Japan’s Top 50 Singles [03/01/09]
Credits to OriconGoddess on youtube ^^!
- Nooooo T_T Nana-sama’s Shin Ai and HALCALI’s Re:Yasashi Kimochi left T_T
- I’m surprised that SCANDAL’s Sakura Goodbye isn’t here T_T… I love Gogo Yubari cosplayers SCANDAL!
- OMG LOVE DIVING!!! :kyaa:
- Lovelovelove Sayonara My Days!!! Wow her hair is sure darn straight
- :kyaa: OMG Hibari Kyoya at #11!!!! *faints*
- Yay!!! BoA at number 8!!!
- Woah, Ai no Mama de sure stays so damn long in the top 5 -_-…
- I can’t wait for next week for Ayu to get her #1 spot! *feels assured XD*
POWUH: Metanorn Lover and Metanorn's old-timer with 207 comments
Yay for Enka and Ai no Mama de :cheer:
Some of my favorites that seem to be new: 28 (Reminds me of Bjork), 25, 15
Wow… #1 is so bad…
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 138 comments
They also revealed the #100 -#51 singles for that week as well. Shin Ai dropped to about 80-ish… behind both Maria Holic songs OTL
issa-sa’s last blog post..What the Hetalia? (My ‘Happy’ Hetalia Family)
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
Hello kanzeon,
I have been reading your blog and it is very interesting~
Hey! I have the interest to exchange banner with you. Just send me email if you are okay! Cheers^^
Have a nice day^^
Seraph (Specialized: Anime, Figure, Robot, PVC…etc)