Sora no Woto OP Single – Hikari no Senritsu

Sora no Woto opening single – “Hikari no Senritsu” by kalafina





1. Hikari no Senritsu
2. Sapphire
3. Hikari no Senritsu -instrumental-

>> Download Here


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8 Responses to “Sora no Woto OP Single – Hikari no Senritsu”

  1. fenixdown110 says:

    Thank you so much. I’m glad Kalafina is used again as an OP. I got addicted to them when they were created to do the songs for KnK.

  2. Sebz says:

    Oh thank you thank you so much for this! 🙂

  3. zhokolatte says:

    Thanks so much for this!!

  4. CounterBot says:

    Thank you very much for this! Have been waiting for it since I watched the first episode. 🙂

  5. Me too, thank you for sharing XD

  6. rain says:

    soooo great! Beautiful once again.

  7. CyberPixie says:

    the melody is so… awesome

  8. […] -Download Here- […]

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