Anime’s Next Top Model C2: 13 – The Final Two




Only two girls are in front of me. And it makes me so proud that you two are now, fully grown butterflies that I raised throughout the competition. Both of you improved a lot since the start and had proven worthy of the spot your standing on. And for the very last time, you will be having a photoshoot. Misa and Amu, your competition in here is not really of one another. You should realize this at this point, since both of you are winners by now. The real competition here is yourself. All your doubts, hesitance, and the times when you thought that you can’t do this and that. That’s the real competition in here.

And in this photoshoot, you’ll battle the side of you that tells all that in this reflection-styled photo shoot that’s added with a touch of void and darkness. First, you will be posing in as your innocent, sweet, gentle side. All you’ve learned in the previous photo shoots that requires cuteness or being commercial, you should apply this in here. And the other half, you will be scary, yet sultry and fierce, which totally represents the darker, evil sides of yourself. All you’ve learned from having fierce eyes to valuing the “ugly yet fierce” look, you hould apply it all in this one. Hope you’ll understand the concept ^^! And good luck again since this would be your final photoshoot! Aww lemme give yo momma a hug ^^. *hugs the final 2*








And now it’s time to vote on who do you think deserves to be the winner of Anime’s Next Top Model Cycle 2!!! Is it the cool and spicy Amu, or the edgy and classy Misa? Who would you want to win? The winner is all in your hands! VOTE WISELY!!!

And ANIME'S NEXT TOP MODEL Cycle 2 winner is...

  • MISA (48%, 117 Votes)
  • AMU (52%, 126 Votes)

Total Votes: 243

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33 Responses to “Anime’s Next Top Model C2: 13 – The Final Two”

  1. fye says:

    GO MISA!!! And I was like “so cute” at the upper half while I was shocked and stunned at the bottom half of photo. Damn that was :zsnap: ! I want Misa to win. There’s no one much more deserving than her at this point.

  2. Enma Ai fan1310 says:

    I voted for AMU!!!!!!!
    :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
    AMU all the way to the win! :kyaa: 😉 :kyaa:

  3. Kitsune says:


    I like the song of the Amu AMV. I recall it was used well in this Fullmetal Alchemist AMV featuring one of my favorite female anime characters 🙂

    I will not say anything about Misa’s AMV 😛


    You are so evil, Kanzeon! 😛 A girl with a tie is an auto-win 😛

  4. warriorhope says:

    Amu-chan ftw. She’s a goddess.

    warriorhope’s last blog post..Shugo Chara! Doki!-Episode 23

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  6. Moka says:

    Misa-sama ftw! I am stunned!!! :oha:

  7. lostty says:

    Based on the photo alone, I had to go for Amu. Though, Misa might be a better candidate when it comes to high-fashion…

    lostty’s last blog post..Clannad -After Story- episode 22

  8. FuyuMaiden says:

    Woot! Amu-chan~! Go my adorable Cool & Spicy girl! And aside from my bias I think she owned the shoot this week (and her AMV is awesome because MyVampireEyes is such a great AMV-maker~)

    I mean Misa has great expressions, but she’s just sitting there. Amu did a pose that looks great as a reflection, looks good with the wings, and matches both sides. Love it! Come on now! Amu-chan ftw!

    Misa can’t even be the “Next” top model. She’s already too old. She’ll only be on top for a week before people get tired of her old face. She needs to at least be able last until the next cycle.

    Yeah~ I brought out some of the bitchiness I’ve been holding back. (Cool & Spicy loli ftw!!! She has room to grow and be even more awesome. Which should be a win by default…or something!)

    FuyuMaiden’s last blog post..Shugo Chara!! Doki – Episode 74

  9. Ashelea says:

    AMU!!! Come one come all and fill this place with Amu love!!! :<3:
    Amu will win! I can definitely feel it! She will win or else it’ll rain potatoes! GO AMU!!!

  10. mikachan says:

    Meh… Amu’s photo was stunning but Misa’s MORE stunning! She had the concept really well. Misa ftw! :cheer: :runs:

  11. Xiao says:

    Have to say that I loved both the tributes. Of course, I’m biased towards the Amu one because she fits that song so, so well (and because MVE is such a wonderful artist with ENORMOUS talent) but I really liked how the second one captured Misa in various different lights. I haven’t watched Death Note yet don’t really plan to but it was very interesting. 🙂

    O-K…so…*gasp!* Nagi, you look gorgeous! 8DDDD

    *cough* Erhem, wow, the final stage…wow…o.O

    Xiao is so proud. *sniff, smile, & tear* So very, very proud…

    So this will be my second-to-last final judging, eh? Alrighty, then. *insert sinister laughter to fit the mood* >8D (Btw, I did get your email and I’ll get on it right away after I get home from work, tomorrow! I can’t tell you how excited I was when I read it! Haha xD)

    Amu: *clamps hands over mouth* …My little girl’s grown up so much. I feel like I’m going to break down crying again. *huggles Amu* <333
    Now that is our next top model. The glossy gleam in those eyes, the faint blush, the slight extensions of the arms to match the slight extensions of her wings. That all screams the innocence of a girl who’s kinda scared but ready to take a step into the adult world. This is the making of a model, b*tches! And the top look only adds more effect to the darker reflection cuz you would’ve fooled and deceived me if I didn’t know any better. That sinister grin and the glow of her eyes suddenly going in reverse emotion. Damn, this girl can make anything under any situation look good! xD
    & love the contrast in color. Ice hues against black. Light against dark. Very, very nice and fitting contrast. Extra points for making it look so well. Amu, baby, you RAWK!

    Misa: Honey, you’re beautiful. Really beautiful. You can pull off whatever expression you want with ease, your fashion sense is hot yet lovely, hell, you did ten times better than more than half of these girls during the tournament. But you have no variety. Your hair style has almost always stayed the same and it was annoying as hell. It’s always either black outfit this or black attire that. Not everyone in the world is emo 24/7. Again, you look you blend more with the background than actually stand out. What the hell is with this “playing it safe” act? I want you to throw everything you have in this last shoot and I didn’t get it!
    Plus, you don’t advertise yourself the right way. The innocent look no longer suits you (if it ever did) and even when you try, it doesn’t work. It looks so fake. Seems like the only place where you look the best is in your darker half and I’m not sure if that’s a good thing.
    Whatever, no flexible applicability and such a tiring appeal. It’s time for you to retire. Come back for the next cycle as a judge instead. Buh-bye.

    My vote is obvious. AMU FTW!!! xDDDDDDDDD
    Will reply to your email soon. Thanks again for another awesome episode! *made my day, really* <333

  12. Mai says:

    I have to say Amu, and not because I love Shugo Chara and Amu. Hell, I’ve read Death Note too. But…
    Amu: Girl, you rock this place. You’re just too awesome. You can see all your innocence, and the theme is captured perfectly. The cute part, totally captures that, and also, you look slightly insecure, and so pure! Your dark side.. was like.. BAM. The bottom screams the message, seductive and playful, inviting, but also like she’ll hurt you for fun when you get there. Amu, never knew you had that side you!
    Misa: This made me go KYAAAA. You look so cute and vulnerable! But, b*itchiness still fits you so much better. While you top screams cute, like xiao-jie said, it’s also so… expected. Below screams EVIL. Those eyes attracted me like hell, seriously. But, please. Get rid of the black, get rid of the hair, and come back when you can get more original.
    So, of course, Amu wins. Hands down. SO CUUUUUTE

  13. Hotaru says:

    Go Amu-chan :3


  14. go_misa!! says:

    :dun: i hate u amu . u took away misa’s place . who made the f***ing photos? sheesh .

  15. lessy and yumiko says:

    pls vote for misa ! :aww: i mean amu is kinda childish and misa looks way cooler than amu . pls vote /. i know amu looks cooler in the pic but she not . its totaly misa. pls vote for misa !!! pls !!! not amu . if she wins this is what i will do :mad::fly: .. oh yeah , amu’s hair is so messy ! unlike misa’s .. plz vote :cheer:

  16. lessy says:

    i sent you cheer leaders ! so win misa or ull pay !
    :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

  17. lessy says:

    this will soon happen to you amu .
    T.T :XD: :freeze: :dun: :-_-: :sweat: :huhu: :teeth: :fly: :freeze2: :dead: ::O: :…: :doomed: :despair: :orz:
    and this will happen to misa
    :hmm: :heh: :cute: :<3: :^_^: :kyaa2: :huh: :runs: :mwahaha: :glares: 😳 :ohohoho: :oha:

  18. lessy . says:

    xiao jie: wtf ! misa’s hair may be the same but look at amu’s hair too ! her hair is the same and her hair style is annoying as hell ! she looks like an idiot ! who made that f****ng pic ? he/she obviously made amu nicer but misa is still way much better .. haha .

    • kanzeon says:

      Hello, welcome to Anime’s Next Top Model ^^. Xiao Jie is a judge and I am the one who made this competition, as well as those fucking pics 🙂

      I don’t think I made Amu look nicer because there are some others who are saying that Misa looks better too, and vice versa.

      So anyway… good luck on your campaign XD bitch.

    • mikaino says:

      Misa has pigtails, you nitwit!
      And Kanzie won’t do such thing that will make Amu look better.
      She has no favoritism. She made those photos FAIRLY.
      But anyway, I also like Misa like you. But I do not show it off in a spammer way.

      mikaino’s last blog post..24 [~Clear☆Mint~ Version]

  19. […] news: Mimi’s mascot contest (I’ve lost!); Fuyu’s blog 1-year anniversary; and Kanzie’s ANTM: The Final 2. Wow, how many links are in this post?! Anyway, enjoy also my “funny and strange […]

  20. mikaino says:

    Final 2 😮 I am nervous that Amu might winn for 65%. I won’t let it happen. I’ll support Misa ’till the end!!

    AMV- I don’t have to watch. Too slow to load >_<

    Good vs Evil- They were both good dood, It was tough.

    Misa: This was such a beauty. Her good looks very, very cute and innocent, While her evil is.. Freaky. Look at the mouth, it was like D8 but sadly, Amu can’t do such. The eyeshadow makes her look evil with a sleepy feel, but amazing overall. The evil form looks like:
    “I am a greedy devil. I’m going to get you!!!!” Fierece + Cuteness= Win.
    Go Misa!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: The ~Clear☆Mint~ Team is cheering for you!!!~<3 I give her 4 stars.

    Amu: Yeah. I know that Misa was having a very simple posing, and Amu, was saying “Hallelujah I am the goddess of shoujo anime! And you must vote me!!” It was really good, honestly. But her evil form turned me off. She was only smiling and her pose wasn’t in the mood. I mean her posing looks holy and her face was evil. But she didn’t look so evil unlike Misa. She looks like my Psycho (and bratty) side just with a makeup! And the applying of her lipstick went in a wrong way a bit. Three stars out of five.

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