Metanorn Round Up – The First Impressions
Our staff has picked the best, but we can’t leave out the rest!
Our staff has picked the best, but we can’t leave out the rest!
Time for our Spring 2017 Picks!
Highway is gonna have a party with Akeno!
Time for another January birthday!! Wooooooooooo!!
Time for January birthdays and first is our bro, Fosh’s!
⁝⁝⸃₍⁽΄˙̥΄ ⁾₎⸜Time for our Winter Picks!⁝⁝⸃₍⁽΄˙̥΄ ⁾₎⸜
Drawing by Fosh! Can you guess all the teams characters?
(ง’̀-‘́)ง Time for the Fall’16 list! (ง’̀-‘́)ง
A party for the boss!
Yayyyyyyyyy! Time for a Metanorn party!
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