07-Ghost: 16


All hail my OTP. :blush2: ~ This episode is…  :love:

OMG watch out because you might get ani-diabetes because this episode is just FREAKING SWEET!!!. Haha, since I think I’m one of those few who’s definitely asking for more Frau/Teito love XD, I must admit that I can die happy to bishie heaven right now. And yay for a really obvious hint in this episode XD!!! I totally squee’d so much as much as when I was still reading this part. Teito just cares so freaking much for Frau, does he? Same goes to Frau too, of coursey~ XD. Anyway, more into character commentary~

Labrador and Castor


The two bishops reveal to Teito about Kruez’s Excommunication from the church, and it’s because of the Pandora’s Box, which we will be going to more later on in the series.

Moreover, the news about Frau going on to a death sentence and it worries the bishops. Teito then comes to rush off and save Frau.



Bastien is another example why old people in anime can still look hot XD lols. But anyway, it seems like he’s getting more and more suspicious. Hmm~



Not quite enough of Hakuren fixx in the episode because he only appeared at the end. He also proves to be helpful for Teito as well for lending his hand on finding the real culprit behind Frau’s accussation. Yesh! Go and give justice to your idol as well, Hakuren <33!!!



Err… I mean Frau. Uh no, no, it’s Razette! XD… Or is it? Haha XP. Razette wins at charades ^_~.


As usual, Razette is made of awesome from this episode because if it wasn’t for her, Teito wouldn’t have a clue where Frau is. I just love Razette and her Frau-face expressions XDD. Here’s one more:


Razette’s Frau-faces are always win XD.



And nuuuu~!!! Our smexy bishop is accused and is heading in for Death Row T__T. Poor Frau~ T_T Don’t worry, you still look hot in jail XD. And also, Tei will be the one to come in and save you~<33.

Teito to the rescue~!!


YES!!! TEITO!!!! GET FRAU OFF IN THERE!!!! OMFG!! Oh wait, they set it up with magical locks??? Nuuu~~~ T^T. Teito wants Frau out badly!! Also, Frau is just so nice too because he also helped Teito in a way for his bishop exams <33. Uguu~ It just shows that these two just cares deeply about each other~ D’awwwwww…


Even though it seems already hopeless for Frau’s situation inside that place, he still asked Teito to get closer on him for a kiss *gets shot* and whisphers to him that he wants to see him smile.

And OMG lol Teito blushes so hard >////<!!! My heart’s totally racing for these two XD! KYAAAAA <33!!! *squee*


Frau is just so cool and smexy with his apple~


LOLOLOL Teito looks like a blushing girl who just got up-close with her crush XD~~

Mikage Flashback


With Frau requesting to see him smile, Teito also remembers the back then when Mikage’s still alive, and he’s also asking him to smile…

And here’s Teito’s best attempt to smile:


Rofl~ XD… Kid needs to practice more in front of the mirror XD.

Frau x Teito = Sealed with a… smile XDD


So since Frau is a very special person to Teito as well, just like Mikage, he grants his request and smiles for him~ …Uhh, yeah… still that horrible smile XDD. But I find it hilariously cute! And sweet XD!!! D’awwwwww~!!!


I ABSOLUTELY love Frau’s reaction XDD. Though it’s hard to imagine a blush coming from him, a smexy smirk is alright ^^. Oh god Frau~ *swoons*


That was a really well done episode. Though it still suffers from lackingthe flow and explanations, the second half just paid for it. Haha *biased FrauxTeito fangirl XD*. No, but really, I guess that the show is slowly moving out of its “midway boring syndrome” along with Valkyria and it still proves why I am totally in love with this adaptation ^^.

So yeah, I guess I should continue on the “Kyaaa”-s and the “Squeee”-s because I’m just one HAPPY fangirl~ :kyaa:

More screenshots on the gallery next page~


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9 Responses to “07-Ghost: 16”

  1. auntiebin says:

    :thumb: :thumb:
    awesome episode!!! :cute: :cute:

  2. kirapika says:

    So I guess this totally payed-off all those past boring episodes with nothing to squee! about :ohohoho:

    Better get myself to watch the episode now *goes to anime folder~* :oha:
    .-= kirapika´s last blog ..Umineko no Naku Koro ni: VAs for the 7 Stakes of Purgatory Announced! =-.

  3. bochan says:

    best episode so far :thumb: so sweet :kyaa2: :kyaa2:
    I watched this since Monday night even I don’t understand Japanese and it was :aww: :kyaa:
    aww!! I want more more FrauXTeito please :blush2:
    studio Deen, you did a good job :thumb:

  4. tdistel says:

    :kyaa: :kyaa: :kyaa: :kyaa: :kyaa:
    Yes!!! Hints!!! Hints!!! I love this episode so much!!! Frau x Teito-kun :love:
    Totally one of my favorite episodes ever!!!
    Teito’s smile is :haha:

  5. cherryblossom says:

    This episode is SUGOII :oha:
    :kyaa: Frau x Teito :kyaa:
    Arigatou 😉 :thumb:

  6. Jamie says:

    Great episode!!!!!!!!! :kyaa2:

  7. Ashelea says:

    I LOVE THIS EPISODE!!! :blush2:
    Teito’s blush is just so cute!!! And kyaa~ Frau’s reaction :kyaa:

  8. Pikypoo says:

    yes! frauxteito :nosebleeds:
    epic win :runs: :cute: :love: :ohohoho: :blush2:

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