Manga Digest


EDIT: Crappy and rushed coloring of Medaka. Oh my god Medaka, y so moe?

In the digest:

– Medaka Box: Ch. 12
– Beelzebub: Ch. 22
– Kuroshitsuji: Ch. 35
– Shinobi Life: Ch. 29
– Kimi no Iru Machi: Ch. 55

Fresh Pick: Shirokuro Kitan

Medaka Box: Chapter 12


Thank god finally the boring swimming arc ended. And it ended in a very… surprising way lol. The yuri kiss totally caught me off guard to be really honest, but I just can’t stop laughing in this chapter. Medaka is just built with DNA with an ‘A’ standing for “Awesomeness” XD.

And yay~ We also have a new addition to the student council as well ^^. And she’s a rental from the swimming team, playing treasurer now with matching glasses. Lol I’m looking forward on how Kikajima will play out because I still yet have no clue on what her personality is. Can’t wait for more~


Beelzebub: Chapter 22


Oh my god at first glance at Furuichi, I know he’ll be my favorite character soon… and this chapter just nailed it. I LOVE FURUICHI!!! XD. Yeah I know he’s a weak coward but he sure is witty and sneaky. Awesome method of escape ever~ XD. Totally looking forward for more of his awesomeness! Great chapter as usual from Beelzebub ^^.


Kuroshitsuji: Chapter 35


I totally suck for not being able to put this up on a separate post T___T ok, push me off a cliff now T^T… I just don’t have the time to make a long post on it. So yeah, but that wouldn’t stop me on fangirling HARD on one of my most favorite mangas atm.

This chapter finally closes the Circus arc. Bye bye circus people. And I got a little bit teary when the flashback of Joker and Beast gets shown. I mean, OMG they look so good together T__T!!! Plus I thought at least they deserve happiness in the end after all they have been through T^T. Also, poor Doll as well. BAWWWW at her breaking down.

Another thing, we get to meet a few more additions to the story! We have Ronald Knox, whom I’m so totally loving already with his smexy lawnmower (lawnmowers had never looked this smexy and awesome XD). And then there’s also the Queen’s servants, whom I’ll be suspecting that they’ll cover the next arc of the series.

Last but not the least, Undertaker gets an appearance!!! I totally “kyaaaa”d when he gave us a glimpse of his eye *___*.


Shinobi Life: Chapter 29


We’re still in to the back-in-time arc with shouta Kagetora falling in love with the present Beni. Lol I just found that so cute! Plus blushing tsun Kagetora is JUST SO CUUUTE!!! D’AWWWWWWWWWWWWW~!!! Aww I wanna glomp him! Or at least have a plushie with his blushing face!!! Can I? Can I??? Awww~


Kimi no Iru Machi: Chapter 55


Woot~ Is the pacing finally moving or what? That’s what I’m talking about in Kimi no Iru Machi~ It gets really slow, but the moment it starts off moving the wheels, it moves really fast and intense! Now there’s a cliffhanger! And worse, no new chapter until more than a week worth of waiting T__T. How does Eba’s shocking invitation to Haruto affect the story now? I just love these two, even though I’ll feel bad for Kanzaki-senpai if ever he’ll get dumped T_T.


~Fresh Pick~


Shirokuro Kitan: Chapter 1


I’m just checking out random mangas on MangaFox, until I stumbled upon it. At first, the cover art kind of attracted me because it’s already mysterious. The black and white contract is cool with pink blood. So yup~ I decided to check it out for a few pages of reading. Then there I get to know that the series has a female lead instead, and a fashionable one at that. I totally love her style ^^. And moving on and on, I think it got me really interested with it.

It totally gave me vibes of Shin Megami Tensei: Persona series with the summoning and the dark, mysterious atmosphere and the unique look of the monsters/spirits/whatever they’re called being summoned. Definitely keeping an eye for more fo this manga ^^. I’m totally interested on how it would turn out.


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3 Responses to “Manga Digest”

  1. Eeeehhh??? It’s called Shirokuro Kitan in Mangafox???

    it’s awesome, I agree xD I already got hooked to it last week xD Chapter 2 is even better =3

    but I’m not used to Monokuro Kitan being called that way o_O

    I’m only not familiar with Kimi ni Iru Machi . . . will check that out someday.
    .-= Sapphire Pyro´s last blog ..Axis Powers Hetalia: Seiyuus of New Characters and More About Prussia’s CD! =-.

    • kanzeon says:

      Yah… But I think Monokuro sounds way better ^^.

      Really? Can’t wait for the next chapter then~ Kyaa!

  2. TJ says:

    Medaka is just too awesome. Even girls are not immune to her powerz :thumb:
    .-= TJ´s last blog ..To-Love-Ru 159 =-.

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