Billboard Top 50 [03/28/09]


Billboard’s top 50 of the Hot 100 dated for March 28.

  • Britney’s “If You Seek Amy” climbs up but still at a low place.
  • OMG Carrie Underwood! I love her new single, “Home Sweet Home” at #21.
  • Ne-Yo’s “Mad” climbs to #12 ^^
  • Yay Miley drops at #9 😛
  • Ooh nice to see Kelly Clarkson climb back again to the top 5
  • And the Top 4 are still the same… Laaaame!


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3 Responses to “Billboard Top 50 [03/28/09]”

  1. foomafoo says:

    this will help a lot,

    apparently, my professor gives a nerdy pop quiz which involves top hit charts song lyrics. :aww:

  2. Miley should be removed on the top 50. NOW!

    Kairu Ishimaru’s last blog post..International Saimoe League 09

  3. Xiao says:

    I still can’t believe “Untouched” is in the Top 50. o.O;
    Love the song and all but felt like it’s been more than a year since I heard it. xD;

    Xiao Jie’s last blog post..SoMT Update: Nominations!

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