Anime’s Next Top Model C2: Say Goodbye To… And Hello Final 3!
We are getting closer and closer to the grand finale!! And now we all head on over to a critical point in this season where the judges would deliberate the FIERCE FINAL THREE!!! Which between Misa, Orihime and Sakura would join Amu at the 2 remaining slots and get only inches closer on winning?
Obligatory: Watch the OP [in HQ!!!]
First of all, our new Head Master for this season, Nagi, which also seems to be under huge controversies these days with her mangaka struggling in some health issues. The next one is supermodel, veteran fashion icon, and had walk in several runways on the anime world: Yukari from Paradise Kiss. The third judge is the perfectionist guy which is currently working on with his upcoming fashion line, Perfection by OCD: Death the Kid from Soul Eater. And the fourth judge is none other than the innocent, cute, adorable, and whose words are so sweet and helpful like cotton candy: Akira from Lucky Star! Next is the special blogger judge, Xiao Jie, from the blog ěk-sěn’trĭk, the home of the up-and-coming new Shoujo-only Moe Tournament!!! Last but definitely not the least, if you thought you have seen the bitchiest of the bitchy judges, you still haven’t met the lady from the otaku-cultural phenomenon anime, Evangelion: Asuka Langley!!! It’s an honor to have her here, in 4D!!
Nagi – “Excuse me mister, where is the circus?”
Death the Kid – She looks so pure that I want to un-purify her! Muwahahaha!!!
Yukari – I really really love this photo! It’s breezy and very natural. Very very good job! The only problem I have though is that it’s so bright that she only looks like a floating head and shoulders.
Akira – There she goes… until she bangs off her head on a pole.
Xiao Jie – The hairspray is so obvious. Too obvious. There’s no flow! The wind’s blowing but there’s no flow! It’s the hair that determines the critical point in our lives and there’s NO flow! And what the hell? Did you get lost crossing dimensions? Are you even in Tokyo anymore? D8
Asuka – Oh my God why is everyone totally raving about this photo? I can’t see anthing special about it. It’s so weird and I guess that it’s the fault of the photo’s brightness. Ugh, it’s pretty but not spectacular… Yukari, you really need to get your eyes checked, girl.
Nagi – “This is my costume for tonight, naughty boy!”
Death the Kid – Looks like an ad for a porno or something.
Asuka – It’s an utter fail. First of all, it’s prostitue-esque. What’s up with the setting? The bed? Ugh, She’s like, being unable to wait for the f*cking… And I must say that the blades overpowered her. Overall, a slutty horrible photo.
Yukari – I honestly don’t get this photo. I want the fierce 2D Misa back. The “8D” look doesn’t help at all. Does she even know that what she’s wearing can be deadly?
Xiao Jie – Sweetheart, we want BAM!. And cardboard toys won’t help you. Ugh, and your arms and all those things are blocking the outfit. And you have the best outfit this round and we can’t even see it. -__- Well, at least she’s making improvements on her face again. I want to see FIERCE! bitch, YEA?!
Akira – Oh look! It’s Kipi the photoshop queen…
Asuka – What the fuck Akira, shut your fucking ass off! I’m Kipi too! Look! We’re the same person! AND I DON’T USE PHOTOSHOP TO ENHANCE MY FACE!! I only use XDDD
Nagi – “Can you please clean my ears?”
Death the Kid – Shirley.
Yukari – I really like this photo. It’s sweet, innocent and…
Akira – She has that sweet, innocent look of a girl who’s about to get raped.
Yukari – Umm… that’s not what I’m about to say…
Xiao Jie – Y’know I’m starting to understand why the dead are more appreciated when they’re…well, dead. Vote goes to stand-in (Shirley), not Orihime. God, how many photo shoots did this chit skip out on and she’s still in the race? And she called in Shirley (who’s so much better than her) from the grave to pose? D:<
Asuka – BITCH YOU REALLY HAVE TO GET YOUR OWN COSTUME!!! Why are you dressing up as my red-haired darling from Code Geass??? Shirley deserves some respect! If you need to copy her or anything, DO IT WITH GRACE! Fuck off. You look like you’ve fell or slipped or something.
Automatically Safe: AMU
Nagi – “Yummy flower”
Death the Kid – G*damnit! The petals on each side of her hips are unsymmetrically unsymmetrical!!! 8 on that side and 5 on the other and 3 on the center!!! Arrgh!!! So much unsymmetricality!!!
Yukari – I think this photo is so adorable. The photography was nice, the colors used are working together really well. The problem though is that she doesn’t seem to fit the character well.
Xiao Jie – Loli gone wrong. That’s not Amu (though the cosplay does look nice). Where are my beautiful gold-brown eyes?! D:< And Amu doesn’t need rose petals to look calm! I’m glad Amu’s safe for this round cuz with that stand-in shoot, she would’ve been ousted out. NEXT!
Asuka – Oh my god… This is totally horrible! How dare can she have guts on cosplaying the deepest and the most intelligent anime character ever? coughs… And the knees, I can’t stand looking at them! Too much bruises on everywhere… I don’t know if they’re bruises or is it just her face… And ever heard of the word DIET? UGH. Please… *rolls eyes*
Let’s recap again her journey on AnimeNTM Cycle 2…
Anime-NTM C2 Final 4: VOTE!!!
- Misa (33%, 69 Votes)
- Sakura (39%, 80 Votes)
- Orihime (28%, 57 Votes)
Total Votes: 206

[with actual fade-out!!!]
And so we’re down to the FIERCEST 3 left standing! On the next round of competition, everyone’s at risk, for there would be no more Girl-of-the-week’s!!! This is the girls’ one last chance to prove themselves that they can be deserving for the finale!!! As we head on to the next episode, can the girls survive the fires of HELL as they pose with the VERY FIRST ANTM WINNER??? Total fierceness ahead for the final three!!! (God, how many times did I mentioned the word “fierce” this day even at school?)
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 107 comments
OMG this is my most favorite elimination episode yet! Asuka (the original vintage queen of tsunderes ftw) can’t get any more bitchier!!! Lovelovelove~~~
I think that Orihime’s overall portfolio wasn’t bad. She had been a competitor and I’m so proud of her ^^
POWUH: Metanorn Lover and Metanorn's old-timer with 161 comments
:sweat: ZOMG when did the last image become animated? Was it just this week or have I been totally clueless and oblivious for the past few weeks?
As for the elimination, well…it was kind of obvious that it would Shirley…I mean Orihime. Precisely because Orihime isn’t Shirley. Also, because at this point people might be voting for who they specifically want to be in the top three. Personally, I think we have the best top three that could come from the whole group of girls. All three have had their pictures ranked pretty high and gotten good comments from the judges quite often.
Hahaha. I also love that Xiao gets to be a black-haired Utau. Once I saw all the judges got to be real life too I was wondering what was going to happen.
FuyuMaiden’s last blog post..Shoujo-Only Moe Tournament
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 105 comments
It’s about time Orihime went, she’s been one of the weakest competitors all along. Her photographs were always lacking something, in my opinion.
So we’re finally down to the final three, eh? XD They’re all some of my favorite girls and I’m gonna have trouble voting for who I’d like to win! This contest is going to get way more fierce now! I can’t wait! :megane:
amayalee’s last blog post..Winter Anime…?
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 86 comments
Omisyth’s last blog post..Weekly Highlights (17-02-09)
POWUH: Metanorn Lover with 158 comments
Finally. I was waiting for Orihime to be eliminated. My job here, is done..
Kairu Ishimaru’s last blog post..ZZZMailing
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 122 comments
That disappearing image thing was cool. How did you do it?
Heh. I love how Xiao’s comments fit in with the anime characters like always.
warriorhope’s last blog post..Shugo Chara! Doki!-Episode 20
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ and Metanorn's Hime-chan~ with 371 comments
Erhem…oh god, it’s so pretty, I must save it cuz I’ll never be as awesome as the pic in real life. *goes into real EMO now* :-_-:
Anyways… xDDDDD Asuka and her extraordinary bitchy comments were the friggin’ WIN this episode. Just. Awesome. |D
I hope she comes back. hahahaha
And yes! Orihime is gone for good. Take that, bitch! :zsnap: I don’t have to deal with your huge-ass boobies takin’ up those shoots anymore.
Ooo, lovely fade-out animation there. I find the “FIERCE FINAL 3” so much more appealing at the gap in the center than Orihime making everything look unbalanced (lol, I’m so mean to her, I’m sorry ^^; ). And *gasp!* Enma Ai is coming back?! 8DDD
Woot! I’m so going there now.
Thanks for such an awesome episode again! ^^
& lol, I’ve been saying “fierce” all over. I blame you. So much contagiousness. |D;
Xiao Jie’s last blog post..Accepted Nominations (so far) & Promo Badges!
POWUH: Metanorn Lover and Metanorn's old-timer with 207 comments
Asuka cosplayer looks great! :<3:
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
[…] METANORN Haiku: The clouds’ calm movement / Betrays the incoming storm / Of snarky remarks […]
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
[…] METANORN Haiku: The clouds’ calm movement / Betrays the incoming storm / Of snarky remarks […]
POWUH: iLurker with 1 comments
:rage: You got rid of awesome Orihime? And you mock Misa?
Noob judges.
POWUH: iLurker with 4 comments
POWUH: iLurker with 4 comments
UGH THE AMU COSPLAYER IS SO………………………………………………So…………………………………………………………………….. :dun: :doomed: :huhu: :huhu: :huhu: :baww: :baww2: :bleh: