Angel Beats!: Crow Song – Girls Dead Monster

Angel Beats! Insert Song Single – “Crow Song” by Girls Dead Monster


1. Crow Song
2. Alchemy
3. My Song

>> Download Here


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15 Responses to “Angel Beats!: Crow Song – Girls Dead Monster”

  1. Sebz says:

    this is great! thanks so much!

  2. Wildfire says:

    yes! thank you! *submits nomination for best anime album of the season*

  3. Nejibana says:

    Thank you! Was expecting just the Crow Song but yes! ALCHEMY!

    Keep up the site 😀

  4. Zmega says:

    Iv been waiting for there song for like 3 weeks THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE THERE SONG ^^ 😀

  5. scol says:

    Thanks for sharing. Good stuff. I like the chord progressions on both the first two, and my song u can really feel the emotion.

  6. Ling says:

    Omg! I love you so much for this! Thank you so muuuuuuuuuuuuuch~ <3 I'm going to collapse in love after listening to these songs.

  7. Susana says:

    Yeahh i love Iwasawa too bad she disapeard T_T

  8. yuuki says:

    honto ni arigatou~!

    sagashitenta yo!
    <3 :4:

  9. Nejibana says:

    Now the wait for Thousand Enemies~

  10. -EsMa- says:

    wow~~~ great I’ve been looking for this songs all over the internet for days… >_<

    ^^thanks for sharing… 😉

  11. ken says:

    thanks for all anything . ARIGATU

  12. Hannah says:

    Arigatou!!! :shakesfist
    Made my day/year!!! :woo

  13. Angorko says:

    Wow…..I love Alchemy most! It’s really a great song.

  14. coupdetaut says:

    thank you for uploading this

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