasai (201 – 190) and 5th pick Asia Argento in close match against Tsukasa Ayasuji (273 – 200).
- Kai : Azusa Nakano and Remon Yamano advance to Round 2.
- Karakuri : Lost 3rd pick Nanako Doujima in one-sided match against Saki Miyanaga (294 – 55).
- Kyokai : Lost 3rd pick Chihaya Ayasa in tight match against Yozora Mikazuki (259 – 255).
- Raiyuu : Lost 3rd pick Tomoka Minato in tight match against Miki Hoshii (323 – 299).
- Rakkyo : Lost 1st pick Tsumiki Miniwa in one-sided match against Toki Onjouji (417 – 74) and 4th pick Miya Tachibana in close match against Mahiru Inami (236 – 177).
- Thorgrim01 : Oshino Shinobu, Kobato Hasegawa, and Miki Hoshii advance to Round 2.
- Tofu : Kobato Hasegawa advances to Round 2.
- Yerocha : Remon Yamano advances to Round 2.
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That’s all for this now! I’ll be back on the 30th to report the results of Groups C and D, though there’s a small chance it might not be as quickly updated as this round was because I’m starting college in a couple days, but I’ll try to be as timely as possible.
So, what are your predictions for the upcoming rounds? Surprised by any of the results?
POWUH: Meta Team and Megane-chan with 3214 comments
Saki does pretty well and absolutely no one is surprised. Yep, saimoe is back.
I’m surprised at Reika making it through, but I never once expected Mei to make it either. I guess it helps that they were in weaker brackets and I don’t expect Reika to even put up a fight against Yuuki.
In any case, go Karuta! Yayoi as well. If Reika can make it past round one, I don’t see Yayoi having any problems.
POWUH: 700-799 and Horror Expert with 701 comments
Yeah, Yuuki’s domination seems inevitable! That is, until Round 3 where I think Koromo will rise above her in popularity. At this point it seems as though the only one who has a chance of taking down the Saki reps in Group A is Kobato. Should be fun to watch either way!
Reika’s win is a great sign for Smile, it makes me so happy. ´▽` Yayoi has a super easy match! Overall all five of the girls got pretty lucky as far as first round placements go.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
I’ve been anxiously waiting to see the results and my patience has paid off!! And what’s more, one of my vampire girls have won her round and for now, my banner is safe. Go Shinobu!!! I had a feeling she’d survive thanks to her exceptional fanbase.
POWUH: 700-799 and Horror Expert with 701 comments
Woo Shinobu!!~ I’m a little conflicted for her next match, because I love both her and Yuka. But I think Iori is the one Shinobu has to watch out for most.
POWUH: Meta Team and Spammy Tamer with 7115 comments
I actually had hopes for Mizukoshi Saki, but no luck for me. I’m actually not disappointed to see Ayatsuji-san beat Asia (who I picked solely because she was in DxD, and I already had Nanasaki in my group). I’ll honestly be surprised to see any of my picks make it past the first round.
POWUH: 700-799 and Horror Expert with 701 comments
Luck was almost on your side! That match was so incredibly close. And I wouldn’t count yourself out just yet, Ai is in a pretty nice position for her first match. I can’t really say the same for Urabe and Kanoe, but they still have a small chance. 😀
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1557 comments
I’m kinda surprised (or maybe not) that Saki has such a large showing. I never really understood the appeal of the show, but I gather it has a good following.
It’s kind of like Yuri Yuri, but at least I can understand why Yuri Yuri is popular, even if it isn’t my cup of tea.
Not surprised Azusa won, though it was tighter than I would have expected. I think I would place Azusa a little ahead of Ritsu but behind Mugi, imo. She just never appealed to me.
POWUH: 700-799 and Horror Expert with 701 comments
I became a huge Saki fan after starting Achiga-hen, and I have to say it’s a very fun show! You learn a lot about the game as it progresses, too. I completely understand why it wouldn’t be appealing to a lot of people though, it’s very … niche, I guess?
Mugi<3 I can't wait to see her match.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
NUUOOOO, CHIHAYAAAA! What is wrong with some beauty and Karuta braininess? But I know that she was not really moe for most out there. Oh well.
POWUH: 700-799 and Horror Expert with 701 comments
I KNOW RIGHT! AGH SHE WAS SO CLOSE. Now I have even more reason to hate Yozora. ;_;
Next year … maybe … :<
POWUH: Meta Resident and Werewolf Chaser with 1270 comments
Welp… Since I don know most of the girls…
You girls did a great job fighting, at least (most) you go down w/h a fight.
Congrats to those who still hadn’t had their girls go down yet. And Yuka just LVL UP (lol)
POWUH: 700-799 and Horror Expert with 701 comments
Yuka did so well<3 I can't wait to see how she handles going up against Iori and Shinobu in her Round 2 match. Should be interesting to see where the votes go.
There are still 6 more groups in Round 1, so many more will fall! ufufufu