Amagami SS Mega Music Post

Hibiki wants you to smell her fingers. DON’T DO IT.

That’s right! It’s finally time for all the character single to come together. The show is still alive and kicking and I will be finishing the review when time becomes a less valuable resource, so don’t worry, all you Amagami fans! But for now, quench your thirsts with these soothing sounds.

Title: Amagami Character Songs Vol. 1 – Sakurai Rihoko

Artist: Shintani Ryouko
1. DJK
2. DJK ~Classic mode arrange~
3. Monologue
4. DJK ~Classic mode arrange~ INST ver.
5. DJK ~Backing track~
>>BUY it here

Title: Amagami Character Songs Vol. 2 – Ayatsuji Tsukasa

Artist: Nazuka Kaori
1. Afterglow
2. Afterglow ~Classic mode arrange~
3. Monologue
4. Afterglow ~Classic mode arrange~ INST ver.
5. Afterglow ~Backing track~

Title: Amagami Character Songs Vol. 3 + 4 – Sae & Miya ~C76 Gentei Nakayoshi CD~

Artist: Konno Hiromi & Asumi Kana
1. Wish “Choppiri no Yuuki”
2. Grown up!
3. Wish “Choppiri no Yuuki” ~Classic mode arrange~
4. Grown up! ~Classic mode arrange~
5. Short Drama
6. Wish “Choppiri no Yuuki” ~Classic mode arrange~ INST.ver.
7. Grown up! ~Classic mode arrange~ INST.ver.
8. Wish “Choppiri no Yuuki” (Backing track)
9. Grown up! (Backing track)
>>BUY them HERE and HERE

Title: Amagami Character Songs Vol. 5 – Nanasaki Ai

Artist: Yukana
1. trust
2. trust ~Classic mode arrange~
3. Monologue
4. trust ~Classic mode arrange~ INST. ver.
5. trust ~Backing track~

Title: Amagami Character Songs Vol. 6 – Tanamachi Kaoru
Artist: Satou Rina
1. Thanksgiving
2. Thanksgiving ~Classic mode arrange~
3. Monologue
4. Thanksgiving ~Classic mode arrange~ INST. ver.
5. Thanksgiving ~Backing track~

Title: Amagami Character Songs Vol. 7 – Morishima Haruka
Artist: Itou Shizuka
1. Wanwan Disco Fever
2. Wanwan Disco Fever ~Classic mode arrange~
3. Monologue
4. Wanwan Disco Fever ~Classic mode arrange~ INST ver.
5. Wanwan Disco Fever ~backing track~

Title: Amagami Character Songs Vol. 8 – Tsukahara Hibiki

Artist: Asakawa Yuu
1. Koi no Hensachi
2. Koi no Hensachi ~Classic mode arrange~
3. Monologue
4. Koi no Hensachi ~Classic mode arrange~ INST ver.
5. Koi no Hensachi ~backing track~

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Vote on your favourite character album and as we are feeling generous, you can vote up to 3 choices.

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I'm Hato, born and raised in glorious New Zealand and a self-proclaimed awesome person. I started writing here in July and I'm loving it so far! I'm Metanorn's go-to Moe Man (lol) and the games guru, so don't be shy to say hello!
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21 Responses to “Amagami SS Mega Music Post”

  1. Kyokai says:

    I always liked Hibiki and glad she got her own album. But smelling her finger? No way!

  2. Tofu says:

    OMG!! Kyaa~~~ x3 I was wondering where the rest of the character albums were and it’s finally here!! Thanks Hato ;D

    Kyokai, it would be awesome if Hibiki get’s her own arc in the anime but sadly she’s not ><"

    I wonder where her finger might of been before~~ nishishishishi~~

  3. Dan-go says:

    OMGWTF I THOUGH I HAD THEM ALLL…LOVEE YOU PEEPS…and hibiki needs her own arc >.<

  4. Dan-go says:

    ohhhh…i has an idea kyokai/will, on music pages like this have a individual poll for the best album/song?? is it possible to set something up so that it becomes easy for the authors to set up a poll in their posts?

  5. gwern says:

    The problem with looking like an H-game is that the mind ineluctably begins to reinterpret the art to put innuendo where none was intended.

    For example, those spurts – I mean, lines – on the album covers.

    • BlackLagoon187 says:

      Also if you notice um the “spurts” aren’t on vol 3+4 cover b/c he wouldn’t touch his sister… Would he??

  6. BlackLagoon187 says:

    How dare you make me chooseeeee!!! >__<
    But anyways it would be Morishima, Kaoru, and Miya.
    Everyone else is tied for 4th in this order Nanasaki, Ayatsuji, Hibiki, Rihoko, and Sae.
    Choosing only three broke my heart. Lmao

    • Dan-go says:

      agreed….HNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG i wish i could vote for the nishishi several times over though

      • Hato-kun says:

        Why is there always ‘HNNNNNNG’-ing in MY posts but no one elses?!

        • Overcooled says:

          You just have that sort of effect on people.

        • BlackLagoon187 says:

          Because we Metanorn users have conspired to “Hnggggggg” only on your posts and no one else’s. :3

          Nishishishishi~~ <– and this will be tofu and I's extra conspiracy on your posts. :-]

          ^^ and that will be my original 😀

  7. wildfire says:

    hey Hato, nice post. Always a fan of Amagami music (except for Sae….)
    Don’t you wish Hibiki or that emo chick in the Tea club had her own arc. I’m a fan of both. Definitely more deserving than Sae.
    anyway, what kinda games you play? You on xbox live?
    enjoying the Fall animes?

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