Teyona is OVERRATED. I don’t even get it why she’s called first. And she’s obviously getting the edit of a winner. So here’s to you:
Filler post ftw.
Tags: allison harvard, antm cycle 12, ciara, filler post
POWUH: Metanorn Lover with 158 comments
I want my Allison to win. GO GO ALLISON!
Kairu Ishimaru’s last blog post..“Onee-san’s lips…they look so soft…â€
POWUH: 1100-1199 with 1187 comments
:cheer: YES!!!
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 107 comments
She looks like a lion entangled in concert wires ^^ (idk if that’s the concept of the shoot XD). And I prefer the blond than the black girl below.
POWUH: 1100-1199 with 1187 comments
That was nearly the concept ^^lol. They are crazy fans that got entangled up un concert wires ^^.