WINTER ANIME 2010-2011


This is a live post, so keep checking our updates log for more info!

Last update on 15th December, 2010.

Kyokai: WHA—Winter’s here already?! 0__0 Well, at least where I am currently, there is no sign of winter yet and the Celsius would never go near zero or negative even after December. Weather reports aside, the Winter list is longer than Fall’s but not as exciting. Here I was thinking that I would have some time to catch up with Fall but no luck, Winter’s going to be hella busy as well! Not to mention, I’ve been waiting long and hard for Kara no Kyoukai’s Epilogue, second season of Kimi ni Todoke and Supernatural: the animation. Anyway, enjoy our most comprehensive list of any season review that we have done till now.

Overcooled: It’s that time of the year again. No, not Christmas, (or Hanukkah, if you’re like me. Although I celebrate both because my family is badass) the Winter anime season! While I was a bit more excited for the Fall season, the Winter season has some promising new series. My dip in eagerness might be due to the fact that writing this list took FOREVER XD I’m still looking forward to the new season though. With the cold weather I’ll be getting here in Canadaland, I predict a lot of time spent huddled up in the corner of my couch with anime to keep me warm….Yeah, don’t judge me. <_<

Hato-kun: Winter? Bwahahaha! Don’t make me laugh, silly Northern Hemisphere. It’s all SUN and BEACHES and OBVIOUS HAREMS FOR HATO-KUN ABOUT TO BEGIN. While that last part is still being debated, it’s Summer for me, not Winter. However, I might feel a slight chill as I check out some of these cool new anime. While I’m obviously excited for both the second season of Mitsudomoe and Kimi ni Todoke, will anything else seem worth Hato-kun’s time? Hato-kun is going to stop speaking in third-person. Crap.

Hoshi: Oh, Winter season already?! I’m still being overwhelmed with the Fall season! Anyways, while I’m anxiously waiting to pre-order my beloved Kuroshitsuji and Durarara!! U.S Release DVDS, for some reason I’m unfortunately not excited for this Winter season :/ Every time I think of the Winter anime season, I’m reminded of my beloved Durarara!! (which STILL doesn’t have a second season announcement yet) and I sob silently that its epic-ness has ended (even though I watched it during the Summer heh). For me, there isn’t really a series that I’m super excited about, but there are some promising shows I’d like to give a chance. If nothing really hits me, I think I’ll take this season and my Winter vacation to catch up on other animes I have missed, or have been threatened to watch by certain…..bloggers *COUGH*. With that, I’ll be continuing to scrounge for money for the crappy English dubbing of my favorites series (I’M SERIOUS. IT SUCKS. Izaya’s voice is SOOOO CREEPY in English, but thank goodness they have that Japanese Audio and subtitles option 8D).

Masu: Oh man I’ve been so afk that I’ve missed a lot of fall. I’m trying to fix that though, perhaps I’ll be caught up by next week. 😡 I have this itching feeling though that I’ve been slacking off more often because it’s approaching winter, and I’ll have to start getting ready to take a long nap. Like all other bears, I need to hibernate. DW though, I’ll hook up a computer to my brain so I can still blog. Hurr hurr. I think winter is gonna be win, but I have been wrong before. O.o

Kyokai: As usual, we are not only covering the series lineup but Movies and OVAs too (except for those kiddy ones). There’s a bit of an overlapping with Fall in case of OVAs/Movies because some were either postponed or we were too efficient in covering everything in Fall. ^^; So, you would be seeing some old OVA/Movie entries from Fall posted here again just for being appropriate. Without further ado, let’s start our long journey into what to expect from the Winter 2010-11 anime lineup.

>> Action Packed Circuit!: Here you will find all the action, mecha and shounen series, which includes some awaited and not so awaited titles.

>> The Moe and Ecchi Club: All up for some moe and/or ecchi fun say, ahhhhnnn~ here!

>> The Bishies Lair and Outcasts: Fangirls’ most beloved section. This includes all the bishies, fangasm and outcasts, not fitting in other sections.

>> Winter OVAs: A list of Winter OAV/OAD, etc.

>> Winter Specials: This time Specials get their own little corner because well, they ARE speshul. xD

>> Winter Movies: A list of Winter movies.

>> Roundups and Updates log: This is the final studio, seiyuu, sources roundup along with update notes on edits to be made.

Draft versions (not counting the individual comments):Show ▼

>>>> We should start with a pun APPRIVOISE!!!

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159 Responses to “WINTER ANIME 2010-2011”

  1. Mito says:

    i dunno but i don’t think will watch all the winter series… =.=” which mean there’s nothing that interest me… but i’ll DEFINITELY WATCH KARA NO KYOUKAI!!!!!! *THE THRILLING ANIME EVER!!* well not really~ :3 but i must impress that i always read this blog post even only from phone~ :3 hope to see the next post!! XDDD

    • Overcooled says:

      I wouldn’t watch ALL of them either, that’d take so long @_@ But really, nothing at all? I see at least a few promising ones. (Admittedly, it’s not the best line-up we’ve ever seen…).


    • Kyokai says:

      Thanks for being a regular reader. Delurk some more! ^^

      High five for Kara no Kyoukai. HELL YEAHHHHH!!!

  2. Hana says:

    Can’t wait for KnT II, will also chheck out Starry Sky for the eye- and ear-candy 😀 Glad you guys are gonna be blogging these!

    • Kyokai says:

      I can’t wait for KnT myself, being a very die-hard fan since the manga-times. A lot of people are complaining about Starry sky but who cares? The seiyuu cast alone can make this win~

      We’ll definitely cover these plus first impressions of most of the shows. 🙂

  3. Mimiko ♥ says:

    Well well, Winter season is never a season for anime for me to boot. At least from as far as I remember since the day I started following new release animes. So this year’s list would be Kimi ni Todoke 2nd season, GoSick, Hourou Musuko, Beelzebub, Bungaku Shoujo, Princess Resurrection and Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu OVA.

    Starry☆Sky is a definitely to watch for me as the visual novel fan of it. Even though I foresee a failure coming for the anime, it’ll be the season for bashing entertainment for me. I blame that the director is the same person who did 07-Ghost since that series made me totally had fun to complain on 😀

    Oh and Angel Beats special seems to be some crack looked from the new preview. Not that I mind, I love cracks <3

    • Kyokai says:

      This Winter is definitely more happening than the last year’s winter still not as many good shows as in Fall. I can’t wait for KNT! I dunno how many times I’m going to say this…

      Anyway, that 07-Ghost reference makes my heart drop and of course because it’s DEEN. As the episodes would be very short, almost like Hetalia, hopefully they will not screw it up!

      And yeah, the best crack? Anime crack. ^^

      • Mimiko ♥ says:

        I would be lying indeed if this year aren’t happening much than any other years. And yes, I can’t wait for KnT as well, so you’re not alone!!

        DEEN is DEEN, you just can’t deny there will be something that is going to be wrong. Thus the anime will be 24 min with 26 episodes and they have a plan to broadcast on TV next year, so hopefully we get to see it in HD 😀

        • Kyokai says:

          DEEN usually effs things up. Look at fate/stay night. Oh good that the episodes would be longer. I wasn’t sure about those short ones. >.>

          There’s a lot of loli and moe stuff that just looks average. Will see how many I follow this season.

  4. anaaga says:

    just started to re-read this post…

    This sounds like Otome Youkai Zakuro, but with ecchi. I can’t see myself missing anything by not watching this.
    Look what u just did. u made me imagine otome youkai zakuro woth lots of boobies like seikon no qwaser. IT’S SO SCARY!!!!! D:

    Is there Kaiba in it somewhere? No, you say? GTFO.
    agree. anything with cards that have no kaiba in it is soo not yu-gi-oh. just cheap copycats. HEHE

    something looks wrong with Dragon Crisisi!…Oh yeah, the girl looks underage. like reeeallly underage. reminds me of loli xD

    i’ll just basically download all of the anime’s first episodes. that’s how i decide if i’m gona watch the anime or not xD not watchin wolverine though. hugh jackman will always be my only wolverine <3

  5. Babitto says:

    I’m so excited for this season! Don’t know why. 😛 I’ll be watching kimi ni todoke <3 yay

  6. tropicaL says:

    gramps.SHAFT is gonna make me watch mahou shoujo stuff this season.

  7. xochandaox says:

    Yay! I have been waiting so long for some of these XD
    Beelzebub, Supernatural, Kimi ni Todoke 2. Also Interested in Starry Night…

    Kyokai~ How you feeling about it being an OVA?
    Guess it just means we will have to be in wait longer for Supernatural >.<
    But im glad its going to be about 22 eps, instead of like 12.

  8. Haru Sawada says:

    konnichi wa minna! ^_^

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