Ayumi Hamasaki – Rule/Sparkle


Download link and Rule PV below the cut.

Download Single: Rule/Sparkle


1. Rule

2. Sparkle

3. Days (8-bits of tears YMCK remix)

4. Days (Acoustic Orchestra version)

5. Rule (80kidz’s _No More Rule_ mix)

6. Rule (Remo-con _tech dance_ remix)

7. Rule (Original mix -Instrumental-)

8. Sparkle (Original mix -Instrument)

–>DOWNLOAD “Rule/Sparkle B” here<–

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“Rule” would be the official theme song for the movie Dragonball Evolution. The choice was made because director James Wong wanted the movie adaptation of a manga/anime born in Japan to be sung by a Japanese person and was particularly impressed with Hamasaki. “Rule” will be used as the theme song for every country’s release.




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5 Responses to “Ayumi Hamasaki – Rule/Sparkle”

  1. airstryfe says:

    Ayumi is so smokin!!! I can’t get this song out of my head! She’s really a great pick to sing the Dragonball soundtrack imo.

  2. CinderBird says:

    I think it would take time for me to like this song, and Ayumi sounding much more techno, but i guess it’s ok to hear new sound from her

  3. Xiao says:

    Woot! Ayu FTW! x3

    I liked her previous single better (not so much alteration of her voice) but this was still good. Her MVs are as great as ever, too. 😀

    Xiao Jie’s last blog post..Shugo Chara!! Doki ~ Ep. 71

  4. Ayu says:

    :blush: :bunny: :argh: :omg: :kyaa: 😉 :zzz: 😆 :zsnap: T.T :aww: :freeze: :XD: :hmm: :dun: 😡 :heh: :cute: :-_-: :<3: :sweat: :^_^: :huhu: :kyaa2: :nosebleeds: :teeth: :fly: :freeze2: :dead: :huh: :runs: :cheer: ::O: :…: :mwahaha: :glares: 😳 :ohohoho: :oha: :thief: :doomed: :despair: :megane: :hypno: :orz:

    Ayu’s last blog post..Japan’s Top 50 Singles [03/01/09]

  5. francoise says:

    I like your analysis and mannner of speaking, thank you for this interesting ticcket, it s always nice to visit this beautiful blog 🙂

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