Freezing – 02 (NSFW)

Twin-tails Strikes Back!!

Ness: Here we are again…

Foshizzel: Round two of blood, gore and boobs! and a throw down between the trash talking twin-tail. Reminds me of Kuroko from Railgun but older and less clingy…anyway lets get on with this.

Kyokai: YEAHH!! METAFIST! So, you thought you will not get any more Freezing on Metanorn? Wrong! Just because we had so much fun watching this together last week; we have decided to continue the whole thing team-style! Not to mention, this trio would be regularly doing episodics together. Because well, this shit needs more people to plow through. So, yeah, time for TITTAYS @ 12pm

Ness: Well, more like TITTAYS @ 2am due to some delay. But here we are! I don’t have to sit through this by myself and if I am to suffer, others will have to do so with me. Buwahhaha. So, let the GORE AND PANTY SHOTS begin…

Kyokai: Limiter, eh… I would like to know about the freezing effect now.

Foshizzel: The power is off the charts!

Ness: The young man sleeping on her breasts… Drooling!

Kyokai: Hmmmmmm

Foshizzel: They are taking screen shots

Kyokai: Of the brother of a war hero

Oh, naughty old men are watching this

Ness: Oh man, I still love this opening song

Kyokai: It is good. Clannad train anyone?

Foshizzel: Why is she all alone? xD

Ness: Because she’s the main character

Foshizzel: Solo train

Kyokai: Also, Evangelion

Foshizzel: Yes, yes

Kyokai: But she’s not emo as Shinji

Foshizzel: With boobs

Ness: Yeahhh

Kyokai: Yeah, what we signed up for, more panty and boob shots >.>


Kyokai: LULZ

Ness: But somehow I don’t think there will be blood and gore in this episode

Kyokai: Twin-tails… Always tsunderes

Foshizzel: Low shot

Kyokai: I hope there is moar! Finally defeated?

Ness: The blonde trap guy, hah

Foshizzel: WWE

Kyokai: Ughhhhh

Foshizzel: Now that you won, where are you going?! Disney Land!?

Kyokai: Yep, round trip

Foshizzel: That was no hug.

Kyokai: Hahahaa. Groping more like

Foshizzel: Checking for breast cancer….duh..

Kyokai: Strike witches training

Ness: Hahah wow. Let’s ignore the stroll down regretful lane

Kyokai: Blacklist – lulz, you are DEAD

Foshizzel: Blaw blaw blaw, we don’t care

Kyokai: Oh wow, more panty shots……

Ness: She’s not trying to help him really

Kyokai: Yeppp

Foshizzel: You’re gonna get raped…run!

Ness: Transfer out instantly! WTF Bus animation is better than the normal animation


Kyokai: Hahahaaa, she saw him

Ness: Yeah

Foshizzel: Lol glasses

Kyokai: Meganeeeeeeee

Ness: Megane-chan!~

Foshizzel: She’s like omg that’s my man

Ness: Zomg talking shit about her while she’s there



Kyokai: She just went FUUUUUU—

Foshizzel: Don’t touch, I own him.

Ness: Clingy little boy, aint he?!


Foshizzel: Rip his arm off!!

Kyokai: What is this…….. Why she always gets all blushu~

Ness: Traumatized?

Kyokai: OH FFFFFFFFFF. I am blind… Did she just do the typical megane line?

Ness: Yeah, she did

Kyokai: FML

Ness: At least nobody stepped on the glasses, haha

Foshizzel: She’s a pirate now….

Kyokai: What is this…… So out of character

Why thank you for picking up my glasses… After you violated me in Episode 1

Foshizzel: OMG stop touching her

Kyokai: Yeahhhhhhh

Ness: She should just kick his butt

Foshizzel: Creepy



Foshizzel: Lies

Kyokai: AHEM

Ness: YES

Foshizzel: DO IT


Foshizzel: CUT HIM ! D:




Foshizzel: Oh god, that laugh

Ness: Ugh, the laugh

Kyokai: UGH, the tsundere

Ness: Wench

Foshizzel: Buhahahaha

Kyokai: Yeah

Foshizzel: Epic music though

Ness: Ugh, she’s so not hawt

Kyokai: BITCHEEEE. She’s gonna DIE ssoooooonnn

Ness: Most likely

Foshizzel: You and me gonna throw down

Ness: Gorilla Pandora, she’s just jealous

Foshizzel: Thumbs up yo


Ness: Oh noes, they’re gonna fight. We should stop them but we won’t even though we’re on the student council

Oh hoe hoe hoe~

Foshizzel: Oh SNAP, its on



Ness: WTF is she blushing?!

Foshizzel: Chains = Awesome

Ness: No!

Kyokai: Reminds me of Samurai Girls

Ness: Hahah

Foshizzel: With less ink

Kyokai: But Jubei was so better than her. Yeahhhh, NO INK.



Foshizzel: Property damage; Wooo!!


Ness: I love Sattelizer’s awesome poses. She’s so cool and she knows it

Kyokai: She seems so wary of the whole thing though

Foshizzel: Owned again

Ness: BLOOD… in droplets

Kyokai: Ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh. That was soooooo goooood



BAMF woman walking away~

Ness: Oh shit, she’s going berserk


Foshizzel: This is the 4th uniform you messed up!

Kyokai: LULZ. She’s going down. Ooooh……. I like this Pandora mode

Foshizzel: BANKAI!

Ness: Yeah!

Kyokai: Hahahaaaaaaaaa

Foshizzel: You make me happy… Now I will fight. DUR

Kyokai: XD Oh right


Kyokai: Chaining

Foshizzel: No one likes a backseat fighter…

Kyokai: They gonna pop… SHITTT

Foshizzel: This music omg



Foshizzel: Lol holes

Kyokai: Oh mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Ness: WTF was that on her breasts?

Foshizzel: Hang around for a while


Kyokai: We just need a tentacle monster now >.> Fuck that laugh

Ness: Hahaha

Foshizzel: Yellow eyes = omg power

Kyokai: Oh here we go, chains are tentacles. Why am I always right?

Ness: Bleh wimpy kid to the rescue

Kyokai: He’s gonna get it >.>

Ness: BITCH SLAPPED .. by a bitch literally.

Kyokai: YEPPPP

Foshizzel: Freak out time



Foshizzel: Bitch gonna get served



Foshizzel: DANCE OFF, GO

Kyokai: I have been waiting for this!!!

Ness: I bet you have =P

Foshizzel: Me too!


Foshizzel: Off with her head


Kyokai: Walk the plank!

Kyokai: Awesome, you get cut and get nekkid

Ness: PWND~

Foshizzel: Finish her…

Kyokai: YEAHHHH. SHINE~!!!!

Ness: Damn teachers ruining the fun

Foshizzel: Always. But- but… she started it!

Kyokai: Damn it

Ness: Restored clothes!

Kyokai: Yeppp

Foshizzel: Did she rewind time? XD

Kyokai: The wimp’s gonna fanboy the teachers now

Foshizzel: Hahaha

Kyokai: Whaaaatttt. The tsundere should get the axe

Ness: Why is he blushing? <_<

Kyokai: He got the hots for all his onee-samaaaaaas

Foshizzel: Wants to learn….

Kyokai: XD

Ness: Index when she’s old!

Foshizzel: Damn where’s Touma

Ness: Under the desk~

Kyokai: Coughcough

Foshizzel: Indeed

Kyokai: TRAP

Ness: I thought his roommate would be Sattelizer for a moment, haha

Foshizzel: Another guy!

Kyokai: Lolll. Like in IS

Ness: Hahah

Foshizzel: Yes IS

Foshizzel: LOL Arthur

Ness: Arthur!! WTF

Foshizzel: Are you the king?

Kyokai: Do you have Excalibur?

Foshizzel: Why are you so damn short

Ness: He calls his Pandora, Nee-san.. hmmm

Foshizzel: Sounds like Kida…


Kyokai: OH MAN. He’s a toyboy, alright

Foshizzel: I knew it! A shower scene

Kyokai: Bath scene >.>


Foshizzel: Yes they are still attached to you..

Kyokai: AHEM

Ness: Hahaha

Foshizzel: Time to get hammered

Kyokai: Yepppp, lulzzzzzzz

Ness: Ugh slutty woman appearance

Foshizzel: Creepy lady

Kyokai: Who the fuck is this?


Kyokai: COUGAR

Foshizzel: She likes ’em young

Ness: Devourer of Limiters, hahah

Kyokai: OH GOD, My EYES. IT BURNS! >.<”

Foshizzel: Use some bleach

Kyokai: Just a short summary, if you went HUH over our ridiculous babble. Here’s the short version for you: After the embarrassment Aoi caused Bridget, the twin-tailed wench won in the Carvinal fight and couldn’t help herself but to boast about it exactly when she entered the compound and was already being baffled by Aoi’s touch causing her a lot of blushing discomfort. Being the Untouchable Queen however, she PWNs the twin-tails and goes into a power-up level of Pandora. It’s pretty clear that Aoi will be her Limiter because for some reason, they do share some bond.

End Thoughts:

Kyokai: Now that we are over the hump. Let’s see what actually happened. From all that blushing whenever the girls level up, seems like some function that needs explaining.

Ness: Maybe they just really like the way it feels when they… transform.

Foshizzel: Lots of low skirt shots thrown in and some fancy power up rage mode with glowing hair! Guess they took a page out of other fighting themed shows to give everyone a cool power up. The music was the highlight of the whole thing, of course the fan service wasn’t too bad either.

Kyokai: Someone read the manhwa?

Ness: Nope

Foshizzel: Negative

Kyokai: I might just check it out to see what the hell is up with the power ups

Ness: Yeah, I was talking with a friend who said that it’s really different than the anime

Foshizzel: Right, I heard that too

Ness: Story wise, the anime explains a bit more at the get go.

Kyokai: Hmm… Will check at least few of the chapters. Anyway, back to the episode. The wimpy dude, what was his name again? Aoi something

Ness: Aoi Kazuya. Boy feeling regret for his ROLFcopter breast huggle.

Kyokai: He’s definitely going to be the Queen’s Limiter

Foshizzel: Yep!

Kyokai: Lulzzzz. Was he feeling regret? He was dreaming about it all night >.>

Ness: Well, he went out of his way to try to apologize, hah

Foshizzel: Or was he just lonely? Lol

Kyokai: That was nice of him but I just lost it when Bridgette did that megane-bit

Ness: Talk about harassment, the boy kept on clinging to Sattelizer

Kyokai: I mean, I expect that from any other Kana Hanazawa character. But Bridgette? Lol wut?!

Foshizzel: Grabbing her arm over and over

Kyokai: Yeah, even during her fights. Get your hands off, boy!

Foshizzel: Should have knocked him into next week, imo

Ness: Yeah but I think she’s supposed to have that soft clumsy side with her megane but when she becomes a Pandora, srs bizness mode, she changes personality

Foshizzel: Ah, glasses on = cute mode, glasses off = WTF GODLY

Ness: YA RLY

Foshizzel: Power is in her glasses

Kyokai: Lulz. I am wondering has anyone tried to be her Limiter before this?

Foshizzel: She’s basically the female super man.. Going to guess only a select few

Kyokai: Noooo……. Superman doesn’t have panty shots even if he wears them above his pants… =3=

Ness: Well, Arthur did say something about how she ruins Limiters, haha

Kyokai: Yeah, I want the inside story, what the hell that was all about

Foshizzel: They get worn out? Lol.. jkjk

Kyokai: On the personality side, Bridgette is quite a lone wolf. Of course, there is childhood trauma

Ness: Yes, the childhood trauma which is why she doesn’t like being touched….

Foshizzel: Ah yeah, probably something dark to be revealed later on

Ness: Well, as long as it doesn’t drag

Foshizzel: Right agreed

Ness: It feels like every episode they’re going to introduce some annoying characters. This episode the bitchy rich girl with the laugh and next episode the slutty harem owning posessive woman.

Kyokai: Yep, you are right. I hated the twin-tailed, reminded me of Saya from HOTD and I hated that bitch

Foshizzel: All talk no action xD

Ness: Hahaha yes

Kyokai: Yeah and that laugh.. urghhhh

Foshizzel: There is one in every fighting series xD

Ness: Then they still have to cover that short haired girl who watched the fight from the balcony. As well, the student council president needs to get more close-ups.

Kyokai: Eri Kitamura <.< Oh God, I was right, she did voice Saya from HoTD. I should pet my ears more often now xD

Foshizzel: Hahahha. Damn is Rei in there too?

Ness: YES

Foshizzel: Oh god

Ness: The student council president

Kyokai: The Prez is hiding something and that is because she is Rei

Ness: Hahaha

Foshizzel: Damn it

Kyokai: And coming from the Gin family, I’m gonna hate these two for sure

Foshizzel: Yes, no eyes

Kyokai: But I ended up liking him in the end, mannn

Foshizzel: Yes 😛

Kyokai: And I was just thinking that its only Kana Hanazawa who is missing. Know what, she has a role too >.>

Ness: Oooo?

Kyokai: Rana Linchen, second grade student from Tibet, simple honest and righteous. Lulz, that is so Kana >.>

Ness: Hahaha

Kyokai: So, overall the episode was ok. Fighting was good. There should have been MOAR

Ness: Not enough blood and gore this episode

Foshizzel: Yep! Great power ups and owning of the twintails

Kyokai: The Pandora mode was good to know

Ness: Yeah, it’s funny how the characters just talk to themselves explaining things

Foshizzel: Oh its just like any fighting show

Ness: Oh no, she’s using Pandora mode. It’s forbidden!

Foshizzel: During a fight they are telling the enemy how everything works. So dumb

Ness: Yeah, oh well.. as long as I get to see some blood and fighting.

Kyokai: Yeah, please

Foshizzel: Right agreed

Kyokai: I was just curious that how Bridget went to Pandora mode because I think Limiters are required for that.

Foshizzel: Emotions to fuel it maybe?

Ness: She already made a pact with Aoi via boob hug which caused them to somehow link?

Kyokai: Nooo, when that tsundere punched Aoi, his blood flew off and went to Bridget’s open cut

Ness: Oooh

Kyokai: On her cheek. That is when, she powered up to Pandora mode because the power within her unlocked it, I guess

Foshizzel: Ah his blood got with hers, lol

Ness: I see!

Kyokai: Blood bro and sis

Foshizzel: Ah, so he’s like a key to their powers

Kyokai: That is how she activated it. The toyboy who supplies his blood. I guess, this is a clue to how Limiters and Pandoras work together

Foshizzel: Has a Mai Hime feel to that

Ness: Hahah, really?

Foshizzel: In the 2nd series they have to use another to transform, like getting permission

Kyokai: Lol, something similar, yeah

Foshizzel: Which was like kissing a ear and bam

Kyokai: So, it was another OK episode with boob/panty shots. Not a lot of gore like the first episode but what can you do.

Ness: Nooo I can’t, I need more blood and gore!

Kyokai: At least we got to see a cute side to Bridgette (megane-lol-wut?!). I would like to know what happened in her past and why am I remotely interested in this? Because I’m watching this with Ness and Fosh, who are unbearably doing this for Metanorn to share some fun with the readers!

Ness: The story is somewhat interesting but it’s still moving a bit slow for me. I’m glad that there’s at least fighting in both episodes out so far. I want to know what happened in her past too! I’m thinking it’s something really bad though. Hope there’s MOAR BLOOD AND GORE next episode to come. Good LOLs watching this with Kyo and Fosh. Laters!


Kyokai: Noto Mamiko, what you are making me watch ;-; Oh wow, MAKE ME YOUR LIMITER

Foshizzel: Lol, oh snap


Ness: WTF dorama

Kyokai: Lulz at the chibi art

Foshizzel: The one series Kuroko would get owned in would be this

Kyokai: Hope you had fun reading this. See you all next week. Ja ne~


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23 Responses to “Freezing – 02 (NSFW)”

  1. Foshizzel says:

    So much fun reviewing this! good stuff to watch with others, nice screen cap comments very funny.

  2. Hato-kun says:

    I watched the first two episodes last night and thought they were utterly hilarious.

    Except for the aspect ratio. Oh God, I wanted to kill myself. It was like watching K-ON again.

    • Tofu says:

      Wait- what!?!! Freezing is like K-ON!?!? O___O And what do you mean you wanted to kill yourself (and the way you worded it sounds like you didn’t like K-ON O_O) Hato! I thuoght you liked it!! Dx

    • Kyokai says:

      This has ecchi epicness written all over it. Not to mention, ideal show to watch with more people. :3

      Lol! I hate that square thing. What is it with that anyway?

      @Tofu, I think he’s just talking about aspect ratio of video not the content of K-On!!

  3. Overcooled says:

    *cringe* You…you guys have fun with this monstrosity. <_<

  4. anaaga says:

    it’s basically a rule now: twin-tailed girls are real bitches. they get mad when they’re not supposed to, and they have the urge to kill when they’re not supposed to. they make rei look good. and i fucking hate rei. like hate hate hate hate haaaaattteee her.
    poor arthur he’s stuck with that bitch. and he calls her nee-san too. i wonder what they do when they’re alone. SM play? seems like it…anyhow, arthur should just be with me. i welcome younger boys 25/8

    and that harem at the end of the episode. just what the hell do the boys see in that woman? she’s like UGLY. she got saggy boobs, and she’s like fat. not even the nice kind of fat. just, UGH.

    it was a good laugh though. i laughed everytime the clothes are shred. when you got cut, your clothes got cut more than you. just need MOAR BLOOD. them girls need to start slashing each other NOW

    • Kyokai says:

      I agree about the twin-tails. Not to mention, share the sentiments about Rei… >.> *shank that bitch*

      I suspect there would be a lot of slashing and cutting next episode. This was quite light compared the raging non-stop cutting in the first. :3

      • Foshizzel says:

        So all twin tails are evil?! so Azu-nyan is evil too…I see that’s how she has so many fans!

      • amado says:

        kasugano sora(yosuga no sora) has twintails and she’s definitely not evil.
        well maybe a bit possessive and jealous but she does have a not so nice upbringing…

        anyways this would have been my weekly fanservice, if it werent for my limited time to watch…

        • Foshizzel says:

          Well Sora is special in her own way ;P

          Yes out of all the winter shows this one will be the fan service one xD

        • anaaga says:

          well, sora is kinda bitchy. not evil though. so probably, most twin-tailed girls are bitchy?

          lol not so nice upbringing. true, she ended up liking her bro xD

  5. Dan-go says:

    nyone else think the op song is epic win

  6. Foshizzel says:

    so many HoTD voices in here damn Rei and Saya sneaking into our winter!

    All the music was good!

  7. Dan-go says:

    does the “devourer of limiters” look kinda fat?

    • Ness says:

      Yeah she does and looks like her boobs are weighing her down so she’s slouching.

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