First Impressions – Queen’s Blade Rebellion [NSFW]
Stay for the boobage, leave for the animation and plot
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The work I had to do to get to this point. I watched all of QB seasons 1 and 2, I watched all the season omakes, I watched the 6 OVAs. I also watched the QBR OVAs and the premium visual books. It was horrible having to watch Alleyne do topless push-ups. The Vance sisters were frequently naked which was challenging to my eyes. Watching the Swamp Witch’s 3 mistresses bathing was miserable. It hurt just to watch Cattleya try and whole those massive titans up. Aya Hirano voicing an occasionally naked angel, the horror! It took a lot of guts for me to do what I did, watching every single piece of QB content there was just so I could review this first episode of Rebellion. I’ve wasted so much time… |
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So another start of a brand new season of anime and you know what that brings MORE QUEENS BLADE! Why? Because the fans freaking need it or something like that…so sit back and enjoy the strange tag team chat with me, Jrow and Kara! |
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Well through some fit of insanity, I’ve decided to watch Queen’s Blade with Fosh and Jrow. Yeah, I don’t know what I’m thinking either, but if I made it through season one, I should be able to make it through this ヽ(´▽`)ノ. |
Foshizzel: Mouretsu?
Karakuri: …Pirates?
Foshizzel: Whahaha
Jrow: Pirates are the new cool thing
Foshizzel: Marika grew up~
Karakuri: ohohoho~
Foshizzel: twin sister!
Jrow: Liliana <3
Foshizzel: I think shes from Amagami SS (Shizuka Itou, who voices Haruka)
Karakuri: She destroys things. This is already an improvement
Foshizzel: hooray undead
Foshizzel: spring = full of supernatural
Jrow: Plenty of pantsu
Foshizzel: ninjas vs pirates
Karakuri: LOLOL
Jrow: Nice star nipples
Foshizzel: And she flys
Foshizzel: Over powered pirates
Karakuri: The shirt didn’t stand a chance
Foshizzel: DAT LAUGH
Foshizzel: Macross F up in here
Jrow: Oh I love dat laugh
Jrow: The boring part where we set up plot
Foshizzel: They have a very odd voice cast
Karakuri: Well there’s the loli
Foshizzel: oh there are more loli’s this time around >.>
Karakuri: and robot maids…?
Foshizzel: ya I didnt understand the robot
Karakuri: SHE FLOATS
Foshizzel: haha ya
Foshizzel: half strike witch
Jrow: Claudette, Y U BETRAY US? 🙁
Foshizzel: These guards are so dumb
Foshizzel: Thats some troll face ahah
Jrow: Wow, robot girl has some nice upgrades
Karakuri: Oh noes, her poor wrist
Foshizzel: magic skirts
Jrow: That’s what, panty shot #7?
Foshizzel: Yep!
Karakuri: ….Has anyone else noticed that they all wear the same colour underwear?
Foshizzel: Queens blade drinking game xD
Karakuri: LOL
Jrow: *takes a shot*
Foshizzel: Kiraboshi!?
Jrow: Branwen
Foshizzel: Glttering crux hit some hard times
Foshizzel: we now use monsters to fight our women.
Foshizzel: never trust a goblin
Karakuri: This could go wrong in so many ways
Foshizzel: Yeah Kara hahah
Karakuri: M!
Foshizzel: LOLOL
Karakuri: S!
Foshizzel: electricty = M
Foshizzel: that toad was an S
Karakuri: And the troll… thing
Foshizzel: Loli #2
Foshizzel: did you know she is a dwarf?
Karakuri: Wait. why does the non-loli’s voice sound so familiar?
Foshizzel: from season one xD
Jrow: Ymir
Karakuri: Ah
Foshizzel: more pirates
Jrow: She was cool, wanting to sell her goods
Foshizzel: Lololol
Jrow: Sunbeam-chan strikes again!
Foshizzel: old man is like WHAT
Foshizzel: I got the NSFW one lmao
Karakuri: In the middle of the night, too! Sunbeam-chan is ruthless
Foshizzel: full on nipple shots xDD
Jrow: Nice nips, though the thing she has between her legs…
Foshizzel: I know right
Jrow: WOO~
Foshizzel: haha
Foshizzel: the elf is tinnyyyyyy
Foshizzel: So ya I guess something made the queen evil…
Karakuri: I’ll admit, I never watched the second season
Jrow: Ymir is reminding me of Winry now with this Automaton talk
Foshizzel: loli fight come on
Karakuri: Anyone want to bet on how long it goes until clothing flies?
Foshizzel: haha
Jrow: Gonna go with 4 minutes. That’s a little long, though :/
Foshizzel: I do like Yimr she is an interesting character xD
Foshizzel: and her scooter of death
Karakuri: lolol
Jrow: Yeah, her voice is tough to get used to at first, but she can be funny
Foshizzel: Lol powerful boobs
Foshizzel: Ahahah the animation. Giant ball of wtf
Jrow: This animation is dope
Foshizzel: and they all died.
Foshizzel: Scooterrrrrr~
Jrow: haha, sweet ride Ymir
Jrow: Though I like Bante’s robo-feet more
Foshizzel: So something strane I guess they discovered technology?
Karakuri: Oh a twintail character
Foshizzel: required by Queens blade law
Jrow: Elina, you look hot evil, but I’m sad you’ve went down this path 🙁
Foshizzel: TWIN TAILS
Foshizzel: I hear Madoka’s actress from her from Lagrange
Jrow: I thought the same thing too, Fosh about Madoka. Turns out it isn’t.
Jrow: Panty shot for the loli *takes shot*
Karakuri: HOLY
Foshizzel: Lolol
Karakuri: how powerful are those things?!
Foshizzel: ninja boobs
Foshizzel: oh wait shes a knight ;D
Foshizzel: The only male and he is so derp
Karakuri: Points for the megane
Foshizzel: yes hang in there
Foshizzel: lmao
Karakuri: xD
Foshizzel: Oni-chan
Jrow: Oh yeah, backstory… people thought Annelotte was a man a while back
Karakuri: …Doesn’t she mean onee-chan?
Karakuri: ah
Foshizzel: lmao
Karakuri: …how?
Jrow: I’ve spoiled the reveal of this…
Foshizzel: lmao
Foshizzel: more boob
Karakuri: Elf loli is blind
Foshizzel: her armor was made of glass
Jrow: haha…
Foshizzel: Ivy?
Foshizzel: What? This part I was like wtf
Jrow: Ivy, but far less fugly than in the game
Foshizzel: horse? really?
Karakuri: See through horse
Foshizzel: Yeah
Karakuri: great for panty shots
Foshizzel: plot horse >.>
Jrow: Boob animation is great. Other animation… nah.
Foshizzel: haha
Jrow: *takes a shot*
Karakuri: At least they spent money on the ‘plots’
Foshizzel: yep
Jrow: Well spent money
Foshizzel: quality right there
Foshizzel: is that tin tin from that cgi movie?
Karakuri: LOLOLOL
Foshizzel: that hair…
Foshizzel: you sure have a great friend
Karakuri: Oh noes! Not Mirim! ,,,, Who’s that again?
Foshizzel: Sold your stuff
Foshizzel: GG
Jrow: Names? I only go by bust size.
Foshizzel: Yuri slave…
Karakuri: Ahaha eeeeeeeeeeverything she
Foshizzel: I hate the nuns
Foshizzel: so dumb
Karakuri: I-is that Kobayashi Yu?
Foshizzel: yes!
Jrow: Yup
Foshizzel: you are correct
Karakuri: Ahahaha oh of course
Foshizzel: and her top is back
Foshizzel: how…
Karakuri: Regenerative armor
Foshizzel: Yep
Foshizzel: episode 2 lots of yuri
Jrow: I love Siggy’s ability
Foshizzel: haha this preview
Jrow: I can heal you *rubs staff in between buttcheeks*
Foshizzel: basically we have already seen the 2nd ep
Karakuri: The important parts anyeays
Jrow: Kind of yeah
Foshizzel: yeah, this robot has more emotions that Inori at least ;D
Karakuri: Well I have no idea who anyone is, but at least this is already better than season one… somehow
Jrow: Yeah, the action at the very least is more engaging then anything I saw in the previous seasons.
Foshizzel: Yeah that was random
Foshizzel: Right! I did enjoy the fighting in Queens blade and all the various weapons
Karakuri: So Claudette is basically the one who appears everywhere and saves everyone just because she can?
Foshizzel: Yeah shes the queen now I think
Jrow: Leina won Queen’s Blade, but rejected the throne
Karakuri: Waitwait, I mean the pink haired chick with the horse
Foshizzel: so something has made her evil I guess
Karakuri: …or maybe her hair was purple
Jrow: I’d go light purple
Foshizzel: cotton candy (L)
Karakuri: ahaha
Jrow: lol
Foshizzel: I wanted more pirate girl T___T
Karakuri: saaame
Jrow: I did too, Fosh
Foshizzel: shes got a army of undead and a flying boat!?
Foshizzel: FK YA
Jrow: She’s kind of the reason why I went through all of Queen’s Blade, even though none of that is important
Foshizzel: Yeah this season doesn’t have a lot of cool characters
Jrow: The cast seems much smaller
Foshizzel: I liked the villians of the first series
Karakuri: It does
Foshizzel: yep
Karakuri: Maybe they’ll rely on bringing back the old characters?
Foshizzel: maybe they just can’t pay actors to voice in something this terrible
Jrow: Tomoe’s apparently blind, so she might not come back
Karakuri: Hirano hung in there, I’m sure others would
Jrow: Leina seems like an Amuro Ray situation
Foshizzel: haha
Jrow: Be badass for a series or two and then disappear and be forever famous
Foshizzel: yeah
Karakuri: Ahahah
Foshizzel: but yeah animation was bad
Jrow: It was good where it mattered
Foshizzel: that whole cart scene
Karakuri: I don’t think it was that terrible overall though
Foshizzel: and random use of technology?
Jrow: QBR in teh futures
Karakuri: I’m still more concerned about wtf that blue horse was doing there
Foshizzel: next series better be set in space
Foshizzel: zero g boob physics
Foshizzel: Yeah Kara that horse = fan service horse
Karakuri: offf course it is
Foshizzel: lets ride into battle and flash everyone, PERFECT
Karakuri: It happens anyways, why not? xD
Foshizzel: yeah
Foshizzel: might as well give the fans what they want
Karakuri: brb
Jrow: Imagine being in the writing room for that. “We want her to have a horse, but we don’t need it in the way of boobs.”
Karakuri: Lolol
Foshizzel: exloding armor, loli girls, robots oh and steve we need a invsible horse
Foshizzel: Right away!
Jrow: Invisible Horse, great idea!
Karakuri: Promotion!
Jrow: no wait…
Jrow: I got it
Jrow: See-thru horse!
Foshizzel: its on the list of thins we can add to make queens blade last forever
Foshizzel: things even
Jrow: Well, how do we make Queen’s Blade 4?
Foshizzel: sharks
Jrow: it has to be in space
Jrow: Space is cool. Mouretsu, Space Bros, space is in.
Foshizzel: “alien sharks”
Karakuri: Great for tearing through clothing
Foshizzel: see through flight suits I bet
Karakuri: alien robot sharks?
Foshizzel: that wear pirate hats
Karakuri: oh awesome
Foshizzel: call it nichisharks in space blade
Karakuri: PERFECT
Foshizzel: Animu is easy
Karakuri: what if we add bodacious in front of it too xD
Foshizzel: hooray!
Jrow: Bodacious Nichisharks in Space Blade
Foshizzel: amazing job everyone
Karakuri: We should get paid for this
Foshizzel: yarr
Jrow: Summer 2012, Queen’s Blade 4, produced by Metanorn Studios
Foshizzel: fund it
Karakuri: FUND IT
Jrow: Fosh is our character designer
Foshizzel: yessss
Karakuri: xD
Foshizzel: So yea queens blade stay for the boobage leave for the animation and plot.
Karakuri: …then wtf am I doing watching this? xDDDD
Jrow: Stay, I will
Jrow: Kara, you gonna keep up with this past ep 1?
Foshizzel: because Kara is cool yo
Karakuri: Ahaha yeah probably xD
Foshizzel: same
Jrow: sweet
Foshizzel: cause we are M’s fufufufuf
Foshizzel: our brains will hate us later
Karakuri: It’s okay. Undead pirates make up for it
Foshizzel: totally
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 116 comments
I just want Tomoe, my pure, unsullied Shrine Maiden of Hinomoto, back. Is that too much to ask from Queen’s Blade Rebellion? T_T
I totally love the discussion you people have in this episode. XD
And Kobayashi Yu is Siggy the Nun? I want her to scream nonsense about High School Boys now! *I still can’t get over Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou*
I watch Queen’s Blade for the plot! Promise. =)
POWUH: 1000-1099 and Pirate King with 1048 comments
Tomoe was a babe, right? Unlike all the other girls, it was an event when her clothes were shredded. I think one fight where the wind blew her shirt open was the best.
I watch it for plot as well… err, I mean the plots. I can’t recall too many backstories in the first two seasons, so the abundance of pantsu shots has me hoping for the occasional shot in Rebellion.
POWUH: Metanorn Lover with 243 comments
It’s the return of the bad anime commentary post! These make this sort of show almost worth existing. Keep up the great work guys!
POWUH: 1000-1099 and Pirate King with 1048 comments
haha! It’s also good we had a girl with us to balance the conversation, or else me and Fosh might of been a little too crazy with the oppai.
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 323 comments
“Jrow: Nice star nipples”
“Jrow: Boob animation is great. Other animation… nah.”
hahahaha ~~~ I just drop my cup of tea by reading this…
by the way this hentai cuz i just saw something that i should’t watch ~~~ ε-(´・`)“( forgive me mother..(_ _).. )
POWUH: 1000-1099 and Pirate King with 1048 comments
haha! Hopefully you didn’t spill the tea on yourself, now.
lol, hentai it comes just a bit close. There unfortunately isn’t too much yuri in queen’s blade.
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1557 comments
Thanks for the fun read! I came in here wanting to see what
depravedunique soul was actually seriously reviewing this ^^Fosh, you’re missing the lasers. Sharks with laser beams attached to their heads.
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 144 comments
The sharks need afros. Everything is better with an afro.
POWUH: 1000-1099 and Pirate King with 1048 comments
Sharks with Afros. Gotcha!
Special thanks to our focus group led by akagami and Rakuen! 😀 <3
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 144 comments
I have seen the light.
That is all.
POWUH: 1000-1099 and Pirate King with 1048 comments
You’ve seen it. Were you blinded by it?
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 144 comments
Nah. I saw the future was bright, so I grabbed my shades.
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1557 comments
Ahh, good song. I first got blinded by this light.