Vampire Knight Guilty: trailer


Matsuri Hino’s manga, Vampire Knight, has an official trailer for it’s sequel which would be composed of another 13 episodes. I think it would cover the [SPOILER – highlight to view:] Rido arc and some things continuing that arc. It means there would be more Shiki-sama and Rima-sama!!! Wooot! I think the promotion pic is cool with Yuki’s scythe facing you! And last but not the least, look at Yuki’s long hairdo… Whaddya think?

And here’s the trailer. The first music played in the trailer is entitled “RONDO” sung by twin brothers ON/OFF, who also sang season 1’s OP. The second song: Suna no Oshiro is the ending theme. It is sung by uber-talented Kanon Wakeshima again ^_^ who sang ‘still doll’ from the first season. I found it more creepier to listen to than ‘still doll’, which means it is unusual to loop it on an iPod but it still maintains the gothic and alluring aura.

Vampire Knight Guilty airs October 6.


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11 Responses to “Vampire Knight Guilty: trailer”

  1. fye says:

    YYYYYEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! Can’t wait!!! Also, the ending theme doesn’t sound like Kanon Wakeshima 🙁

  2. Shin says:

    Eh, I didn’t even manage past episode 1 of the first season. I heard it gets really emo later on. Good thing I quit while I was ahead P:

  3. shiiku says:

    I think I’ll just watch this for Rima and Shiki.

  4. amayalee says:

    Is it just me or does that song RONDO sound christmasy? Hm…You know, the manga wasn’t emo…I wonder how they screwed that up in the anime? Gah, I’ll probably just watch for the hot guys, Kaname and Zero’s brother…*Drools*…And that was such a boy love moment when Zero bit Kaname! (Or it was in my head at least XD)

  5. biankita says:

    i was supposed to have dropped this show at episode 12 because i thought it was 26 episodes. i still can’t believe i sat through the entire season of zero’s BAWWWWWWWW and didn’t get to enjoy a shiki episode. hahaha! anyway, lemme know if they get to s shiki episode and i will watch that episode alone ^^

  6. kanzeon says:

    @fye: EDIT: I just got the info and indeed it is Kanon Wakeshima ^_^

    @Shin: Yes. It had gotten wayy EMO…

    @shiiku: Right on! I’m SO totally in the same way as you… You know the feeling of forcing yourself to watch the show because you have a ‘favorite character’ that you don’t wanna miss a second of their screentime? That’s what happening to me on this show…

    @amayalee: Yeah, the biting part at the end of season one was borderline BL… Anyway this show has TWICE the Miyano Mamoru so I consider this hot…

    @biankita: Me too, I’m expecting for sensuality but all I get is a pile of EMO sh!t. And yey! Another Shiki lover!!! Anyway, I’m blogging this for my weekly rantings ^_^

  7. feeebbbiiieee says:

    a cant wait! just. . . .wait. . kaname,zero&yuuki *inspired*^_^

  8. feeebbbiiieee says:

    i a cant wait! just. . . .wait. . kaname,zero&yuuki *inspired*^_^

  9. feeebbbiiieee says:

    i cant wait! just. . . .wait. . kaname,zero&yuuki *inspired*^_^

  10. feeebbbiiieee says:

    ahhh sorry. . i keep on putting ‘i a cant wait’ but ive already sumitted it 3 times ahhh im just soooo exited!

  11. kanzeon says:

    @feeebbbiiieee: Wow lots of comments ^_^ I’m excited too on how will the series get animated in the sequel. Keep getting inspired 🙂

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