High School DxD New – 08 [NSFW]

Never see this look from Rias

Rias has the best “What the heck is going on?” look

spring13-highwWell this was a ton of fun! They threw a whole lot of stuff in this week, and it all stuck, and on top of that, this was some of the best humor we’ve had from DxD.

 Try to Keep Up

Xenovia the Mage

Remind you of someone else?

Where the first arc of the season basically used the characters we already knew, and a similar setup to previous stories, in order to really get to this next story, we need some more exposition about the world that DxD is inhabiting and the various forces. And while some expository episodes can seem dry and bland, doing a lot of heavy lifting and showing it, this episode did a good job to keep it light and do the exposition in the course of the side story of the Class Observation Day, along with random beating up of Issei by Motohama and Matsuda, which doesn’t get any better when Xenovia blurts out that she wants to ‘practice’ with Issei to get pregnant. Oh, and here, Asia, you should use one of these too…

Vali Shows up

But there were still some parts that needed to be a little talkative. First, we continued with the introduction of Vali, the English Dragon. And like we saw in the fight with Kokabiel, Issei’s nowhere close to Vali’s power. In fact, Vali ranks him somewhere in the 1000-1500th most powerful range, so pretty far down the list. In fact he’s so far down, he’s not worth fighting at the moment. The other heavy lifting done in this episode is the backstory of the English and Welsh dragons. I found it amusing that Ddraig told this story as if he was a third person, not really knowing why they were fighting (cause he forgot) and just kind of passing the whole thing off like “Well, they kinda overdid it.” Yeah, overdid it enough that the Angels, Fallen Angels, and Demons stopped their war in the middle to get rid of the dragons. I think the show is doing ok with these expository parts. Although Issei talking to flashing green circle on the back of his hand isn’t very interesting, they intersperse enough other images in there to keep it from being dull.

“Dad, You’re Embarrassing me!”

Thanks Dads

“An unprecedented hell” is a great description

What’s one of the most powerful forces in the world? That’s right: the shame of a high schooler whose dad (or older brother, or older sister) is around their friends! And the big guns have come out for Class Observation Day at Kuou Academy: Not just Sirzechs Lucifer, but also Serafall Leviathan, Sona’s older sister (and herself one of the 4 Great Overlords) and Rias’ and Sirzechs’ father, Lord Gremory. That’s in addition to Issei’s parents, so there’s plenty of embarrassment to go around.

Milky Spiral!

Uh… yeah… You’re one of the four most powerful demons?

But you’d definitely have to say that Sona has it worst, even if Rias is the one we focus on. Having your older sister, and a demon overlord no less, show up in a “Magical Girl Milky Spiral Seven Alternative” outfit (admittedly, she looks better than Mil-tan) and cause a disruption is probably more than a serious person like Sona can take. And she totally plays it up, more than even Issei can really figure out how to deal with.

Interesting lighting

Rias and Sona commiserate. Plus, this scene had great lighting.

And even worse is when they go back to the Hyoudou residence and compare videos from the class observation. Remember, parents: Home movies are NEVER to be played. Never! It’s ok if you think you need to record something, but nobody wants to see it, especially not the subject of those home movies. As Rias comments, it is definitely an ‘unprecedented hell’.

Under Assault from All Sides

Akeno Full

I think I wouldn’t mind this kind of assault

That’s what Issei is, also, but it’s not really Motohama and Matsuda I’m talking about. No, he’s really moving into the center of his harem. Xenovia, as is becoming the norm, is the boldest, wielding condoms like Tohsaka Rin handles gems, and blatantly asking when they’re going to do it. And Akeno’s disappointed that the meeting with Vali didn’t bring out more dragon power, so she can suck on his finger some more, earning her a rebuke from Rias, not that Akeno will particularly heed it. For those (like me) who are fans of Akeno, this episode was a festival of “ara ara, hfu-hfu-hfu-hfu”

a sculptor

The boy’s got talent

Asia, as usual, steps up to defend Issei, but is more determined than ever to not lose to Rias. But as always, her nature seems to put her on the back foot, leading her to always have to play catch up or ‘me too’. That is, if she can ever move out of the tsukomi role in her dealings with Kiryuu or Xenovia.

Rias Kisses Issei

Finally, a kiss!

But the real mover this week is Rias, and the show makes it clear that she is the one who is on Issei’s mind. First holding hands after dealing with Vali when Issei realizes how concerned she is about it. Then the perfect sculpture of her that springs thoughtlessly from his hands. I’ll admit, when they started with the clay, and Issei started imagining Rias naked, I thought we’d end up with just some life-sized boobs, making him embarrassed in class (I bet pre-Rias Issei would have done that), but instead he makes that cute sculpture. And then, after Rias runs out of the room, the biggest move of all, an unbidden kiss on the lips. And just as Issei was thinking about how sad it will be when she gets a boyfriend. This is still Issei’s biggest fault: he doesn’t think of himself as worthy of any of the girls around him. But eventually he’ll get the message.


I had so much fun with this one. From the reactions of Rias and Sona to their relatives to the relatives themselves to the antics of all the girls with Issei, this was hilarious and interesting. Not what you’d expect from a usual in-between episode. I don’t think you can call it ‘filler’, really, since it’s definitely setting things up, and I’m pretty sure it’s in the books like this, but as I mentioned, it’s more setup than plot. But to get the plot to work, you need the setup, so I’m looking forward to it. Plus we got to see more of some other characters, like Saji and Tsubaki (who I think has great style, but embarrassingly for myself, I think she looks like one of my favorite airplanes, the XB-70 Valkyrie). So next week, we’ll probably get the reveal of what’s behind the locked door, even though I think we already know, don’t we all, from that awesome ED? And speaking of the ED, it’s been released on an album with other ending and character songs, so you can hear the full version now!


Proving that you don't have to be young to love anime, I enjoy all genres and styles of shows. If it's not hurting anyone else, you should never be ashamed of what you like!
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23 Responses to “High School DxD New – 08 [NSFW]”

  1. Cybersteel says:

    Interesting that Lord Gremory is voiced by Hayami Sho aka Tohsaka Tokiomi and that Azazel is voiced by Koyama Rikiya aka Emiya Kiritsugu.

    • belatkuro says:

      Now all we need is Nakata Jouji to make it complete. And I know the perfect character for that, though that’s for next season. Unless…

    • BlackBriar says:

      Also interesting how this show is secretly horboring Staz (Ryota Ohsaka aka Vali) and Knell (Yuki Kaji aka Issei) or Sadao Moau (Ryota Ohsaka) and Emi Yusa (Yoko Hikasa aka Rias).

      • Highway says:

        As you’ll find out, it’s also got Shimogamo Yaichirou (Suwabe Junichi as Sirzechs) and Ebisugawa Kaisei (Sakura Ayane as Gasper).

  2. KLACMAN says:

    well this get more besides more devil faction from sona’s sister to rias’ dad.

    yea find odd what chances we get rias vs vail yea oh my it’s going be sadou maou vs emi the hero all over again.

    indeed another relax ep to watch.

  3. skylion says:

    He wants to be the Harem King. Rias would not let him be one, if only he knew how she felt about him. But nearly every single girl wants his action. We should all have these problems? And….neither of the two strong contenders, Zenovia and Rias, seem to mind Asia playing along with them…So, where exactly do I sign up? I’m pretty sure I would take up both Knights.

    Not a very good episode, as there was little to no Koneko This one was pretty good.

    • Highway says:

      I think a lot of Rias’ problem with Akeno’s moves on Issei are that she’s not really sure how he feels about her. And he won’t take all the hints that she wants HIM to be her boyfriend, not let someone else show up. Maybe a big smooch will change that. If only he’d said that at the end out loud so that she could unequivocally refute it…

      I don’t think anyone minds Asia coming along. I’m not even sure how much Rias would be upset if Issei actually did have a harem, as long as she was still in first place. Like being King of Deviluke, being a major demon is a bit of a different class. And Rias has never really seemed turned off at the idea of him being The Harem King.

      • skylion says:

        ….yes, but she never comes out and approves either. One must tread carefully.

        • Highway says:

          True, and it’s also a truism that the lead character can’t see what everyone else in the world sees: There’s a reason that Sirzechs and Lord Gremory are coming by and easily accepting invitations to stay at a common humans’ house. Rias definitely understands the greater implications, but Issei just can’t put that 2 and 2 together.

          To be fair, I felt there was a much bigger deal made out of both Rias’ engagement to Riser Phenex and (unfortunately) her chastity before, with ‘suitability’ to be Rias’ boyfriend / husband being a big deal. So Issei actually has cause to believe that he’s not worthy to be with Rias.

          • skylion says:

            …but always feels he’s up to the challenge to suck Rias oppai…

            • Highway says:

              He thinks he is, but is he really? He’s never had the chance to find out…

  4. zztop says:

    Todays moral: Whether you be human or demon, teenage embarassment of one’s parents is all-encompassing on both sides. (゜ω゜)

    Wonder who’s behind the locked door in the old building…most likely another girl, I predict.

    Also, is there any specific reason Xenovia wants a baby? Does the LN elaborate on this, or is it ‘just because’ she wants to? (?_?)

    • Highway says:

      Xenovia explained last week when she came after Issei that with her previous life goal eradicated – serving the Lord – she needed to come up with another thing to do, so she selected motherhood. Although, one could have varying opinions of how wholesome her actual goal is, since now she’s openly saying they need to ‘practice’, and it’s more that she just has the hots for Issei like all the others.

      Behind the locked door, I can’t exactly say it’s a secret, since they’re in the ED.

  5. AllenAndArth says:

    Leviathan was soo cute *0*
    indeed this was a “ara ara hfu-hfu-hfu-hfu” episode
    Oh the doubt!Leviathan or Akeno >.<
    Xenovia is already master-class at handling condoms

  6. BlackBriar says:

    I can relate with most of them. Dealing with embarrassing parents and siblings can be a living hell but it comes with the territory. Rias’s father is a lot younger than I expected. He could even pass for another older brother of hers. The Gremory family, for me, acts pretty casual. Are these people really demons?

    Sarafall was another one of my expectations getting shot. For being a big sister to someone as strict and sadistic as Souna, she’s surprisingly carefree but I can tell at first glance that it won’t take much for her to become extremely violent.

    Other than Issei’s perverted hijinks, I can easily get more humor from Xenovia being clueless about the situations she puts herself in on her ongoing quest to jump his bones and procreate.

    For more outrageous fanservice, there’s no such thing as too much Akeno. In fact, I think anyone who believes otherwise may be a heretic. Have torches and pitchforks ready just in case we spot some. 😀

    • skylion says:

      Bring your unruly mob! I fear not. Koneko FTW! Akeno is merely average…

      • Highway says:

        ara ara, you think you can handle that? hfu-hfu-hfu.

        I think one of the best things about Akeno is whenever Rias asks her to absolutely destroy something, she has that happy “hai, buchou!”

        • skylion says:

          Wot? Koneko is just as capable, it’s not her fault for being the strong silent type…..

      • BlackBriar says:

        Mob member: Sir, I found this heretic stalking the grounds without paying respect to Akeno and we found him handing out Koneko posters.

        BlackBriar: Ahhh, this one was to be expected. He’s a repeat offender. I’ve given you all info on how to deal with this matter. So clip the wings, strap him down to a wooden beam and set the fire. A troubled soul that could not convert to our ways. He’s beyond saving. This was the best we could do 😀

    • Highway says:

      I think there’s probably the ability to regulate one’s look when one is a high class demon. So Lord Gremory, as someone without really a need to look old and dignified, can keep himself looking younger. And as far as casual, so far Sirzechs is by far more responsible acting than Serafall, at least when they’re not doing Overlord stuff.

      I don’t know if Souna is really sadistic. She’s strict, very!, and not prone to any sort of lightheartedness. But I don’t think she does things out of any sense of sadism or for sheer cruelty, just what she feels is her responsibility.

      Xenovia seems to have a pattern of not thinking through her actions, that’s for sure.

  7. zztop says:

    Not even the master sculptors of the Renaissance could produce such a magnificent tribute to the female form as Issei did today!!!!!

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