Letter Bee ED Single – Hatenaki Michi [HIMEKA]

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Letter Bee (Tegami Bachi) full ending theme single – “Hatenaki Michi” by HIMEKA

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J’ADORE!! I don’t know why there’s something French-Canadian singer HIMEKA should be shy/emo/embarrased of when she sounds absolutely STUNNING. Seriously, I love HIMEKA. She’s getting better here on Hatenaki Michi. Probably better than Asu E No Kizuna IMO. She always sings like she’s totally Japanese ^^. I just hope she recovers from her nervousness, and her apology is definitely accepted on the incident where she ran off the stage. We all know she’s still new in show business so go bb girl~! <3

Hatanaki Michi PV:



01 – Hatanaki Michi
02 – Sora wo Oshietekureru
03 – Hatanaki Michi -instrumental-
04 – Sora wo Oshietekureru -instrumental-
05 – Hatanaki Michi -anime edit-

>> Download Here


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8 Responses to “Letter Bee ED Single – Hatenaki Michi [HIMEKA]”

  1. flame777 says:

    I think the link is broken… just a heads up

  2. Lacri says:

    Yeah, the link is broken…Would you mind making a new link?

  3. Ani_San says:

    ahh shame.. it’s saying the page can’t be found

  4. cherry_nahme says:

    *Cries* ToT The links is broken BUUUUUUU

  5. kanzeon says:

    Link is fixed now ^___^
    Sorry so much for the inconvenience OTL.

  6. Ariel says:

    Thank you very much!!

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