Happy Birthday, Kyokai!
By Tag Team, posted under Announcements, Blog Updates, Featured
And once more for good luck, we have another birthday! Can you guess who it is? I bet you can’t…
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You can probably guess from the obviously titled post, but we’re having yet ANOTHER birthday at Metanorn. I’ll be honest, it always feels like a party around here. It seems every day I’m getting email after email about all these new things that Metanorn is doing, and all these secret posts we’re concocting. In a word, it’s pretty damn awesome. You know, we have someone to thank for all of this, and I think the team knows just who it is… |
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Happy birthday, Tenchou! I am so sorry but I totally forgot your age. But who cares about that anyway, you’re forever young to me. You are one of my very few role models, being able to squish in time to take care of Metanorn while working at the same time. I mean, you got more than ten slaves subordinates in Metanorn, and I’m sure you have more in Real Life! HOW you can manage Metanorn, even its smallest corner, is beyond my knowledge. You sure you’re not from DC Comics? I’m starting to think that you’re Wonderwoman having her paid vacation or something. Thank you for being able to be patient with me too, for answering even some of my most retarded questions that made me even facepalmed myself. Thank you for guiding me from -1000. Thank you for being an understanding Boss that’s willing to keep up with my procrastination (hehe); I swear, I’ll finish that post by next week. Last but not the least, thank you for being such an understanding friend, listening to my stupid ramble about my life and giving me advices about my personal problems. Well, I’m done being cheesy now. Don’t want to take a lot of your time, since it’s your birthday! Have a great birthday day, and don’t do anything dangerous! |
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Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Kyokai, Happy Birthday to you~ Hey there fearless leader, today is a celebration of you, the ever so awesome and fun lady that keeps this Little Big site as great and fun to post and do podcasts for. I hope you have a wonderful birthday today, and I may just sing that birthday song for you the next time we podcast. (please say no thanks Jrow! =P) |
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Happy Birthday! As the perpetually busy boss lady, I’d say today is a good excuse for you to finally take a little breather and have some fun. Seriously, I don’t know how you get so much done for Metanorn and still find time to yell at your underlings in real life too. It’s amazing! Keep rocking those awesome time management skills. EAT CAKE AND PARTY HARRDDD~! |
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~HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYOKAI!<3 Unfortunately I was late for your birthday post, like I did last year (if I remember right) xD First of all, you’re an amazing woman and aniblogger! I really do admire all the hard work you do for Metanorn while juggling your work and other RL responsibilities ;~; I hope that your birthday and the coming year will be the very best with lots of sweets and good times, and that you’ll get some well-deserved rest! With that, I wish you another happy birthday!<3 |
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Oooooooo Otanjoubi omedetou~ Kyokai! Hope you have a great one. While it’s your birthday, I’m out in the wilderness… enjoying the fresh air… yep. I’ll have a yummy smore in your honor because we all know that you have given up the greatness known as cake and chocolate. But yeah, any big plans? Hope you finally get to relax a bit for at least one day now that most of the Meta stuff is taken care of. So, I would have given you a present, but hey… my hard work and sweat should be good enough right? Hehehe. But yeah, know you has been a treat and working with you is always fun. One day when you hire me to work for you in real life, I’ll treat you out a lot in appreciation for all the damn hard work you’ve done. Hahah! Well, Happy Birthday! Take cares. Have fun and chillax~! |
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Happy Birthday big boss lady~! I hope it is filled with delicious things like cake, booze, yummy food and bishies, it doesn’t have to be in that order. You could spread the bishies out over the course of a meal, not literally of course. Wait, actually….kekekeke. Today is your day entirely, so grab it ,shake it and go “mine, mine mine!” You can do whatever it is you want, which is the main perk of a birthday. Kick back and relax or party hard and wake up tomorrow not knowing why exactly you are wearing a sombrero. It’s all good! But when you come on Meta be sure to play a chorus of “happy birthdays” in your head as we will all be singing to it to you! You have been the most awesome of awesome leaders and have helped me more times than I can count with my technological retardation, so thank you. And again, have a sexellent birthday! |
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Happy Birthday boss! I hope you have a fantastic day and get lots of great sweets on this special day! You are really awesome and a great leader for us without you I think we would run around and act crazy! So thank you for all the hard work you do with Metanorn to keep it running and fun for everyone. And of course all of the behind the scenes work you do everyday for us! I know you have helped me personally helped me on some posts and given your time to create special graphics for certain posts. Sadly I can’t really draw you anything special for your birthday! Because my computer is being so damn mean! So I owe you a drawing! Anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYOKAI!! WOOOO!! Don’t party to hard! Well sure just this once ahahaha. |
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KYOOOOKKKAAAIIII. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I haven’t had much work experience but, from what I’ve done, you’re the best boss I’ve ever had in my life! First off, you work SO hard and it’s absolutely amazing how much you’re able to do. Sometimes I just sit here like “Wow. My work ethic is NOTHING” when I see the things that you accomplish. You’re serious and set goals that many people, like myself, wouldn’t even imagine trying, and yet you get it all done. You’re THE hero among my heroes. As in, number one. Not only so, but you’re hilarious and sweet and just really, really fun! I always have so much fun squeeing over Natsume and stuff with you, and you always have an interesting perspective on things. Just plain awesome, really. So, boss lady, since it’s your birthday you should enjoy yourself and do whatever the hell you want. Cuz you deserve it more than anybody else. EAT A MASSIVE CAKE. CHILL! AND PARTY! AND HAVE AN AMAZING TIME! I LOVE YOU! *grabs pompoms* *cheers for Kyo* |
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…Have you guessed yet, Kyo? I think everyone is saying happy birthday to you! But seriously, congratulations! All of us here at Metanorn hope you have a spectacular day and we urge you to actually take a little break from work and Metanorn, because sooner or later, you might ask Will to actually transfer your conscious thought onto the Metanorn server. I’m sure it would improve traffic and warn some government officials about out plan to take over the world, but we just wouldn’t be the same Metanorn without Kyokai. Finally, to commemorate your birthday, I actually wrote a Haiku. For this I delved into your mind, and wrote what you might be thinking about me…Hato is so cool, but you should do more work, bro. Now get back to work. |
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I was late for the party D: I commented quite a while after the post was published. Heck I don’t even know if I wrote my comment in the right spot or if I have the right picture. Anyway, that’s not really important. What is important is the “gift” (or more like the thing you’ve kept on asking me to do for ages that I finally did XD) that I made to you (and Metanorn). You should’ve noticed by then on the sidebar: There’s a MetaVerse Player! So yeah my comment came out late because I was coding the RSS to XSPF PHP file so that the episodes are automatically added to the playlist when they’re released. There’s still some adjustments to do on the script, but currently it’s doing it’s job perfectly.Happy Birthday Kyo and I hope you have lots of fun with Meta’s new feature |
Wishes from Sekijitsu:
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Why hello there ~ thought I’d tag along and hijack one of your Metanorn birthday parties. Another September birthday, that would mean that you were conceived on……crap, better not get distracted.
Before I get carried away mo- Happy Birthday, Kyo! Hopefully it’s a great day over where you’re at, no rain and what not (do you guys get rain there to begin with?). Your dedication and consistency is something that everyone should look up and aspire to, I know I definitely have no clue how you can keep up at the pace you are. Metanorn has been one finely-tuned machine and that’s all due to your leadership.
Hope you have a great day today and get yourself a nice present while you’re at it. Sadly I haven’t had time to go on msn as much as I used to and I doubt you’ve been able to either, but at least we’re still keeping in touch through twitter. I really miss our MASSIVE man group chats of yesteryear but fingers crossed we’ll have another one very soon. As my present to you, I made that Bakemonogatari picture up there to commemorate today and I promise I will finish the remaining 5 KnK episodes while I’m at it. Kick your feet up and relax, cos life is good 🙂
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Happy birthday, Kyokai, Miss Boss of Metanorn! I know you’ve been busy with work and your amazing anime blog, so I hope you’ve been able to relax today and do all the things that you love (anime related or otherwise). I’ve got oodles of respect for all the features you’ve put into Metanorn, so I’m a bit honored to share a September birthday, haha! |
And with that, another Metanorn birthday has passed! Who’s next? We don’t even know (we totally do)! We’ll see you all again soon!
Tags: Happy Birthday, Kyokai, Metanorn Team
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
Happy Birthday to the boss lady of Metanorn that makes everything on this site happen. Awesome management skills. Use this opportunity to hoard all the cake, candy and presents in your path. Just find the biggest cake around and show no mercy!!!!
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thanks, BB (I hope you don’t mind me shortening your nick), for the awesome wishes and man, I didn’t have to find cake at all, it was just presented to me and I cut it to pieces and got a good chunk out of it too. But I remembered to share. xD
*first comment cookie*
POWUH: and Vampire Lover with 11746 comments
No, I don’t mind. Since everyone has variations to their nick like Overcooled has OC and Cool-chan, my full name, BB or Briar is fine by me.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Awesome, BB from now on~ <3
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 107 comments
Waaaaaaiii, it’s the boss’s birthday!
Happy birthday, Kyokai! Wishing all the best for you (though I’m pretty sure you already had lots of ‘best’; best team, best blog etc xD)
I don’t know if your healthy diet allowed you to eat cakes, but let me offer one! *sending cakes via bluetooth*
Anyway, hope you had a good birthday ^^
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 107 comments
geh, I failed.. It should be boss’ 🙁
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thanks, wiwi-chan, for wishing here and even on twitter~
It’s interesting how many friends I’ve gathered via Metanorn and it’s awesome. I had a wonderful birthday, all thanks to you all! <333
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 323 comments
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thanks, girl! <333
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 83 comments
Happy birthday Kyokai!Have an awesome one. You have been a really big role model to me in the aniblogsphere. Your undying ambition, work ethic and creativity never fails to impress me. Everytime I see a new Meta Project my mind gets blown to smitherines. The work you’ve put into the site has not only come to fruition, it has grown into a tropical rain forest. Keep being awesome and I hope you have a great birthday 😀 September Babies FTW!
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thanks, Star-chan! <333 It has been lovely seeing daifuuku grow into a cool team. Metanorn is like my virtual home and maybe that's the reason, I treat it like any other part of my life: full of zeal and oomph~ xD It just humbles me that people actually love the craziness I cook up. What more I can ask for?!
Fufufuu~ Another september baby, huh?! When is yours?
POWUH: Beginner (20-35) with 31 comments
Happy birthday Kyo, hope it’s filled hugs, kisses, high-fives, embarrassing memories etc. Also, (if I’m remembering that early podcast right) welcome to the ripe old age of ME! ;). It’s a much better year than the last one I swear, lol!
Seriously, hope you have a great day! 🙂
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thanks for the wishes, fb! <333 They were filled with all of the above and more, except for an embarrassing memory (though, you could count me being all touchy feely with the cake as one xD).
I say, older and wiser so I can only hope for more awesomeness as the days roll by. xD
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 126 comments
EHHH?!!? It’s your birthday kyo??? here’s a present!! [link] sorry it was rushed, if I had more time I would have cleaned the lines a little xP Happy birthday!! although I’m barely around the aniblogsphere anymore. I have and always will admire you! ^_^ hope you have a amazingly awesome day today~ get lots of cake and presents! ;D
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
OMG, RUUUUBYYYYYYY! I’ve missed youuuuuuuuu (you would know if you had been listening to MetaVerse because Ness and I usually add you to our shoutouts). Thank you SO MUCH FOR THE AWESOME WISHES & OH GOD DAT SHIKI PIC *huggles pic like there’s no tomorrow*
That got booked for my tumblr but seriously, thank you so much for dropping by (I know you’ve been pretty busy). Get around aniblogosphere whenever you get time because we’ll be here and around! <333
POWUH: Novice (36-50) with 50 comments
I’m 16 min too late, but happy birthday! You rock and thanks for keeping the site running 😀
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
You were not late at all as the date was 19th September. Thank you for the wishes and I’ll keep rocking this joint! xD
POWUH: 400-499 with 489 comments
Tanjoubi omedetou Kyokai San. have a good one !!
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thank you, Moni-chan~ <333
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 304 comments
Happy birthday! I hope it’s a good one! Eat lot’s of cake~
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thanks, Amuto-chan~ <333 Had a good one and you all made it even better! xD
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 338 comments
Happy birthday!! May it be filled with best wishes and anime funness~~~~
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thank you, Kitty-chan~ <333
I had loads of fun and even managed to see two episode of Gintama after midnight! xD
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 305 comments
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYOKAI!!!!!!!!!! =D You’re seriously one of the most hard-working bloggers I’ve ever seen, and I’m always amazed by some of the stuff you come up with. I hope you relax a bit though on your birthday and have some fun~ XD With cake and bishies and anime!
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thanks, Elyon-chan for the awesome wishes! <333 I had a great time with the stuff I love. xD
POWUH: Metanorn Lover with 207 comments
The Goddess of Metanorn, may your birthday be filled with happiness and joy. We of the anime fans out there, salute you to all your hard work for Metanorn 🙂
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thank you, Samantha-chan~ Yoroshiku~ <333 ^^
POWUH: Meta Team and Megane-chan with 3214 comments
Happy birthday Kyo!!! Hope you have an awesome day~!You’re the greatest boss lady ever. Seriously.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thanks, Kara! <333
POWUH: 600-699 and Romance Expert with 652 comments
happy bday kyo.
I think I remember a post that said you we’re here around the time of durarara. that means I have been visiting this site since you came here.
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thanks, amado! <333
And yes, incidentally, you started following Metanorn when I was a nubile, supposedly 16 year old aniblogger! xD
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ with 339 comments
Not only did you catch me during my massive essay in take (I still have one to go, what is this?!) but you caught me without a new drawing program on this new laptop! Gosh darn it I don’t know how to say Happy Birthday without drawing it!
Oh wait, I do:
Seriously, happy happy birthday. Hope you rock your day out to the max, and tell everything that sucks to go suck a carrot, because it your day, boss lady. According to the dates, you get the final of Tiger&Bunny and the new seasons of My Little Pony as birthday presents XD
Look forward to a double dose of Junko doodles for next years birthday. And once again, Happy birthday 😀
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
LOL! You are on. Who doesn’t want another birthday just for fun?! And no issues on the art, like I said to Foshy, it’s not compulsory or anything. Wishes are what matters in the end. ^^
Thanks, Junko-chan for the warm wishes. <333 xD
POWUH: Occasional (51-75) with 67 comments
Woo~ Happy Birthday (again) 😀
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thanks, Chanda darling~ <3 xD
POWUH: iLurker with 2 comments
YAAAYYY!!! Happy Birthday Kyokai!! O’ Great Boss of Metanorn 🙂
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Oh thank you so much, Jakzz! Also, I’m so happy to see you delurk to comment! <333
POWUH: Metanorn Lover with 151 comments
Happy (belated) birthday tenchou! Though I fully agree with the metanorn team that you take a break, you deserved it!
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thank you, TK! I had lots of fun and also, you were not late at all. xD
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
OMG, you guysssssssssss…! As if it was not enough that my RL team has been celebrating my birthday since Friday, you guys come up with this awesomeness and I even see some first-time commentors dropping by.
THANK YOU ALL! I have NO words to express myself right now. >< I will slowly reply to all messages but thank you for such kind words and awesome wishes. I LOVE YOU ALLLLL! <333
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Alright, time for replies~
anaaga, DAWWWNESS! How did you find out my previous identity?! Though, I would love to go on paid vacations, it’s still around three months away so I’m gonna hang in there~ And I’m always available for my friends (25/8) and I’ve accumulated many while hitching up Metanorn, this is just special service available to all. :3
Jrow, Thank you and heck yeah, Jrow! (I just can’t say NO! XD) You gotta take responsibility being a MetaVerse co-host and all! xD
Cools, OMG!!! This is the cutest pic ever! (ShikixMikiya ftw~) Not to mention them being all neko-neko and Haagen-daz!!! HNNNNNNGGGGGG. And you threw in Touko and Araya too so it was total WIN for me! <333 And for my RL team, they know how to keep me happy or else…. xD
Hoshi, I always love your excited drawing. A smile comes to my face, whenever I see it. <333 Thank you for the wishes and no worries on timing. Everything is relative and all depends on the wish. I will definitely take out time to put my feet up and RELLLLLLLLAX! xD
Ness, I hope you had an awesome time frolicking about in the forest or wherever you hiked too. Sucks it rained the last day but hell, at least I got some hot smores to my name! xD Also, I ended up eating the blueberry cheesecake that was home baked for me. 😉 Srsly, your hard work has been an awesome and continued gift for Metanorn. Everyone in Meta team contributes to my happiness with more content for Meta, what else I can ask for? And hell yeah, you are on my wanted list for an RL minion! xD
Hime, I had an awesome sexellent birthday! LOL! I wanted MOAR bishies though! Thanks for the awesome wishes and titilating imagination; I'd've prefered to wake up with a kimono on at least and also to realize I've time traveled to the past and captured by yakuza with a kind assistant looking like Mikiya. I should stop the imagination right now! xD
Foshy, Lol! Imagine everyone running around going bonkers! DAWWW, thank you for the awesomeness~ And as I said, I'm always there for my team mates. :3 Everyone do their part and I do mine in making Metanorn a homely place where everyone enjoys themselves. I can't have it any other way because then who would motivate me?! xD
Zabo, Thank you for the awesome wishes, Zabooooo! *huggles* Everyone wants energy injections and I think you provide me plenty whenever I need them with your over enthusiasm. I had lots of fun on my birthday with 'some' cake and lots of partying! xD
Hato, It took a lot to not look at the thread, when you were formatting it on panel. LOL @ title, but thanks for compiling this and LOL at the haiku. Bro, you know me so well! xD And would you guys, stop revealing my plans about Metanorn already?! xD
Will, What an awesome birthday present! I can't expect anything less from the Metanorn Webmaster. <333 (You are spoiling me, you know that?!) Thank you for the awesomeness that you are, zodiac buddy! xD
Bass, I'm glad you hijacked this post! Sekijitsu is my second home after all, even if I don't do much over there… OTL! We get plenty of rain in monsoon here, which came late this year but we had a blast while it was around (I'm a rain lover, as you can see, unless it blocks road and makes me stay at office late… orz''). I'm glad of twitter for so many reasons and like you, haven't been on MSN much. But we definitely need to get rolling with one of those MASSIVE chats because they are awesome. This reminds me, you should be coming on skype more, man! We need to catch you offguard someday! xD Loved the Araragi x Senjougahara awesomeness because I fangirl them so hard (Nisemonogatari/ Kizumonogatari coming soon!? Woooo~)! Thanks for dropping by~ xD
Renn, Am I happy to see you here or what? Not to mention, we share birthday months too, buddy (Virgos will rule the world! xD). Thank you for the awesome wishes and I'm so glad my hardwork has been paying off. It's for the love of fandom and I couldn't have asked for a better platform.
POWUH: 1100-1199 and Meta's Evil rice-flour Product with 1137 comments
POWUH: Meta Team and Ringleader Extraordinaire~ with 6433 comments
Thanks, Dan! You were not at all, just in time. Loads of love~ <333