Yuru Yuri ♪♪ – 03
Akarin-“I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS CRAP!” Alien-“Dude…I was aiming for the Rinne no Lagrange world.”
Here’s some giri, you b-bakaaaa! ♡。゚.(*♡´‿` 人´‿` ♡*)゚♡ °・
It’s not like I want any chocolate… b-bakaaa! ♪(=ω=*)
Akarin-“I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR THIS CRAP!” Alien-“Dude…I was aiming for the Rinne no Lagrange world.”
This is the end of their adventure. Or is it?
Suggestive growls, whispers of love, and so much more~
Would you be M–MY Valentine…?
A last look at 2011 via Meta Team’s top couples~
❥ ❥ ❥ Happy V-day, readers! ❥ ❥ ❥
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