Seikon no Qwaser (Uncensored) – 01


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17 Responses to “Seikon no Qwaser (Uncensored) – 01”

  1. Eden says:

    I like Sasha and the ED theme is the best. The line has been pushed so far in the ecchi genre, I’m not sure whether I’ll continue to watch the uncensored blush-inducing version or stay away from it. Oh well, I’ll have to give up on this series sooner or later, even though I like some parts of it.

  2. Thanks for the upload,I was about to comment on Durarara’s 2nd eps but Kanzie’s post of fangirling is too though to handle, lol, (I like the “NHK female narrator style”, IIRC think that’s the first time I saw in anime)

    Now time to witness the true power of this series XD

  3. meteorhouse62 says:

    This has now become one of my favorite shows this season (after watching the uncensored, of course) I think things are less confusing and annoying here than the regular broadcast (damn those censors!)

    The ED theme is awesome, too!

  4. Spryifer says:

    Oh God… I never expected this one to be really extreme. Though I must say watching this uncensored felt a hundred times more right.

  5. zhokolatte says:

    Thanks a lot for this. I didn’t know there was an uncensored version. I thought there really was something wrong with the episode I watched last week. Thanks a loooooot!

  6. zetsubou says:

    i was totally annoyed by the weird zoom in to faces and landscapes to censor this show. now uncensored’s out! i’m very happy now!

  7. kewldude says:

    The uncensored version actually helps answer a lot of things that wouldve been left unanswered with the censored one. I am watching this for the story, not for the fanservice, and I think its a great show, the fanservice just fits in overall pretty awesome show, great characters, except the annoying Tomo and cool OP and ED ^_^

  8. CyberPixie says:

    that’s sick… *runs to the bathroom*

  9. Timcanpy says:

    the uncensored art skipped a lot of 1st chap of the manga. watching the ep.1 was like they just cover half of the volume 1…almost the whole first volume for episode 1….

    i recommend to read the manga first before watching this…to understad the plot further,,,

  10. naTsuki_miNe says:

    tHe ED theme was good. ♥

  11. FaS says:

    BOKU HA RABU ITTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (I love it) in katakana.

    Anyways, I love this show and will continue to cover it lol.

  12. […] Seikon no Qwaser (Uncensored) – 01 METANORN __________________ Thanks xAllenx for siggy XD! "Evil is like a snake, it will enter any hole it finds." -Godai (Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro) "This mystery is on the tip of my tongue" -Neuro (Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro) For anime that i have seen: […]

  13. tolerantfire says:

    It’s nice that main character’s surnaim is hell or smth like this. In japanese pronunciation it will sound like [her], [her] means ‘dick’ in russian -_-‘

  14. Yuuki says:

    Well to tell u the truth i really like this anime altought i didn’t whatched only till episode 4…but i did read the manga and it’s way better… and i wonder when will chapter 19 be realesed…?!oh and i also heard that the aanime will have only 13 episodes :sad2 what a shame… well i recomande it altought it’s uncensored… :shakesfist

  15. Jishin says:

    Yes! I fell in love with Hana’s character straight away too, and she and Katja are the only reasons I’m carrying on with this show.

    That and the kickass music. ♥

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