Aniblog Tourney Blog Highlights II
And we are back with the next batch of Aniblog Tourney Highlights, with the red approaching.
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Some fore-warnings: You are not hallucinating, there is actually a two number skip in this highlight. You can’t expect us to cover ourselves, do you?! So, I have taken us and our competitor out of the list to be fair. Also, if a live poll link is not working, no worries, it will work in a few hours and/or day. Check the match date for a hint. Like I said before, I hope this series will help you discover new blogs and fatten up your RSS readers. You can find the first Ani-tourney Highlight here or just follow our Tourney category to stay updated. From now on these posts would be a day apart but we will keep up with the pace of Tourney polls. I tip my proverbial hat to Mushy, Reiseng, dere-moe Project and Otaku Life for their first try of Tourney. I hope to see them in the next one bigger and better, while congrats to the winners |
17. Anime Picks |
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Authors: Anna May and her massive army of contributors Start Date: September 2010 Main Categories: Anime news, reviews, and cosplay Site Type: Own-hosted Frequency of Post: Sporadic Last post on: April 16, 2012 Site Link: URL Match Date: April 17, 2012 Tourney Poll: Live Poll |
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Thoughts: The first thing you’ll probably notice when arriving at Anime Picks is the site’s very own mascot, “Anna May”. Catchy, right? Beyond that this diverse blog covers a wide spectrum of topics (everything from culture to figures to video games). While having such a large foundation of writers allows the blog to push out posts, that might lead you to assume the quality varies. However, the hired writers do a nice job of maintaining quality throughout, with detailed and informative reviews that also provide tidbits of extra information like prices and release dates. It would be nice to see some more pictures in reviews, but the ones used generally speak for themselves. The only negative I can see is that the site doesn’t have much of a community, posts often go undiscussed, which is unfortunate since they typically bring up good talking points! It might possibly be because their reviews are more professional then personal. Aesthetically Anime Picks looks very stylish, making good use of it’s theme colors and categorizing it’s plethora of categories neatly and easy to see. However, some might call it clutter and even being too compact, for instance banners and words cover up faces, and poor Eiko and Chizuru are cut in half! Overall though, it’s creative and not many blogs can say they have their very own mascot! (Unless you’re slug related.) If you’re looking for a blog that covers a wide variety of topics, but aren’t really into the community aspect then this might be for you! They’re not all that up to date with seasons and whatnot, but not everyone watches airing series anyway! |
18. Kuuki no Purido |
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Author: Kuuki Start Date: July 2010 Main Categories: Anime, Episodics Site Type: Blogspot hosted Frequency of Post: Sporadic Last post on: April 14, 2012 Site Link: URL Match Date: April 17, 2012 Tourney Poll: Live Poll |
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Thoughts: It was pretty tricky to find the “About” section in this blog as there is no “About” section. The lame me literally read one article from another to find the author of those articles, not remembering that the blog’s name is called Kuuki no Puraido and that there’s the word “kuuki” for its link. Duh. To find out more about Kuuki, click the “facts” tag and you’ll find it. Kuuki no Puraido has a hassle-free layout, but that gives the advantage for the interesting banner to get more attention. I wonder who is that on the banner? Eye patch and green hair, my lesbian side is tingling. Kuuki no Puraido is the perfect website for those who don’t like reading long articles. Her posts are short but concise enough to let the readers know what the anime is about. Kuuki has a friendly writing style that people from all ages should be able to grasp. Her site also has tons of articles about figures, fashion, and Hatsune Miku. What I like the most from her blog are the little anime facts and lists she made. Thanks to her, I found out that there’s a French guy called Alain Delon (if that rings a bell, there’s a character in Beelzebub named that). Also, Kuuki actually made a list of the benefit for being a fujoshi. *fujoshi high five* That’s a good reason to visit her site, isn’t it? |
19. The Notaku Blog |
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Author: Notaku Start Date: April 2011 Main Categories: Episodic Reviews and Editorials Site Type: WordPress hosted Frequency of Post: Sporadic Last post on: April 14, 2012 Site Link: URL Match Date: April 17, 2012 Tourney Poll: Live Poll |
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Thoughts: Notaku is a really awesome writer that I originally found through a blogroll and occasionally lurked a while back. He only covers a few shows each season, but he definitely puts quality over quantity. One guy can only do so much, so with that said, rather then putting short blurbs each week for 20 different shows, he gets very in depth with the select shows he does blog. He has a very humorous and unfiltered personality from what I’ve read, and although his posts are lengthy, it doesn’t feel like a chore to read them. Don’t let the “NSFW” scare you away, it’s a blog worth checking out! For his blog’s style, Notaku keeps it clean and simple. I really like the three column design because it removes a lot of the sidebar clutter that it might have with only two. It’s not all that colorful or eye catching, but it’s easy on the eyes and definitely doesn’t detract from the writing. So if you’re following the shows he’s blogging or want to check out some entertaining editorials, Notaku is a good place to start! |
20. Beneath the Tangles |
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Authors: Goldy, MURASAKI LYNNA, R86, TWWK, Zeroe4 Start Date: September 2010 Main Categories: Editorials Site Type: WordPress hosted Frequency of Post: Weekly Last post on: April 15, 2012 Site Link: URL Match Date: April 17, 2012 Tourney Poll: Live Poll |
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Thoughts: Welcome to Beneath the Tangles blog, which is dedicated in exploring various connections between Christianity and anime and not just one religious view but many others. Sounds interesting, huh? I will admit that does sound a bit strange; however I think this is a very unique way to explore the world of anime. So, does the theme of religion and anime makes you want to read it? I would say it depends on the person or how curious it makes you? Though, there are countless series of anime that are filled with religious tones; so how does this blog pull it off?! In the recent post that I enjoyed reading was Characters that embody the fruits of the spirit TWWK posted a verse from Galatians 5:22 – 23 along with the other “spiritual fruits” as in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. All of this is very interesting, but do you have to be hardcore in religion to enjoy the posts? I don’t really think so, but I suppose it wouldn’t hurt… Another wordpress style blog, right here. So, you have your usual one color background and information at the top and right hand side, but does this design blow my mind? Not really as there are countless wordpress blogs that pretty much look the same; however, Beneath the Tangles setup works nicely and the navigation bar has several links to other blogs. Even a helpful guide for parents on anime if they are curious, but I loved the bright banner of Madoka praying at the very top because really it fits the overall theme of the blog. |
21. Anime Tree |
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Authors: hippiefreak12, Light Start Date: October 2010 Main Categories: Anime Review, Episodic, Editorial Site Type: WordPress hosted Frequency of Post: Daily-ish Last post on: April 15, 2012 Site Link: URL Match Date: April 17, 2012 Tourney Poll: Live Poll |
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Thoughts: Hippiefreak12 and Light are the two active writers at Anime Tree, with Hippiefreak12 being the dude in charge of things. Together they post anime reviews and sporadically update with episodic posts for certain series. You’ll also find some music posts and a few editorial posts thrown in. I was instantly drawn to the video game editorials, and quickly got sidetracked reading them all instead of just skimming the site…A good sign, for sure! The episodic posts are more like summaries with the odd snippet of personal commentary thrown in, while the series review is actually based more on their thoughts for the series as a whole. As a result, I’m not a big fan of how they do episodic posts, but the review posts definitely work. As you’re reading, you’ll be greeted with a menagerie of pretty anime fanart. It’s a big of a cluttered layout, but you get used to it over time. |
22. Subdued Fangirling |
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Author: ConfusedMuse Start Date: May 2011 Main Categories: Anime, Figures, Reviews Site Type: Blogspot hosted Frequency of Post: Every other day/ Weekly Last post on: April 14, 2012 Site Link: URL Match Date: April 17, 2012 Tourney Poll: Live Poll |
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Thoughts: This one has an “About” page. Whee. ConfusedMuse (Muse for short) is also a victim of old anime such as Pokemon, and thus has been writing about anime for the past almost-one year. She literally had a relationship with anime, believe it or not. Or so what she said. Muse’s avatar is one of the twins from Lucky Star, and her layout is full of color blue. Subduedfangirling has such fangirl appearance (see what I did there?). So cute de geso! Subduedfangirling really lives up to its name though. There’s little fangirling in her well-written articles since they’re all subdued in her mind. She mostly writes first impressions and end reviews with episodics sometimes. Muse writes very little in her First Impressions, and they focus on the most noticeable themes in those anime. Unlike the First Impressions, her end reviews are quite detailed, focusing on every aspect of the anime being reviewed. But really, nothing can beat Muse’s monthly figure reviews. I don’t know how she can get the money to buy those figures, but it’s always nice to see a blogger writing attentive reviews of figures. Do check her figure reviews de geso! |
23. Ephemeral Dreams |
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Author: Ephemeral Dreamer Start Date: April 2011 Main Categories: Editorial Site Type: WordPress hosted Frequency of Post: Weekly Last post on: April 15, 2012 Site Link: URL Match Date: April 17, 2012 Tourney Poll: Live Poll |
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Thoughts: Ephemeral Dreams is a solo aniblog run by the aptly named Ephemeral Dreamer. He’s quite an interesting guy, so he carries the site alone quite well with steady updates. He comes up with a new editorial topic every week or so about either currently running anime or older anime. I don’t know how he manages to think up something to write every single week with the depth and care that he does. His writing is compelling, comprehensive and to-the-point. Ignoring the author for a moment, the site itself is decent-looking. It’s not fancy, but it gets the job done and doesn’t distract you from the actual posts. There’s also a list of anime recommendations if you want some advice about what to watch next. I must admit that this may become one of my new lurking grounds… |
24. Ace Railgun |
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Author: Acerailgun Start Date: September 2011 Main Categories: Episodic Site Type: WordPress hosted Frequency of Post: Daily Last post on: April 17, 2012 Site Link: URL Match Date: April 17, 2012 Tourney Poll: Live Poll |
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Thoughts: Acerailgun’s anime blog is dedicated to episodic blogging. Also, just in case if you were living under a rock you probably saw his famous 50 questions about anime post; that post made its way through countless anime blogs as a way to get to know anime fans a bit more. AceRailgun’s posts are small or as I call them “quick hits” where he shares a few things he liked on the review, however the reviews are not filled with walls of pictures or massive paragraphs and this works very nicely for his writing style without all the filler of “what happened during the episode”. Besides the usual episodic anime posts you can find posts on anime music, awards, and artwork updates on his site Mascot named Cassie. AceRailgun is another wordpress blog, but at first glance I thought it was made from the ground up. The colors really pop nicely as it uses greys, blacks and bright orange that makes it quite easy to read…I did mention a mascot character and I know most people roll their eyes when they hear such things, but I will admit I am a huge fan of anime blog themed mascots and Cassie is a really cute looking angel themed character with one mechanical wing or no wings at all. So, I recommend you stop by to check out the anime reviews, music choices, podcast and stay for the adorable Cassie artworks. |
25. Heart of Manga |
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Author: Laura Start Date: May 2009 Main Categories: Manga Reviews and Wallpapers Site Type: Own-hosted Frequency of Post: Sporadic Last post on: April 16, 2012 Site Link: URL Match Date: April 18, 2012 Tourney Poll: Live Poll |
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Thoughts: Heart of Manga is a blog dedicated to, what other then, manga! Laura is a writer who focuses almost exclusively on shoujo manga, and with 55+ reviews and counting she knows what she’s talking about and you can see that in her writing. Laura gets down to the heart of every manga she reviews, picking apart the romances, characters, plot, and art, providing shoujo-lovers with a great way of finding new series they might enjoy. One of my favorite aspects of her blog is the system she uses to categorize the manga she reviews, first giving them a heart rating (as a grade for her review) and a “romance rating” to help readers find exactly what they’re looking for, innocent, steamy, lustful, and of course, erotic. Apart from reviews she also provides links to great wallpapers and mixes in her own personal musings with her posts. Visually the site is very appealing with a very reader friendly interface. It’s easy to find what you want by using the various categories and indexes and Laura also fills us in on what manga she’s currently reading and plans on reviewing through the use of the sidebar. Shoujo lovers will definitely fall in love with Heart of Manga! |
26. Ultimatemegaex’s Blog |
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Author: ultimatemegax Start Date: January 2011 Main Categories: Translation, BD-reviews Site Type: WordPress hosted Frequency of Post: monthly Last post on: March 6, 2012 Site Link: URL Match Date: April 18, 2012 Tourney Poll: Live Poll |
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Thoughts: Here we visit the anime blog Ultimatemegax. This blog appears to be very random as there are no episodic posts, but every post is about anime like a list of translations projects he has worked on with The observation of Haruhi Suzumiya: Official Fanbook, Someday in the rain, The disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya official guide book and several others. Other than this, there are posts about DVD sales and season round ups where he lists several finished series giving each a number scores as a whole versus breaking down artwork, music and story. Design wise typical wordpress style again with a single colored background; this time with a dull yellow and green text on top of white with a banner at the top of the blog. The navigation bar highlights his anime collection, MAL webpage and complete with twitter comments and a blogroll on the right hand side of the page. It certainly isn’t anything special for designs but I suppose it gets the job done for Ultimatemegax. |
27. Deluscar |
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Author: Kai Start Date: October 2011 Main Categories: Anime, Figures, Reviews, Visual Novels Site Type: WordPress hosted Frequency of Post: Sporadic Last post on: April 18, 2012 Site Link: URL Match Date: April 18, 2012 Tourney Poll: Live Poll |
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Thoughts: I squealed a little when I saw deluscar’s layout because it’s just so cool de geso! The black reminds me of Metanorn right away. deluscar’s theme might be seen often in other sites, but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s neat and comfortable for the eyes. I mean, who doesn’t like seeing pictures of pretty and moe girls? The sidebar is filled with famous sites’ subscribtion, such as Sankaku Complex and Danny Choo. deluscar also has Facebook and Twitter widget, so Kai is definitely stalkable. Kai handles the six months’ existence of deluscar professionally. Instead of episodics, Kai writes reviews after he has watched the whole series. He writes his reviews with such great care, putting every detail he noticed in the reviews. Kai is not afraid to voice his opinions and handles discussions calmly. Just like Muse, Kai also does figure reviews but more towards the pictures of the figures. If that’s not enough reason, visual novel is also Kai’s area of expertise. Anime, Figures, and Visual Novels! That’s more than enough, yo. |
28. Kansatsu ~観察~ |
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Author: Kuro Start Date: October 2010 Main Categories: Editorial, Anime Review Site Type: WordPress hosted Frequency of Post: Bi-weekly-ish Last post on: April 16, 2012 Site Link: URL Match Date: April 18, 2012 Tourney Poll: Live Poll |
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Thoughts: Endless scrolling! It just keeps going and going, like Tumblr! I…don’t know why that impressed me as thoroughly as it did either. Kuro’s blog Kansatsu has a lot more to offer than just endless scrolling and simple yet maximally functional layout. There’s a variety of editorial pieces about both anime and video games as well as first impressions for the currently airing anime, followed by end reviews when the series is finished airing. Every now and then he does cover specific episodes of a series if he has something of note he wants to share. Kansatsu is updated fairly regularly, so there will be at least one or two new things to read over during any given week. Kuro’s writing is concise and even his editorial posts fall on the short side in terms of length. However, he’s got a great style and always raises a very interesting and distinct point in each post. Looks like yet another impressive blog in the running for the Aniblog Tourney! |
31. Avvesione’s Anime Blog |
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Author: Avvesione Start Date: January 2011 Main Categories: Episodic Reviews Site Type: WordPress hosted Frequency of Post: Daily (most of the time) Last post on: April 16, 2012 Site Link: URL Match Date: April 18, 2012 Tourney Poll: Live Poll |
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Thoughts: While Avvesione’s Anime Blog might have the outer appearance of “just another episodic blog”, if you look a little closer you’ll see that Avve isn’t lying when he says he “puts in effort”. He describes his style of writing as topic posting, touching on the points that he cares to write about with a lot of detail. From what I’ve read, his posts are very analytical and talk about a wide variety of topics like I mentioned before. I’d say his greatest strength, apart from his writing style, is his insight because it provides plenty of interesting discussion points! Best of all he always responds to comments! Appearance-wise I feel as though his blog lacks anything particularly eye-catching. Hopefully you’ll allow his writing to be your first impression rather than the somewhat dull colors (the purple tags stick out though which I like!), because the guy definitely knows what he’s talking about. The blog is also easy to navigate, which is something I always enjoy in a blog, especially when I want to read older posts. |
32. The Otaku’s Blog |
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Authors: SilentSerenata, jacqivarius, bakaneko, Kimmichan, sakuraxxyume, lerorin, Lustri, tobguestwriter, shrutianime, sleepynoyume (SleepySlacker) Start Date: January 2011 Main Categories: Anime, Episodics, Reviews Site Type: WordPress hosted Frequency of Post: Sporadic Last post on: April 12, 2012 Site Link: URL Match Date: April 18, 2012 Tourney Poll: Live Poll |
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Thoughts: In total, Otaku’s Blog has ten writers, although one retired and two are on hiatus. Otaku’s Blog has a basic black-and-white theme with bunch of anime pictures everywhere. It’s not really the best, but it’s pretty much acceptable for the eyes. Anime characters are always acceptable for the eyes. I’m sure they’ll get better in time. It’s been a year only, after all. Don’t be tricked by the simple theme though. The amount of writers in Otaku’s Blog gives the blog a wide variety of writing style and topics. Genres, fandoms, BLEACH, even Cardfight Vanguard. Otaku’s blog covers sooo many things. And the great thing is, the writers are really friendly. So, do check them out! |
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
[…] in terms of referrers on my site stats. Another link I happened to notice is the blog highlights at Metanorn. Metanorn wrote a small segment on the participants of this…week’s/section’s […]
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Don’t worry, Kyo, I’m not hallucinating. After seeing that huge list of blogs in the last post, it shouldn’t be that surprising.
Wow, there’s a lot of interesting blogs here. Good luck to you and everyone else. Congratulations to the winners.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Agreed lots of interesting blogs to add to my google reader!
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
I’m sure you loads on your google reader already. Other than Metanorn, I’d sometimes visit Sekijitsu and SeventhStyle to see what kind of stuff they talk about.
POWUH: Meta Resident and Yōko Fanboy with 1246 comments
WOAH! I just realized BB is really close to taking 2nd place from me! LOLS Guess my reign in 2nd seat will come to an end… *sob* Fight on BB, FIGHT ON AND BEAT DAN!!! I put my trust in you xD
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Hahaha, Tofu, you’re awesome. You make it sound like I’m a usurper or one of the Blacklist members from the Need for Speed games rising through the ranks. Though the way you described it is almost sounding like Mirai Nikki since I’m currently third. Anyway, thanks for the support. I intend to make becoming the top commenter my highest ambition.
POWUH: Meta Resident and Yōko Fanboy with 1246 comments
ahahaha! Now that I think about it, it’s quite similar to Most Wanted with a Mirai Nikki Twist 😛
Sadly BB, I’ve decided that I’ll be the 2nd to reach 1000 before I’ll let you take over >;D
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
“High five”. Yeah, it does sound that way but I’d go more with the Mirai Nikki aspect just because it’s awesomely insane.
Thanks for the takeover but if you do that, you’ll actually be the third one to reach 1000.
POWUH: Meta Resident and Yōko Fanboy with 1246 comments
I meant that I’ll reach 1000 before you THEN let you take the lead LOLS Unless something bazaar happens and I still get 3rd for the 1000 mark? O_O
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1557 comments
I have no idea how you people manage to rack up huge posts unless they’re the author and respond to people’s posts.
As for me, I’ve given up all hope of getting to the Top 15 commentators sidebar box. Because, like, I only post once every… couple of days, on average. With luck, I might break 400, in oh, by year end?
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
Thanks for the kind words and the helpful critique! It means a lot coming from y’all. I’ll take it all to heart.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
No worries! Great blog thou I like to see different takes on anime reviews and yours is actually very cool! I hope to read more and comment in the future.
As for design I can see the issues there wordpress designs are somewhat the same to me…then again I don’t design blogs so I always have a tough time “breaking” apart a blog for their choices in designs…
Welcome! And good luck in the tourney <3
POWUH: iLurker with 2 comments
Thank you for your thoughts! Coming up with an editorial topic that I’m interested in weekly is actually the toughest part for me, but I always get some inspiration from here and there. ^^
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
You have my vote Ephie! Gooooood luck to you buddy!
POWUH: Meta Team and The Mad Scientist with 5525 comments
Reviewing blogs is kind of fun! I struggle sometimes coming up with one per MONTH, so I know how tough it is. You have my vote too, so best of luck!
POWUH: Meta Resident and Yōko Fanboy with 1246 comments
I saw Metanorn and The Kotatsu up there and I was thinking… “Is Metanorn going to talk about their own site?” LOLS!! By the way… where’s the thoughts on Kotatsu?
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
We are not that biased, Tofu. xD Kotatsu will get special treatment, you’ll know soon enough. ^^
POWUH: Meta Resident and Yōko Fanboy with 1246 comments
I’m not sure if you’ll be doing one for Sekijitsu as well considering you did write for the site once but if you do, I’d love to hear from you guys about our pros and cons ^^
POWUH: Meta Resident and Yōko Fanboy with 1246 comments
Just wanted to say that I’m the 2nd person to reach the 1000 mark on the Top 15 commentor list! WOOT! >;D
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Congratulations!!! Now I’m next in line. Woohoo!!
POWUH: Novice (36-50) and KoujiSeo Fanatic with 47 comments
I swear if you just windows screencap our CSW logo, I will murder you.
Carry on with these thoughts 😉
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Ahahaaa, challenge accepted! :3
POWUH: Meta Resident and Yōko Fanboy with 1246 comments
Spril NO!! Save yourself before it’s too late! You can’t match against Kyo’s eye of death perception! D: D: D:
POWUH: Meta Resident and Yōko Fanboy with 1246 comments
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
That is exactly why she should walk away now. Going against Kyo’s Death Perception is suicide. Well, if it turns out bloody (and it most likely will), then we’ll probably get a front row seat. Why am I so sadistic sometimes? Maybe it’s because of a few sadistic blogger girls that I’ve come to admire.
POWUH: Meta Resident and Yōko Fanboy with 1246 comments
LOLS Spiral’s a *ahem* guy *ahem*
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
LOL. Oh my god!! My bad. My apologies, Spiral!!
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Spiral! Send me some waffles irl I could go for some…oh yes! @Kyokai we need to shop some real waffles for their site <3
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Are you really going to try and murder the boss lady? I strongly advise against it. You don’t know what you’re getting into.
POWUH: iLurker with 4 comments
Thanks for the kind words. I’ve been getting mixed comments about my color scheme for a while now so it’s nice that someone likes it.
Good luck when your turn comes around.
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
No problem Ace I really love your moe mascot character! Very cute <3 it gives me ideas for my own character, but not a metanorn mascot sadly xDD
Thank you!
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Metanorn’s barcode is badass enough. :3
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
The barcode is what makes Metanorn unique. Good job, Kyo.
POWUH: Meta Resident and Yōko Fanboy with 1246 comments
It’s unique because if you use a barcode scanner, it actually shows you a deleted scene from Kara no Kyoukai which completely changes your mind about the whole movie series.. O_O Oh wait I wasn’t supposed to say the secr- *get’s killed by Kyo*
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
You always killed if you reveal certain secrets. You will beremembered Tofu. LOL.
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
You always killed if you reveal certain secrets. You will be remembered Tofu. LOL.
POWUH: iLurker with 9 comments
awesome! i didn’t know about that.
thanks for the noble sacrifice Tofu, you will forever be remembered XD
POWUH: iLurker with 5 comments
Are you guys just going to suck up to every blog with meaningless comments? I’ve never read so many words that had so little content.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
If looking at the positive side of all participating blogs is meaningless comments to you then yes, they are.
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
Thanks for the kind and supportive words for my and everyone else’s blogs. I appreciate you all for taking the time to read through everything and provide your impressions on here for your readers. I’m especially happy to hear your thoughts on my writing style and selection of topics since I rarely receive feedback on these subjects.
I wish you all the very best of luck at Metanorn. Hopefully we can both meet up in the group stage of the Aniblog Tourney!
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
You are welcome! I liked reading those big posts on several shows at once interesting way to knock out several reviews at once.
Thank you! Ahahah yes that would make for some fun.
POWUH: iLurker with 18 comments
I’m looking forward to fellow Tumblr anime blogs who are in the tourney.
…and also those who use Twitter Bootstrap.
Shameless self-promotion, thank you.
By the way, GO KURO GO KURO GO!
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Ohhh nice I have t take a look at those blogs!
Lololol yeah Twitter is a great thing for bloggers <3
Yes go Kuro!
POWUH: iLurker with 3 comments
Thanks so much! I don’t get a lot of feedback on my figure reviews, so it’s nice to hear that you like them! 😀
POWUH: Meta Team and PreCure Mastah with 9203 comments
Welcome! Good stuff
POWUH: and Yaoi Fangirl~ with 2320 comments
I really do like your figure reviews, especially the Menma one! So cute! I hope you make more of those articles :3
POWUH: iLurker with 2 comments
To be honest, I’m too lazy to make a proper about page.
Thank you! Thank’s a lot, I almost had a heartattack when I looked at my stats today and realized some people have been coming from metanorn, but it made me super happy!
(And I promise I’ll try to write more of those ltitle facts, I promise I’ll try)
(And the girl of my banner is Miku. Yup. Isn’t she pretty in that get up? <3)
POWUH: and Yaoi Fangirl~ with 2320 comments
An about page is preferable in case the reader wants to know more about the author. Or just just make a link titled “About” and link it with the Anime History post.
You have no idea how surprised I was when I found out that a male name Alain Delon actually existed. And French too! I’ll be waiting for more of those facts
POWUH: iLurker with 2 comments
Yeah I know, and I promise I’m going to make one one of those days I’ll be really bored at work.
I thought it’d be surprising for people who’re not French, that’s why I wrote about it.
I was super surprised when he appeared in the anime in return
POWUH: Meta Resident with 1557 comments
Ahhh, haha, I just realized the polls have a really short window. Missed voting for a bunch. Oh well ~