Chihara Minori – Paradise Lost [PV]


This is the PV of GA-REI ZERO‘s OP: Paradise Lost by Chihara Minori. Bada** series needs a bada** song! I just got so addicted with this song… Well, it’s the beautiful Minorin so except me to love everything from her. Honestly, I’m really a fan of her voice and her music style. The violins accompanied by upbeat techno music is just awesome.


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6 Responses to “Chihara Minori – Paradise Lost [PV]”

  1. 53RG10 says:


    Can’t wait for this single to be released!

  2. Kitsune says:

    It is a nice song 🙂 Recent study suggests that wearing red may boost sex appeal 😛

  3. kanzeon says:

    @53RG10: Yep. I also can’t wait for it to be released ^^.

    @Kitsune: No wonder why she looks very hot in that outfit. Now, I’ll head off to the mall later to buy some red outfits XP

  4. Machinany says:

    Love this song, looking forwards to its release. Reckon any other colour than red would work then? 😉

  5. […] Paradise Lost and Yuuki no Kodou by Chihara Minori are up!!! I already posted the PV of Paradise Lost here. It’s the kick-a** OP theme for GA-REI -ZERO-. Paradise Lost is a more upbeat song while […]

  6. linkinstreet says:

    awesome. Avi or MKV sauce of video plox?

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