Goddess of Fierce
So another season of Animemerica’s Next Top Model is on and this post is a week late. But I have some excuses. First, not living in America and not having a CW channel. But well, another cycle, another bunch of drama, diva-wannabe assholes, Tyraisms and a whole season of FIERCE! So lots of ramblings, bitchings and rages ahead, I’ll warn you now.
Yeah, Tyra, who proclaims herself as “The Goddess of Fierce” (in your dreams) is back. As well as the judges: Miss J, Paulina Porizkova, Nigel Barker, and Mr. Jay.
The season’s premier casting is set in Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada. And everything is Greek-goddess themed.
“Tyra… This woman is amazing! She’s an entity, she’s a force! She’s extra-terrestial! O MAI GAWD!!!” -> Uh I get it! She’s an ALIEN.
So let’s proceed to the girls…
First up is “Creepy-Chan” Allison. Allison’s look is so high fashion, but at the same time, it’s also cute! This girl’s my instant favorite of the cycle. Plus her interest for blood is weird yet it makes her more adorable. When she told Tyra that she still does not have nosebleeds while Tyra did, she said “Jealous”. Now you’ll be hearing the word “Jealous” from me everytime because I just got infected.
Look at that black background model! Girl, you need to drink some coffee! I just can’t stop laughing my ass off in this photo (actually, the whole concept itself XD). Those girls looked all tired because they shot this at the middle of the night XD. Allison did a great job and she connected with the camera, so I’m loving this photo to bits, both sides o fierceness and LOLness from the background models.
:zsnap: :zsnap: :zsnap: :zsnap:
This girl is my other bet. OMG she’s so tall (6’1 I guess, and she even wears 4-inch heels O_O Jealous.). Plus she’s very nice.. Uh, I mean, not nicey-nice, ghetto-nice, or the opposing side of Sandra (or “the bitch”) for me. I’m looking forward on how this girl would work it.
:zsnap: :zsnap: :zsnap: :zsnap:
Well, here’s Celia the smart girl. She’s… smart. Yeah, smart. I’m quite happy though that finally there’s a brain in this brainless competition XD. She’s 25, probably the oldest girl in this cycle, but I guess that’s an edge since most of the oldest girls in ANTM got the most stunning portfolios. I just get the vibes that this girl would get far in the competition like, can go abroad. But not a fan of her (face).
Uhh… And Tyra, please don’t do this anymore? K thnx.
:zsnap: :zsnap: :zsnap:
And this is is the “Blaxican”, or should I say Black + Mexican, Felicia, or “Fo” as she suggests. Well, I remember her for almost fainting when she saw Tyra (girl there’s no ambulance around here!). Well it’s all about the prescence of Tyra, a God. An entity (in her dreams).
“I cannot believe I as a person, as a human being, made it!“ -> Of course Fo, this is not America’s Next Top Horsies or Fishies, it’s Model, human beings are admitted to join!
Not a fan of her photo this week though. I know it’s cute, but too much mouth, and she looks very very short (shorter than her actual size, really). But I’m still liking her.
And since this girl has the shortest name, and probably if ever she would stay longer in the show, we would be seeing more of this…
…from Tyra as she would be calling her name on the call-outs.
:zsnap: :zsnap: :zsnap: :zsnap:
Work that hair-flippin’, girl. Is it just me or I am getting so much confidence and/or cockiness with this girl? I don’t know but I still think she’s a filler this season so pass…
Here’s her photo of the week btw, is she even playing jacks?!
:zsnap: :zsnap:
Oh dear I just can’t take off my eyes on that backgorund lady she’s so fierce! Yeah, so who’s the contestant again? Oh, it’s Kortnie with a unique spelling of such name. She is dating a race car driver and she’s a plus-size. She said that eating is good, her body is a temple and sometimes her temple needs cheesecake. GIRL IT’S NOT YOUR BODY WHICH WANTS CHEESECAKE, IT’S YOUR BRAIN! But nevertheless, girl’s nice especially when she comforted Angelea in her story.
:zsnap: :zsnap:
And this is our resident house-preacher London. OMG I love this girl. She’s fun and quirky. Her sense of style may be unique. One fun fact about her is that she’s a street preacher…
“Hey guys! Any of you know who Jesus Christ is? Do you know that he died for you so that you may have eternal life? Do you know where you’re going after, you know, after you die? Do you know what’s gonna happen?” -> Uh yeah… Yay for Jesus!
And with that, I think we’ll be getting more
from her. I just pray that this girl won’t pull off a Robin [c1] and say those “you’ll burn in hell alive!” and do exorcise the whole house…
:zsnap: :zsnap: :zsnap:
I hate this girl. She always wear that hippie headband like London, but it doesn’t fit her more since it totally matches her thick eyebrows… Why is that headband becoming so popular these days anyway? It even gives you a mark of lameness:
Also, when she said “What’s more exciting than being on top of the Empire State Building and seeing Nigel Barker and Paulia Porizkova?“ -> WHAT THE EF?! EVERYTHING is way more fun and exciting than that! Try to do some laundry. It’s exciting.
BUT I do love her photo though. It was really underappreciated by the judges, especially Paulina Porizkova, that bitch! LOL. She has European appeal, she has potential too, just hope it would show in the show (lol, get it?).
:zsnap: :zsnap: :zsnap:
Uhh…. Who is this girl again?
Sandra is a vile, disgusting, horrible human being. If she would ever be the diva or the bitch of this cycle, girl has to EARN the right to be one. She’s a fucking hypocrite who absolutely knows nothing of the word respect and doesn’t even care about the house rules inside. She even bullied the other girls when they are chatting, saying that they should just shut up and “go to the living room”. Poor key-winner Celia, who even got into a fight with her. But thanks to London’s “I LOVE JESUS!”-ness, which ended up the fire.
The only thing I love from her though is her stand on her own skin color and race. But who knows maybe she’s just being fake and using it as an alibi to get her through since Tyra’s also black. Plus Aminat/Nijah/Teyona can represent black better.
Lol if I were Angelea in there, I would have stabbed Sandra with my sharp claws. And speaking of Angelea, I feel “awww” for her because her daughter died in a seizure. Plus she and Sandra made the perfect moment so far in this season. (“Bitch need a f****** perm”… LOL)
And now to her photo of the week!
When playing hide-and-seek for this photo shoot, it would be better when you do this behind the tree. Learn something from the creative!
😡 😡 😡 😡
And we have our sob story this cycle, Tahlia. She’s a burn victim. Yea and Tyra even asked her…
“How are you burned?”
Oh come on. Look at that face. It’s your sadistic nature crawling back up again in your eyes Tyra. You’re imagining Tahlia in *******^*#^$*@^&*!&@*#!&******** Hmm…
And on to her photo of the week, she gets tagged. What the hell is up with that one leg raised?
:zsnap: :zsnap:
And representing the extra-terrestial, here’s Teyona. See that V she’s making while her eyes are closed? She’s making a conspiracy. That’s the cry of an alien.
I’m lovin’ the pose but from the waist up, no no. I don’t like the “wind on her face”, which Tyra describes, because if I were Teyona, I don’t know if I would be insulted or happy with someone saying that your face looks like there’s a huge fan blowing against it, or in short, you have a distorted face. But this girl looks like she would be Tyra’s favorite because of that, and it can get her far. But OMG LOL at Paulina’s comments that she looks like she’s being sucked up by a UFO! OMG I remembered that and right now I’m still laughing because of it XD.
:zsnap: :zsnap:
And here’s the eliminated girl, Isabella. It’s a shame though that she wasn’t even given a second chance and the judges still picked that vile Sandra. It would have been fun to see some epilepsy attack inside the house!!!
Isabella’s FIERCE-O-METER:
So I’m a little hungry and I think I need some grapes fed to me right now, the fiercess‘ gonna go now, bye.
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
Celia is ugly n old. And Talia only got through becuz of her sob-story. And bitch Sandra’s rly annoying. I saw her make-over spoilers and she looks like she has GOT TO GO. Uhm, but wat wuz “ugly ass corn mean”? Lol I just laughed but i don’t know its meanin’.
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
ass corn = shit in the ass
POWUH: 1100-1199 with 1187 comments
Lol he/she answered your question.
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
you should be excited for next episode because it’s about the make-overs and the new opening credits. next episode will sure be awesome. i can’t wait for the make-overs too. does anyone know some makeover spoilers?
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
Who needs spoilers come on next episode’s on just a little wait.
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
that will give me nightmares for the rest of my life.
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 107 comments
Lol you’re quite late but you’re snarky bitchings (in a good way!) pay for it!!! I really rolled on the floor laughing reading this XD. And I’m also glad that you blog ANTM again. Btw, will you be continuing to blog this? But moving one, the 13 girls are fierce and everyone has a potential to be a bitch! lol.
Speaking of bitch… ARGH SANDRA!!! Ugh I agree with you! She’s such a fake. I also watched Angelea’s interview in the Tyra show and she’s saying she’s being fake too and acting all nice in front of the judges. She really NEEDS to be eliminated 😡
I guess we have the same favorites in this cycle: Allison and Aminat!!!! Yay!!! :cheer: :cheer: Rooting for them all the way! Allison just has that big anime-like eyes which is soooo cute and adorable!!! Her nickname creepy-chan was also cute too!!! I’ll be calling her that from now on. And Aminat, she looks like Danielle cycle 6, which is my most favorite antm winner so far ^^.
POWUH: 1100-1199 with 1187 comments
Lol thanks! Uhm, I’ll see if I’ll continue to blog this one just like the previous season. But if I ever do, I guess it would be late again T_T. Lol.
Jessica, Natalie (proven now on the make-overs), and the others really has a potential to be a bitch. Well, except for Tahlia, she seemed humble. And Allison too! She’s looks so nice and adorable (but who knows? Lol maybe girl likes so much blood that she’ll kill someone inside the house just o see it XD). And Aminat is a fierce diva …unlike Sandra. Geez, such fakeness oozes from her ugh it disgusts me X(.
*all hail Aminat!!!* *all hail creepy-chan!!!*
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
Sandra’s a black bitch. Whatever Tyra said about her “lusciousness”, the scarf she also wore in panel was horrendous. I can’t wait for next ep hope she gets eliminated.
POWUH: 1100-1199 with 1187 comments
Yea I hate that type of scarf! I’m also sick of it when men wears them, and now a girl wearing them is worse. Ugh, it looks like a blue dirty diaper or something…
POWUH: iLurker with 15 comments
Loved the post, I have actually seen a lot of passed seasons of ANTM and although I find it extremely stupid, I can’t deny how addicting and entertaining it is…
If I only I had The CW… (scratch that, if only I had more than just 80 channels on my television!)
lostty’s last blog post..Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou episode 10
POWUH: 1100-1199 with 1187 comments
I can say that this show’s like, guilty pleasure now for me. I like, followed every season of it, and I always end up being disappointed by the winners. But still, I wonder why I’m following this show up until now XD. Nah, you can watch ANTM on youtube ^_^ (that’s what I do, I don’t even live in the US XD)
POWUH: iLurker with 5 comments
:cute: OMG the Allison girl looks so cute she’s like an anime girl!!!