Metanorn’s 5th Year Anniversary

We are officially old but how much wiser? We shall see!

I feel like I typed a similar post few days ago but here we are with another year gone past. This time we are on a very important milestone for any aniblog out there: the Big Five Year Anniversary. What does that bode for us? Only good things I hope! A lot of things have happened while we have been churning out posts but before all, I have to applaud the Metanorn Team, who have incessantly kept you, dear readers and lurkers, all entertained with posts. So, three cheers to Overcooled, Foshizzel, Hoshi, Jrow, Ness, anaaga, Karakuri, lvlln, Miyu, Highway, Sumairii, Will and our alumni, who setup a high bar for every team member who joined our ranks. We gather here today to look back the year past and celebrate with our much loved community. Let’s hear it from the team!


From Metanrn Team, with Lve


They say most blogs tend to fizzle out around the two year mark, but Metanorn has gotten over that hill and continues to go strong. The site has been chugging along for 5 years now. I hopped on board a few years after it was created because above all, Metanorn looked like a fun place. It was welcoming. On some blogs you feel terrified on even stating your opinion because you know someone will find a way to put you down. Even if that’s just paranoia, giving off that kind of atmosphere is not a good thing. I think a big reason why Metanorn has thrived for 5 years is that everyone has worked hard to make this blog a big community. These are not one-sided blog posts where the almighty bloggers lay down the law and you just absorb it. The writers posts so we can have discussions, compare viewpoints, and just enjoy each others company. After all, Metanorn would not be where it is today without a loyal following. Thank you to the readers (even you lurkers!), the writers, the mysterious creators of Metanorn I’ve never met, and our current leader Kyokai who has taught us everything we need to know about blogging. I’m highly biased but I have to say…Metanorn is pretty damn awesome.
Woooooooooooo! Has it really been 5 whole years at Metanorn? I swear it feels just like yesterday that I started writing about anime and chatting it up on podcasts with Jrow and everyone else, but most of all we wouldn’t have gone as far without the support of all the amazing commenters and followers, because your comments continue to motivate us to keep working hard every day! So, thanks again!
Uwah, five years of Metanorn has truly happened~ To think I’ve been able to be apart of Metanorn for about two of those years make me feel proud, but at the same time frustrated at myself for not contributing much lately, both as a writer and commenter. As for everyone on the team, who are able to juggle college life, work, etc. almost effortlessly along with aniblogging, I truly commend you. You are all amazing people who do even more amazing work, and I’m glad to have met you all and be a part of this team with you. Thank you for putting your skills, efforts, and hard work into Metanorn~ And of course, thank you to all the readers, lurkers, and commenters who have come across Metanorn and helped make it the fun, interesting place that it is today. Congratulations Metanorn on five years of aniblogging awesomeness! May we, both writers and commenters, all be here happily doing what we do best for another five years~
Well damn Metanorn, 5 years of existence… quite a few people have walked in and out the doors of the Metanorn staff, but like a good sports team, management has been able to keep the core together and can bring in new folks that only add to the blog’s fun for both readers and commenters alike. To every site visitor that’s actually giving up precious useful time to read my thoughts, it means a lot to have you as a reader, commenter and/or listener. We’re building it, and we’re glad that you came.

Eh, Happy 5th Birthday to Metanorn! I know, I know, I’m barely there now, but yeah, circumstances. Anyhow, I hope by this fifth birthday, Metanorn will be more awesome and prosperous than before. Don’t need to change Metanorn though, because I love Metanorn just the way it is ♥ And yeah, I’ll try my best to be here as soon as possible *sob*

Happy 5th birthday Metanorn~! I… honestly can’t even remember what I was doing 5 years ago, but 5 years for this blog is quite an achievement. Writing here has been a really great experience so far, and I’m really grateful to absolutely everyone here. Commenters, writers and lurkers, thanks for making this site such an awesome place in the past and now~. Here’s for year 5, and I hope the upcoming year is just as fun and exciting!

Wow, 5 years. That’s pretty damn long in Internet time, and in anime blog time, interminable. 5 years ago, Bakemonogatari was just a light novel by some quirky little known author, and Hatsune Miku was known more as a program than hologram. Fans had yet to see a beloved franchise get mauled with Endless Eight episodes or a beloved magical girl get beheaded by a particularly cruel writer. Shaft was a punchline to jokes about the lack of budget in late night anime, and Gainax was still a relevant studio, still in the midst of milking their latest Heaven Piercing franchise. How times have changed.

I’ve only been a part of Metanorn for a year and a half now, one member among many who have come and gone, and I’m proud of our work in that time. The stylistic changes we’ve seen, the evolution and expansion of our podcasts, the additional features, they’ve all taken our site another step in the right direction. And a better community of readers and commenters, I couldn’t ask for. Seriously, I can’t overemphasize what the support from you guys means to all of us. It’s been a great ride, and it continues to be one. I’m confident that Metanorn has at least another 5 years left in it, and its best and brightest days are still ahead.

Metanorn, 誕生日おめでとーう! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ 5 years! When I think about it, it’s really been a long time since I first chanced upon this lovely place a few years ago. I’m glad I did though, because I’ve had an amazing time here with an awesome team and equally awesome commenters and readers. I’ve had a chance to write about something I (we) love for people I love *being extra cheesy* and I’m really thankful for all you commenters, readers and even lurkers out there who continue to give us motivation to write! And of course, thank you team, for making the one and a half years I’ve been writing so enjoyable <3 One thing I can promise you guys is that Metanorn will always stay the same Metanorn that you’ve grown to love, no matter how much bigger (and better) we may grow in the future, so thanks for sticking around, and I’m looking forward for the many years to come! :3
Congratulations to Metanorn on reaching its 5-year anniversary! It’s one of those times that feels both long and short, but that’s a lot of accomplishment. I’m proud to have contributed to the site for the past year, first as a commenter and now as a writer (and still commenter). Thanks to all the writers who have contributed through these past five years to get to here and to all the readers and commenters who make this a great community to be a part of. I hope to be a part of it for quite a long time!

Wow. To think that Metanorn has been around for five years now. Truly, I am humbled to be able to write for a site with such a long history and rich heritage. Five years ago, I wasn’t even in the aniblogging scene. Five years ago, the only aniblog I followed (as a reader) was Random Curiosity. And that was still lead by Omni. I mention RC because I want to stress that while some things may change with time, what really matters will not. The flavor of any aniblog may change with new writers joining (such as myself) and past ones leaving. But I like to think that the heart of the site will always remain the same. Time may give Metanorn an ever richer history to speak of, but the core of this great community will never change.

While it may be presumptuous of a newbie like me to speak of the team and the community with such authority, I would like to congratulate Kyokai for working so hard to bringing the site to where it is now. Congratulations also on your marriage. I would also like to thank the team for warmly welcoming me on board. I’m glad to be a part of such a close-knit group. Finally, I would like to thank you readers for your continued patronage. Metanorn wouldn’t be what it is today without you, so read on and comment on!

Aaah *wipes a tear* Good times! But it’s time for me to go– Naah, this is becoming old and though I try to reprise this every year, it’s not happening. Though, I do get all mushy reading my team’s comments. As usual everyone is super charged to keep the readers entertained and that is why we contribute, right? Coming towards the highlights, we have finished our five years quite in style. I mean, 9.2Million visits, with 3,550 posts, 64,300 comments, 5000+ tags, more than 4100 nicknames used while commenting, 414 categories and 0.9M spam blocked. Yeah, we definitely get a lot of spam.

Thank you for hanging out with us everyone! We wouldn’t spend so much of our time aniblogging if it weren’t for the Meta community, so thank you readers and note to lurkers for sometimes chiming in (we don’t bite! ;)). Now time to catch up with some highlights of past year and how to get in touch with us if you ever want to:

Overall, another awesome year. We’ll keep you entertained as usual with special content through the coming weeks.




The Boss lady of Metanorn, who makes it all happen. An animanga enthusiast, who watches/reads almost anything that strikes her fancy. Just beware of her Death Perception and always keep her happy. Regularly found at @KyokaiTM & #[email protected].
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125 Responses to “Metanorn’s 5th Year Anniversary”

  1. Jak says:

    aaaah! congratulations! I haven’t lurked around for a while and I get back to this! waaah :’) Keep up the awesome work!

  2. PanzerJäger says:

    Congratulations, 5 years is quite the achievement. I haven’t been around a lot, but your posts always amuse me and bring a chuckle. Best part is defiantly the screenshots with captions, always make my day. The team is great and always produces the best. Lets hope the next few years bring more quality ani-blogging

  3. Vivi says:

    Congrats to all of you!! Much much love (♥´ε`♥)

  4. Ceyrai says:

    Happy 5th Birthday, Metanorn! All you do is improve and I’m glad I stuck with you since 2009 (? I think). Hope we’ll get to see you reach 10 years of quality anime blogging! Congratulations!

    • Foshizzel says:

      Hell ya! 10 more years xDD

    • Kyokai says:

      That means you were present with another username before? 😉 Your this username first commented in July, 2011 on a Dantalian post.

      • Ceyrai says:

        Ahaha, no, it’s just that I lurked for a realllyyyy long time. 2 years, it seems. ^^;;;

      • Ceyrai says:

        In fact every time you’d ask for new blogger applications since 2009 I’d always find myself considering submitting, then I’d lose my nerve coz I’d never even commented before. ^^;; The camaraderie I see in this team blog (from both the bloggers and commenters) is awesome, and apart from the actual aniblogging, it’s the interactions that keep me coming back. To be honest Metanorn’s the only aniblog I regularly follow and I think it’ll be that way for a very long time. 😉

        • Kyokai says:

          Ahahahaa! I’m glad you came out from the lurker stage and started interacting. We love talking with our readers! :3

          Thank you for all the compliments! <3

  5. Tofu says:

    Congratulations everyone!! Wow 9.2 million visits~ Metanorn has really gone far. Special thanks to Kyokai for being the awesome boss lady she is! :3 You’ve done well in making this site successful alongside all the writers on Metanorn ^^ Sadly I haven’t been able to comment that much at all due to university and a part-time job at Mc Ronalds; deciding whether or not to use my pow- *ahem* I mean…… 😛

    Totally not used to the new life, but I’m slowly getting the hang of it. Once I max out my social link, I’ll be coming back full force!! ^^

    Need more enthusiasm injections… T___T

    • Foshizzel says:

      Kyokai is amazing and no worries buddy I know you are with us always xD

      LOL yes we need to bring back enthusiasm injections!

    • Kyokai says:

      Thanks, guys! *ruffles both their hairstyles away*

      Growing up I see! Good for you man. Earn some moneeehs and if you need more injections, I’ll give you some. *loads something dangerous in a long needled injection*

  6. Namika says:

    Every time I see Metanorn’s anniversary post I get so damn sentimental TT^TT It’s like only yesterday I found out about anime and started following new releases. And Metanorn was there all of the time. You guys are so amazing, going at it for five years, making Meta such an amazing, fun place!
    I know I haven’t been very active for such a long time, but I do visit regularly, even though I don’t watch a lot of releases and can’t share an opinion with anyone.

    OMEDETTO~ You guys are amazing o(^O^)o

    • Kyokai says:

      Much love, Namika-chwaan! <333

      Thank you for sticking around and keeping up with our updates and community interactions! :3

  7. skylion says:

    Wow. Thank you Team for providing such an inviting place (that isn’t a small task you know) for anime fans. I’m happy to have been commenting since probably the start of the Fall 2011 season. This has been a wonderful trip.


    • Kyokai says:

      Thank you for being part of our community! You are definitely right about your commenting time being November 2011. :3

  8. Baka-Raptor says:

    not bad

  9. Liza says:

    Congrats guys! 😀 I remember finding this blog two years ago and lurked for the longest time before getting the courage to comment. So glad I did. It’s fun talking to you guys! ^_^

    • Highway says:

      I think I lurked for a week before making my first comment. Or maybe it was only a couple days. And then it was my next comment that was the first that got caught by Spammy…

      • BlackBriar says:

        I feel so ashamed of myself after hearing how long you guys waited before breaking your silence. I was aware of Metanorn for months before I first commented.

        • Highway says:

          Well, for me, one of the reasons I found Metanorn in the first place is I was actively looking for discussion of Nazo no Kanojo X. So upon finding lvlln’s serious discussion of the show, I wanted to contribute.

          • BlackBriar says:

            Hmm… I remember you showing up last Spring when Tasogare Otome x Amnesia was airing.

            • Highway says:

              Yep, that was the same season. I thought I actually showed up earlier than I did, but now that I have the ability to go look, my first comment was on Tasogare Otome x Amnesia, episodes 6-7. It was another 4 days until my second comment.

            • Karakuri says:

              Yeah, I remember you showing up for Tasogare as well.

            • Highway says:

              Yeah, that was what I commented on first, but what I was looking around for when I found the site was MGX.

            • BlackBriar says:

              And lo, you found a bonus for your efforts.

        • skylion says:

          Wow, I found the section for S1 Haganai right away and jumped right in. I recall my MetaBro, Fosh, being the first to welcome me…

          • BlackBriar says:

            Ahhh, so you signed a commenter/blogger contract with him. No worries, man. He’s not a sadist so you’re safe. 🙂

            • skylion says:

              Well, I’m the sadist…take that as you will.

              I have much in common with Japanese Bath buckets, lino, hard glass, and much like Karuta Royomiya, I want to eat and be eaten….

            • Highway says:

              I have no contracts! I am not a number! I am a free man!

              *drives off in his Lotus 7*

            • skylion says:

              *has no car, must shuffle off into the sunset*

              And I just noticed I hit 2100, just a comment ahead of Highway.

          • Foshizzel says:

            <3 Skylion you are a cool bro and of course everyone here is 10000000000% AWESOME

        • Gecko says:

          The same went for me. Quite a few months. You’re not alone! Don’t feel ashamed!

          (And then my contract was with Jrow, since he was blogging Penguindrum and I needed to talk about that show.)

        • Ceyrai says:

          No worries there. I waited 2 years before my first comment. ^^;; (As you can see from the number of comments I’ve had.) I think Fosh got my first *cough*.

          • Karakuri says:

            Ahaha that’s about how long I lurked before finally submitting my application here. …I guess Kyo got me first since I first commented on the Meet the New Blood post >.>

            • Kyokai says:

              I like this comment contract thing. Let’s make it official! xD

            • BlackBriar says:

              Wow, you belong to the boss lady. You should consider that an honor. 🙂

    • akagami says:

      2 years? I thought I lurked pretty long, but I think it was only a year circa spring 2011? One of the posts I remember was a blog post about an anime con where FLOW performed ^_^. I think I started lurking more after that one.

      I can’t remember when I started posting, probably around spring 2012? I think Kyokai was the one to welcome me… I can’t remember because most people don’t respond to my comments (happens when you’re of a minority opinion crowd)


      • Kyokai says:

        This was your first comment on March, 2011: :3

        You already have a contract with me xD

        • Ceyrai says:

          Oh. This was the post that got me officially started on supercell. Another highlight in my life officiated by Metanorn~

          I do miss the music posts. *hinthint*

          • Kyokai says:

            supercell is awesome! Never forget~ 😉

            Btw, I wish I could continue music posts myself but I stopped for copyright issues.

            • akagami says:

              Thinking back, I really enjoyed those music posts (^‿‿^)

              Actually, I had another nick before I took up akagami, and you welcomed me with that one. You got me curious and I did some digging – stopped because scouring comments is tiring (-o⌒) and don’t remember the name.

              I did a whole bunch of lurking with random stealth comments though before that, haha. If it’s a random name with <= 5 comments and it has a random :action: it's a 90% chance it's me ヽ(´ー`)ノ

              Some of the ones I recognize are Black_Cat, Rawr, Meow, Gray, and Pillow (, to name some. I do remember being around when Anime-NTM was going on, maybe near the end of S1 or the beginning os S2? So that means I’ve been lurking since 2009~



            • akagami says:

              Mmm, while I was digging through my old stealth lurking posts I came across this one – that post was really fun Overcooled x Masu. (✿◠‿◠)
              Whatever did happen to Masu anyways?

            • Overcooled says:

              Wow, that’s real sneaky of you…using all those side accounts for commenting XD

              Masu was a cool dude! Blogging PnS for a while was pretty fun =w= Unfortunately he was too busy to really post any more so he had to leave.

    • Kyokai says:

      @Liza, Glad to have you and good job on delurking two and a half years ago! :3

  10. BlackBriar says:

    Il a été de cinq ans, maintenant? C’est tout à fait un accomplissement! (It has been five years, now? That’s quite an achievement!) Congratulations on this milestone, Meta Team and to you boss lady Kyokai for holding it all together! Here’s some support coming from me, one of your loyal followers, that Metanorn endures for a very long time.

    I still can’t believe I first commented here November of 2010 (and signed a contract with my soul as collateral to a very sadistic blogger). I was aware of the site from the beginning of that year but was hesitant to break my silence because it was a first time commenting online period. However, that shattered once I saw what was playing. It felt so short but I’m glad I stuck with this site.

    Instead of losing steam, Metanorn has been speeding up over time and there’s so much to like about it. If not for the bloggers with their opinions on anime and games through podcasts and posts, it’s the interaction with other commenters expressing their opinions and playing around in the process. Even pretending to have a “civil war” over anime characters with them (example: Skylion and I playing Hatfields and McCoys over vampire lolis).

    @Fosh: I’ll be waiting for you to try harder again next April Fool’s Day. Make it a lot more challenging!

    • Foshizzel says:

      I will do my best to make something more creative next time, but you gotta admit Guilty Sword sounds FANTASTIC right? RIGHT?!

      • BlackBriar says:

        It would be an awesome show even if the seperate ones turned out to be train wrecks.

      • skylion says:

        We should do our own light novel.

        I can’t believe our Neighbors’ Club is a War-zone SNAFU.

    • Kyokai says:

      Thank you, Resident Vampire Lover! Hopefully, we’ll be around for many, many years to come! :3

      I’m glad you decided to comment and continue on for so many rounds. Thanks to the lovely team who have kept it going and the adorable community who are always up to shenanigans with us (like above)!

      • BlackBriar says:

        I’m happy to be here, boss lady and I’m still grateful for the title you gave me. I’m glad to continue contributing to Metanorn as much as possible. What’s it like knowing there’s a commenting monster like me hanging around?

  11. PrimeHector says:

    MetaFap became a force of nature.
    That sounds wrong.

    • skylion says:

      Sounds rather fetching to me…

    • BlackBriar says:

      For something like that to last this long, the statement is very apropriate. It shows some people love watching ecchi.

    • Foshizzel says:

      MetaFap became a force of nature.
      That sounds wrong.

      You win for best comment ahahah so freaking hilarious xD

      I wish we had more ToLoveRu Darkness T________T

      • BlackBriar says:

        There’s always the manga to offer some sort of comfort.

        • Foshizzel says:

          This is true! If it updated every week I would so cover it, but sadly it is every other month xD

          • BlackBriar says:

            In the meantime, I’m following my version of the To Love Ru manga.

            Question: What do you get when you put Rosario + Vampire and To Love Ru together?

            Show ▼

    • Sumairii says:

      MetaFap a force of nature? That’s like calling MetaFap a hurricane!

    • Kyokai says:

      There’s no denying it, PrimeHector!

      @Sumairii, it’s more than a hurricane, damn it!

  12. Gecko says:

    Ouahh, cinq ans??? C’est beaucoup!! (Wow, five years? That’s a lot!) (BB started with some French, I might as well join in.)

    I remember my first comment on Penguindrum (funny that it still is my favorite show) and being extremely scared to see if Jrow had replied. I think I originally found Metanorn a few months earlier when looking for some character CD. It took me a while to get the courage to comment. I’m very glad I found Metanorn, it’s been really great to be able to read what you wonderful amazing bloggers think about shows and then be able to reply to that.

    Kyokai, great job getting all these great people together to make a wonderful site for us anime fans 🙂 Keep going Boss Lady!

    • Foshizzel says:

      Thanks for the compliments <3

      • Gecko says:

        No problem, Fosh!

        (And of course I’m not forgetting all the Guilty Crown fun we had in winter 2011!)

        • BlackBriar says:

          Don’t forget about making fun of OH MA SHOE!!

          • skylion says:

            Truck-kun, you shall be remembered….

            And, Fosh, we have to get to work on that Ayase x Tsugumi OVA…we promised….

          • Ceyrai says:

            After all this time that’s still how I say it out loud/in my head. :))

            • BlackBriar says:

              You can make a chant with that. OH MA SHOE!! OH MA SHOE!! OH MA SHOE!!

    • Jrow says:

      Penguindrum was so great to blog, and having comment discussions with you and others about each ep was fun. I still look back fondly on Penguindrum, even recently thinking about the music from it which was great. 🙂

      • skylion says:

        Yeah, you guys really made Penguindrum very memorable. It was a gas to share watching it. Along with the Altair and Vega blog.

        I still have all of Triple H and the OPs and EDs as part of my constant music playlists.

        • Gecko says:

          I continue to listen to the OST, and I need to remember to add the OP’s to my constant music playlists. The OST is so wonderful because each song really has a moment in the anime that I remember with the song.

      • Gecko says:

        I’m glad you thought it was fun, I was always worrying about what I had commented about.


    • Kyokai says:

      Thank you, Gecko, for the compliments. Team is Meta and so is the community. :3

      Btw, on record, your first comment was made on Guilty Crown, har har~

      • Gecko says:

        Oh, seriously? Oops.

        Hm. Well, to be truthful, I actually commented under a different name first and then got too scared and switched to Gecko. It seems that Jrow has made the contract DESTINY, so I’m not sure how that will get erased… Lol.

  13. akagami says:

    5 years ago? Wow, that’s a while… I think that’s when I got my sister started on anime… with Chii’s Sweet Home ^_^

    Congrats! And Happy 5th Birthday!

    誕生日おめでとう! (otanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu!)

    • Kyokai says:

      We have survived for half a decade. Hopefully, there will be a full and moar!

      Arigatou gozaimasu! :3

  14. belatkuro says:

    I’ve only been lurking here for almost a year and occasionally commenting so I only have a small grasp of that length of time. But it’s still a great achievement nonetheless considering that people grow up and change with the passage of time. But it’s probably the love for anime that will never change so that’s why you guys have stayed this long and continue to do consistent and quality posts.
    Hope that this blog continues for many more years(will it last that long though? I certainly hope so :D)

    • belatkuro says:

      Oh and I love that the banner right now of the 4 TM girls.
      I have that as my wallpaper right now.
      Shiki <3, Arc <3, Saber <3, Aoko <3

      Left side: flat group; right side: big group >_>

    • Kyokai says:

      Thank you! It’s the fandom love after all and community that keeps us going. And I don’t intend to close Metanorn anytime soon! I have plans to pass this to my kids. xD

      Also, brofist on being a fellow TM-tard, as you got all the references correct. 😉

  15. AceRailgun says:

    Congrats 🙂 My lurking knows no limits and I probably haven’t commented in a while but I certainly do my fair share of reading. Thanks for all the posts everyone and remember people like me are reading them even if we don’t always comment.

    • Foshizzel says:

      Yay! Thank you Ace! I always look forward to seeing all your original characters pop up on Deviantart xD

    • Kyokai says:

      Thank you, Ace! We much appreciate it and don’t be a forever lurker! 😉

  16. Restia says:

    clap clap clap~ ^v^ Congratulations to the Meta Team, quite a lot of achievements you guys have accomplished!

    • Highway says:

      Heh, all these achievements listed totally make me feel like the rookie guy who comes in and is all “Woo! We’re awesome!” Gogo absorbing credit for stuff I didn’t do! 🙂

      • Restia says:

        Haha, but you’ve been with the crew & participated in things like the Reader’s Choice Awards, and commented 2k times XD so I already consider you a veteran!

        • skylion says:

          Ah, Restia got there before me. But I agree, you’ve been in the sweet spots…

        • BlackBriar says:

          As a commenter, his count was frightening especially in the short amount of time he’s been here. He’s even transcended the Meta Resident status.

      • Karakuri says:

        Next time we decide to embarrass the team with shipping stories, you should totally join in xD

        • skylion says:

          ……Skyhigh again, eh?

          • BlackBriar says:

            I may be a bit addled but wasn’t this ship already made official among the BL girls? Hahahahaha!!!

            • skylion says:

              The keep swaggering around with that, but I’ve yet to see the money.

        • BlackBriar says:

          It wouldn’t surprise me if bloggers and commenters were beginning to get shipped based on how many replies were being made on their posts.

          • skylion says:

            Watch it there, you might be suggesting a SkyBriar story…I’m game, are you?

            • BlackBriar says:

              Heh, nice try but it won’t work. Thanks to Gecko, I’ve already been paired up with Overcooled as OverBriar.

            • Karakuri says:

              I would support SkyBriar. xD Or wasn’t there already a SkyBriarWay ship?

              In any case, I’m sure there can be more than one ship. I already consider Highway, Jrow, Suma and Fosh a possible thing from the amount of tag teaming going on amongst the 4. xD

            • skylion says:

              Yes. Yes. Let the BL reign! It shall be MIGHTY!

            • skylion says:

              With the LOLi Vampire Wars, aren’t we actually kinda sorta maybe writing the SkyBriar thing already….

            • Sumairii says:

              What have I gotten myself into…

            • Karakuri says:

              Welcome to the team, Suma. You may or may not be scarred for life. xD

            • Overcooled says:

              I’m willing to share BB with you, skylion. The only thing better than an OTP is an OT3.

            • BlackBriar says:

              What is this?! Betrayed by my own master. How could you?!!!

            • skylion says:

              Wow, in addition to BL, we could totally Fate/Meta this thing….
              Give Butcher Gen a run for his money…

      • Sumairii says:

        You think you’re a newbie? I don’t even have your comment and readership record… I guess that makes me an uber-newb? =S

  17. Alynn says:

    Happy belated anniversary! (I haven’t been here in ages, but it’s good to see you’re all still kicking!)

  18. chikorita157 says:

    Sorry this is a bit late, but congrats on reaching the five year mark. Keep up the good work!

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