WINTER ANIME 2010-2011

The Bishies Lair & Outcasts!

Kimi ni Todoke Season Two

>> This would be the continuation of Kimi ni Todoke’s first season, where things were left off in a very longing situation. The story revolves around Kuronuma Sawako, who everyone dubbed as the Ring’s Sadako. However, the happy-go-lucky Kazehaya, who is also the most popular guy in school, notices her true smile. In making her feel comfortable with herself and people around her, both of them delve on a journey with acquired friends filled with laughter and tears. C’mon and join in their endearing fun with Chizu, Yano-chin, Ryuu and Pin.

Genres: Comedy, Romance | Website

Animation Production: Production I.G. | Jan 4, 2011 | 13

Seiyuu:Show ▼

Trailer: Show ▼

Overcooled: I watched two episodes of the first season and hated it. Despised it. This is the last show you will find me watching EVER. KNT fans, feel free to secretly hate me now.

Hato-kun: YESSSSSSSSSSS. After forcing myself not to watch the first season, I eventually crumbled and ended up loving it. BRING IT ON.

Hoshi: Eh, well, I didn’t see the first season, and I’ve never really bothered to check it out before so this is a possible no-watch for me. I might end up falling towards its grasp though if I’m forced to watch it….

Masu: I don’t even know what this is about.

Kyokai: This is one of the best shoujos out there of current times. I’ve been following the manga even before the announcement of its animation so, hell yeah following and most probably blogging! (Anyone remembers my gif spam in the episodics of first season? xD)

Possibly blogging: Hato-kun, Kyokai


Mahou Shoujo MadokaMagica

>> This will be an original animation by SHAFT, directed as usual by Shinbou. The storyline and even the characters are pretty much under wraps currently, except for the fact that some magical element is involved. Music composer being Yuki Kajiura (Kara no Kyoukai, Black Butler’s “Lacrimosa”, Tsubasa, RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE, .hack, Noir, etc.), while Takahiro Kishida (Durarara!!, Serial Experiments Lain, Noein – to your other self) is adapting the original characters designs by Hidamari Sketch creator Ume Aoki for animation. Gen Urobuchi (Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~, Blassreiter, Fate/Zero) of Nitroplus is supervising the scripts and also writing all of the episode scripts himself. The official website has silhouettes of the main characters (Madoka being revealed recently) and the original Aniplex teaser.

Genres: Magic | Website

Animation Production: SHAFT | Jan 6, 2011 | 12

Seiyuu: Show ▼

Trailer: Show ▼

Overcooled: I can’t ignore a combination like this. I just can’t. It would kill me.

Hato-kun: I’ve lost all faith in SHAFT. Bakemonogatari was good, and despite wanting to get into Vampire Bund, I just couldn’t. Sorry guys.

Hoshi: Wow they’ve seriously got some good people working on this o___o Yet, that doesn’t mean it’ll definitely be good. I’m not really into the shows concerning magic, and the name alone is sending off ‘We’re gonna be cutsie!” waves, so I doubt I’ll check it out.

Masu: I haven’t watching a mahou shoujo since Mahou Shoujo Ai (and that’s not even for kids) and it made me cry because the world was so mean to her. Anyway, I have mixed feelings about this.

Kyokai: I’ve become a big SHAFT fangirl so this is definitely a must-watch (I hated Vampire Bund too, Hato). Not to mention, the music will sell like hot-cakes as it’s Yuki Kajiura after all. However, being an original animation this has a chance of going south as well so we’ll just have to wait and see as more information is revealed.

Possibly blogging: Kyokai



>> This is a shoujo, school life anime where the main character, Tsukiko is a young woman who enrolls in a recently co-ed high school. She finds out that due to the fact that the school is located in a rural area and offers oddly exclusive curriculums, she’s the only female in a school full of males. The anime gets its name from the fact that 12 attractive young men are personified from the 12 zodiac constellations who make up the ‘reverse harem’ team of the series.

Genres: School, Shoujo, Harem | Website

Animation Production: Studio DEEN | Dec 23, 2010 | 13

Seiyuu: Show ▼

Trailer (fanmade character intro): Show ▼

Ryuuko: Auto-pass again sorry. I enjoyed Fruits basket (from what I can remember) but not so much that I’d crave for an anime that sounds exactly like it 😛

Hoshi: I actually want to see this~! I mean not only does the Seiyuu list literally have EVERY AMAZING SEIYUU THERE IS, but…the boys are cute 8D PFFFFF~ I’m sorry, I can’t help it! At first I was turned off because of the whole harem thing, but after some convincing from fans, I might just check it out~.

Overcooled: I wanted to see this, but now that I see it’s harem, I’m instantly turned off. I just wanted to see what Aquarius would be like. I am sad now. However, upon further researching the seiyuus I see my only weakness: Kamiya Hiroshi, aka MAI HUSBANDO. Lots of other great seiyuu too! GAHHHH, what do I do?

Hato-kun: Reverse harems aren’t that cool. I probably won’t be following this. And what is with all the anime that are all like “Recently co-ed school”? I don’t understand it! Maybe it’s happening in Japan because the birthrate is dropping? The art looks awesome though.

Flags: Hirakawa Daisuke…………..too bad.


Kyokai: Has anyone checked the seiyuu list? It has all the leading male seiyuu; how can you miss this?! Hiroshi, OD, Mamoru, Nakamura, Fukuyama, I will hear you and watch this! ^^

Possibly blogging: Cool(maybe), Hoshi


Yumekui Merry

>> Yumeji (suiting name, no?) discovered that he had the power to see coloured auras lingering on people after they’ve just had a dream. Ever since he found this out (10 years ago), he has used this to tell what kind of dream the person had. Ever since that time, he’s been dreaming of a war with cats. Uhhh, what? Apparently he’s not psycho, and something fishy with demons invading the human world is going down. A mysterious girl, Merry, suddenly falls on top of him and they end up teaming up to stop the dream demons from invading as well as find a door so this demon can get home!

Genres: Supernatural, Magic, Action, Comedy | Website

Animation Production: J.C. Staff| Jan 6, 2011| Unknown

Seiyuu: Show ▼

Trailer: Show ▼

Overcooled: WHAT IS WITH ALL THESE “___ FALLS FROM THE SKY” OR “___ SUDDENLY APPEARS CHANGING ____’S LIFE FOREVER” PLOTS? Ugh, whatever, going to watch this anyways though…XD Merry looks adorable and it just might turn into something unique with the whole dream concept going on here.

Hato-kun: WAR WITH CATS. YEAH. Not expecting much at all from this. I’ll once again, check it out, but I’ll most likely drop it straight away. Then again, I said that about Ika Musume, yet here we are four episodes later…

Hoshi: War with cats? WHUT? PFFFF~ I can’t stop laughing! It actually sounds a bit cool with Yumeji being able to see the colored auras and the dreams demons and such, yet I get a very weird feeling from this though….I’ll just have to check it out then~.

Masu: My gf says I’m a lolicon, perhaps I am. I’m watching this for sure.

Kyokai: Masu, it’s not your gf alone. We as a team think that you are a lolicon, like Hato likes D— let me just stop here rather than giving more team secrets away. xD Like everyone, I will check this out, just don’t expect me to fall for it like I didn’t in case of Ika Musume.

Possibly blogging: Cool



>> Kazuya Kujo is studying abroad at the prestigious Saint Marguerite Academy in an imaginary European country called Sauville. The story is set in 1924, a time where all the students talk about are ghost stories and urban legends. Kazuya is generally the non-believer of the bunch, but one particular story of a ghost ship really affects him. He ends up, ironically, boarding a ship that matches the description of the fabled Queen Berry rumour he had heard so much about. With his incredibly sharp-witted female friend (who has solved mysteries even famous detectives couldn’t), they just might have a chance at solving one of the darkest mysteries out there.

Genres: Mystery, Shounen | Website

Animation Production: BONES | Jan 7, 2011| 12

Seiyuu:Show ▼

Trailer: Show ▼

Overcooled: I generally shy away from mysteries due to almost all of the mysteries I’ve read being a bit less than captivating…I’ll give it a chance to see if the mystery turns out well, and hope the Queen Berry isn’t a ride aboard the failboat.

Hato-kun: Queen Berry. Lol. It seems like the slower kind of anime. Dark, gloomy (I guess it is England(is it?)) and slow. I do sometimes like those kind shows, if their good. I’ll look into this. Oh, and Bones. Could be good.

Hoshi: Set in the 20’s, check. Ghost stories, check. Mystery, check. Cute looking characters, check. Will Hoshi watch this? OH YES.

Masu: THEY’RE SO CUTE LOOKING. But perhaps it’ll turn out like Last Exile, and that is a good thing. I’ll watch a few eps to get the feel of it.

Kyokai: Hem, hem… This definitely deserves a watch as Mystery is one of the genres I like. Would it be good? Bones gives me some assurance, not to mention the curiosity of why the hell a blonde loli smokes a pipe. ^^

Blogging possibility: Cool, Hoshi, Masu, Kyokai


Haiyore! Nyaruko: Remember my Love Mr. Lovecraft

>> Where to even begin? Described as a “chaotic comedy,” Nyaruko is about a formless Cthulhu deity who can shapeshift into whatever takes her fancy. This usually means that she appears as a silver-haired high school girl. She saves a high school boy named Mahiro Yasaka from aliens, and things just continue from there.

Genres: Comedy, Sci-Fi | Website

Animation Production: DLE | Dec 10, 2010 | 11

Seiyuu: Show ▼

Trailer: Show ▼

Overcooled: While the “chaotic” type of humour is what I adore, I am always very wary of comedy shows. Why? Because I’m heartless and usually sit there watching with a blank face. The plot sounds amazingly stupid, but some of my favourite comedy shows are messed up like that. I don’t want to write this one off just yet XD

Hato-kun: While that picture is extremely unappealing, I’ll give it a chance, then judge it. But Cthulhu? That’s pretty cool.

Hoshi: This does sound pretty chaotic, I mean, being saved from aliens? Really? x’D Another pass from me~!

Masu: Lovecraft in my Anime? I’m going to watch this with my critic’s eye. HP Lovecraft is one of my favorite horror writers so IF THEY DO THIS SHITTILY……

Kyokai: I don’t expect some great horror usual for Lovecraft with this. This gets a test, nothing more.

Possibly blogging: Cool, Masu


Level E

>>From the creator of HunterxHunter and Yu Yu Hakusho comes the story of Tsutsui Yakitaka, a freshman who is about to start living on his own. When he arrives at his new apartment, it’s not exactly vacant. There’s an alien there. Or rather, a man who claims to be an alien, but is suffering from amnesia. The series is a collection of short stories about aliens living on Earth.

Genres: Sci-Fi, Comedy, Horror, Adventure

Animation Production: Pierrot and David Production | Jan 10, 2011 | Unknown

Seiyuu: Show ▼

Trailer: Show ▼

Overcooled: I remember reading an interview with the creator, Yoshihiro Togashi, and him mentioning this…I love HunterxHunter, but the concept this time is just so weird and gimmicky…I’ll stick to Gintama for my alien antics.

Hato-kun: Hey look, random alien in someones room! No thanks, Heroman had enough aliens.

Hoshi: Not a fan of HunterxHunter, not too big a fan of Yu Yu Hakusho, so I doubt I’ll get into this :/ I’m not feeling the ‘aliens living on Earth’ thing…

Masu: It might sound gimmicky to you, but i think it sounds interesting. The short story format always seems to excel in anime so I’m looking forward to this. Also, Yu Yu Hakusho was one of the anime that got me hooked.

Kyokai: From some research on manga storyline, this seems like just the kind of anime I would enjoy. Also, I loved Aoi Bungaku so short stories are all good with me.

Possibly blogging: Kyokai


Houkago no Pleiades

>> What’s known so far is that this project is a collaboration between the car manufacturer Subaru and the animation studio Gainax.

Genres: Magic, Action | Website

Animation Production: Gainax | Jan 2011 | Unknown

Seiyuu: Show ▼

Trailer: Show ▼

Overcooled: This was one of the last series we added to the list, and boy is it mysterious. Even the trailer doesn’t say much. All I know is that I see a bunch of magical girls, and they are cute, so I am watching this. :/

Hato-kun: SUBARU. How does Subaru help with an anime… really…? I’ll check out the first episode, just to see what the hell.

Hoshi: I’m too sure about this one; give us some more information Gainax! |’D

Masu: After school Pleiades? A mash up of Gainax and Subaru? I’m on this like a frog on a rock near a river.

Kyokai: The art reminds me of Ookami-san and that was a very forgettable anime but just because this is Gainax, I will give this the test.

Possibly blogging: Masu



>> Action Packed Circuit!:

>> The Moe and Ecchi Club

>> The Bishies Lair and Outcasts

>> Winter OVAs

>> Winter Specials

>> Winter Movies

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159 Responses to “WINTER ANIME 2010-2011”

  1. Masu: Is this “Japanese people try to explain trans-genders?” If so, I need to watch. They’ll probably fuck it up. Lulz should insue.

    The manga is extremely good, not lulz at all. However, AIC is helming, so, yeah, more like AIC will fuck it up.

  2. Shuu says:

    Aw yeah! I’m always scared of being dissapointed, like “am I going to have to wait next season for good animes?” But at least there’s a big list of stuff to try out!!

    And and and Angel Beats! alternative ending!! /bleeds tears of joy

    • Overcooled says:

      XD That’s quite the way to show joy. But yes, I’m all for more Angel Beats! too.

      Usually there’s always at LEAST 2 good shows…but I hope there’s more than that this season >_< I don't wanna be disappointed either!

  3. ichigopockysticks says:

    HURRAY the site is up
    Banzi banzi
    and also i kept smiling and freaking out over the specials 😀 I can’t wait
    It is already getting cold here we just got our first cold front last night and my room is freezing I am gonna go curl up under my sheets and read manga now ja ne

    • Hoshi says:

      ~Yes yes it’s finally up! :’D I think we’re all crying tears of joy hahaha.

      Uwahhh~ I wish it was cold enough where I am live to do that…I’d be drinking tea and eating warm cake while reading Kuroshitsuji in my bed x’D

      • ichigopockysticks says:

        hurray kuroshituji I have to go buy that but i have no money 🙁 i really need some my own manga collection is still pretty small

        • Kyokai says:

          You can keep on working over that but hooray to the online reserves till then. ^^

  4. anaaga says:

    OMG ITS WINTER ALREADY! that’s why the road outside is flooded most of the time. and i seriously didn’t realize this. wow
    anyway, will be watching Fractale, Beelzebub, kimi ni todoke, starry sky (OMFG YYYYYEESSS!!!!!!!), megane na kanojo, mirai nikki, norageki, kara no kyokai epilogue (oh HELL YEAH!!!! but i’m sort-of dissapointed. i thought they were gona animate shiki’s child! :(), and angel beats! Special (alternate ending!? better be a good one)

    might be watching Houro musuko (because it sounds so dramatic), gosick (i like the girl’s hair), houkago no pleiades, mayo elle otokonoko (cross-dressing? I WANT YAOI D:), and tegami bachi reverse specials (I don’t really like where the anime is going right now…)

    and the girl in Bungaku Shoujo Memoire III looks like sora in Yosuga no Sora *giggle*

    and is Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor ~Heaven and Earth~ yaoi/shounen-ai? the picture looks shounen-ai to me. someone please tell me it is.

    *starts crying* gdamnit i want some shounen-ai/yaoi stuff! incest, cross-dressing, and transgender are getting their spotlights, but where’s my yaoi? yaoi isn’t getting its justice! gone is the days where there were lots of yaoi T________T (note: this is how a fangirl is expressing her frustration)

    • Kyokai says:

      I feel your pain~ There was a time when Shounen Ai/Yaoi was a must each season and for some reason, nothing good is coming out except for Togainu and after such a long time… Gaaaahh…

      At least we have some bishies that we can depend upon and of course blood and gore to talk about. :3

  5. Kushi says:

    Yay! high-fives to Kyokai and Hato~ ~_^ I’m watching Kimi ni Todoke s1 right now and glad they’re making s2. Although I am concerned about what will happen when they catch up to the manga.

    hmmm… I’m gonna check out
    Kara no Kyoukai: Epilogue> I like the art, and in my book the other parts can be forgivable if its good to look at and nice to listen to.

    maybe Ah! My Goddess> I’ve been through it and would not stay if the plot isn’t interesting this time. (no plot forgiveness this time ;D)

    >maybe one of the mechas just because I’m having gundam withdrawl

    >As for the Macross Movie, its an ok mech series as long as you’re ok with the protagonist being a sissy, constantly losing, and songs ending wars.

    >sounds interesting and I didn’t watch Reborn! also action

    • Hato-kun says:


    • Kyokai says:

      *High Five* KnT has been one of my favourites for some time. I would love that confession animated. <333

      Kara no Kyoukai is just love for me, all that blood and gore, not to mention hard to define main characters except for Mikiya, who EVERYONE loves. xD

      I might just end up checking out everything but then again, I would be following less than in Fall.

  6. Tofu says:

    Winter seems to be… well let’s say, frozen… Although there are several anime with Yoko Hikasa voicing in. I have to disagree with Rio Rainbow Gate and Korewa Zombie Desuka… WHY ARE YOU VOICING THOSE…THOSE ANIME? Dx

    But enough of the bad side… the good thing is I’m looking forward to 4 anime (yes…I know it’s not much, but as I said, Winter seems pretty frozen to me)

    The anime I’m looking forward to the MOST is:

    Infinite Stratos – After hearing Hikasa’s voice and seeing the character she is playing as, I can say I’m mostly looking foraward to it because of the slight character resemblence between Houki and Mio from K-ON!! <3 Also to mention Kana Hanazawa who voiced Kanade in Angel Beats! xD

    But besides that, the other 3 are:
    Dragon Crisis
    Hourou Misuko

    • Kyokai says:

      I agree with the titles not being as exciting as in case of Fall but there are still some worth checking out.

      I would love to feel frozen (I love winter), though I have only seen snow twice. T__T

      You should add Kara no Kyoukai to your list and watch all the movies and wait for Epilogue. ^__~

      • Tofu says:

        ahaha of course, I’ll never forget about Kara no Kyoukai Epilogue (But I’m gonna have to marathon the movies when I have time)

        I’m definetly looking forward to the movies but I just wanted to mention the anime’s I was looking forward to or else if I start talking about ANGEL BEATS ALTERNATE ENDING!!! IT WOULD GO ON AND ON!! xD Kyaa~ Kanade-chan~ Please don’t let me down Angel Beats ^^

      • Tofu says:

        I’ve only seen snow once in my life ><"

        • Hato-kun says:

          Hey, you were stealing my jokes, stop it.

          • Tofu says:

            You should feel good that your jokes are good enough to be used by such a awesome person like me Hato~ XD

            nah, I didn’t intentionally steal it, I only remembered you used something like that now ^^

  7. foshizzel says:

    Shows that sound interesting for me!
    Infinite Stratos
    Yumekui Merry

    Mirai Nikki
    Bleach – Jigoku-hen
    Macross Frontier ~Sayonara no Tsubasa~

    But I will try to watch most of the winter shows anyway probably like the first episodes, after seeing some trailers finally for some of the stuff changed my mind on a few.

    • Overcooled says:

      Nice list~ It’s good to try a bit of everything XD For some of them it’s so hard to tell if it’ll be good based on the information that’s out right now @_@

  8. Alynn says:

    Don’t know what to think yet about most of these. I just know that I will watch Fractale, Hourou Musuko, and the Mirai Nikki OVA. Probably will try out the rest and I’ll see.

    • Kyokai says:

      Check out the good studios and summaries that capture your interest. This is definitely one of the busiest winters of last three years. Never seen so many titles coming out in the slow winter. 0.0

  9. sassy says:

    Fractale, Gosick, Hourou Musuko, Mirai Nikki, and Bungaku Shoujo (Nanase is the tsundere).

    Hourou Musuko sounds weird, but the manga was actually strangely captivating.

    • Kyokai says:

      Nice list. I have an urge of checking out the manga too after reading the summary and hearing some good stuff about it.

  10. Amutofan123 says:

    I like Fractale’s art, so I may check it out. That feels like a bad reason to check out a series, but anyway. xD

    I’ll probably give Hourou Musuko a shot… even if it’s just because I like gender-bending.

    Now, Kimi ni Todoke S2. KFHGREJHYTK!!!!!! HELL FUCKING YESSSSSS!!!!

    Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica has some really good people working on it. I love magical girls and I love SHAFT, so I’m definitely watching this.

    Eh, I was originally going to pass on Starry☆Sky, but… the guys are hot… and they have all my favorite male seiyuu… and I don’t mind reverse harem (I loved Ouran and I liked La Corda D;oro).

    Definitely watching Gosick. I’ve heard good things about it and I love mystery.

    Gonna watch Mirai Nikki.

    Totally looking forward to the Angel Beats! Special. I hope the alternative ending is good.

    KYAAA!!!! Kuragehime Specials!!!!! BEST ANIME THIS FALL.

    Will watch the Macross Frontier movie once I finish the anime.

    And… that’s my Winter. Oh, Kimi ni Todoke, how I missed you so!

    • Hoshi says:

      ~I was going to pass on Starry Sky too, but that seiyuu list was eating away at my insides, hahaha x’D Hiroshi Kamiyaaaaaa<3

      “I’ll probably give Hourou Musuko a shot… even if it’s just because I like gender-bending” It’s okay, I like gender-bending too which is also why I wanted to watch it~.

      YES! I totally agree, Kuragehime is the best anime this Fall!! When I heard there were gonna be specials I flipped!

    • Kyokai says:

      I share your sentiments for Kimi ni Todoke. Man, Production I.G sure made us wait! >.>

      A very nice list and I would definitely be watching all of these. *high five*

  11. Hypothermic says:

    Aww are you guys not fans of Black Lagoon?
    Oh well, thanks for the very comprehensive list.

    • Kyokai says:

      Thanks! Btw, we are not big fans of the series but we did cover it when it started airing last season. That’s why you don’t see any Break Blade, Tamayura, Baka to Test and Black Lagoon. ^^

  12. Kurochi says:

    so happy about the angel beats alt ending

  13. BlackLagoon187 says:

    Watching IS because Mio’s seiyuu is in it and hey I might end up liking it

    Beelzebub finally getting an anime :)) and Yui’s seiyuu is voicing my favourite char in it :))) and not to mention *cough* Hinagiku’s Seiyuu *cough* <– major fan of because of her Hinagiku role if you didn't already know.

    Onii-chan no Koto nanka Zenzen suki Janain Dakara ne!!
    haha annoyingly long title to type but it's about the same style of seitokai Yakuin domo I believe, might check it out since I chuckled at the manga.

    Hourou Musuko __< definitely watching not to mention Aki Toyosaki and Nana Mizuki are in this :DD

    Yumekui Merry… Wait, let me go grab my pedo bear costume. lol jkk but it's CATS and i love cats so I will give it a whirl :DD

    Angel Beats… Not gonna lie MTE happened (Manly Tears Effect) Definitely watching. The ending and I mean the last 10 seconds made me hngggggg and tugged my heart and I hope the alternate ending will answer stuff and cause more MTE.

    Black Lagoon, need I say more 😀 I need my Rokku and Revy fix.

    And now an attempt at a single bunny without decapitating it…
    (. . )
    (") (")O

    • BlackLagoon187 says:

      ^^ Woooooottttttttt! Bunny made it in one piece this time!!

    • Overcooled says:

      LOL, poor bunny…XD

      Beelzebub also has Miyuki Sawashiro!!! Ahh yesss, the power of good seiyuu…they just make everything that much better <3 I like how everyone is looking out for all the K-ON!! seiyuu to judge what to watch XDD

      Let me know how oni-chan no koto....etc. goes XD Why is incest so popular?!?!

      Manly tears are the best kind of tears. Always.

    • Kyokai says:

      Yeyee to our wide layout, the bunnies are saved! ^^

  14. Namika says:

    whoa…. Winter’s list was just as big as Fall’s, but unfortunately, not as promising and exciting. But I actually look forward to some series…Like Supernatural))) Hell, am I going to watch this! I’m a die-hard Supernatural fan, and the animation was an auto must-see in my list for months! besides this, Infinite Stratos really grabbed my attention. Mecha isn’t quite my thing, but it seems to be interesting. And the music reminded me of the Code Geass. Need to check out who the composer is….))BUT if the show will get too much boobies, let god strike my heart dead.T_T too many good-looking anime were spoiled by irritating fanservice. And it is breaking my heart ;(
    I “AAAWWW~”-ed so much when I saw Beelzebub!! I just have a thing for a GuyxBaby combo XD That’s just so cute!
    Kimi ni todoke is also one of the must-sees in my list. Since I’ve enjoyed the 1st season so much, and waited for the 2nd one for AGES! ><
    Besides these, I'm definitely checking out Starry sky (yeah, it looks like a stupid harem, but the list of Seyuus and loads of bishounens just caught my fangirl heart in a steel embrace!!), Gosick, Mirai Nikki and Bleach movie. Yeah, that’s about it… And thank you for reading my long-*ss comment!!!

    • Overcooled says:

      It’s a big list, but I don’t think it will compare to Fall. T.T Infinite Stratos seems to be the series that’s attracting even non-mecha fans…which is good XD I’m worried about it turning into a fanservice extravaganza too T_T I’m with you for Beelzebub too XD Kimi ni Todoke and Supernatural? Well, you have Kyokai for those…lol

      • Namika says:

        Yeah, the winter season does look less promising than fall. Too bad T_T but let’s just see, maybe there will be some some surprises for the end of the year?…I hope and some shows will turn out better, than expected I hope so, but I don’t think so
        Let’s just cross our fingers for Infinite Stratos not to become a fanservice fountain ==” pleeeease~

        • Kyokai says:

          Didn’t I tell you before, Namika-chan~? We love long comments! High-five for another Supernatural fan, man, I can’t wait! And of course, KnT!

          Also, I don’t think IS would be ecchi so hopefully it would turn out good. ^^

          • Namika says:

            *crossing fingers*
            I’m ALL for it! Don’t wanna see another show spoiled by pointless fanservice =з=

  15. AkatsukiYuki says:

    Agreed with Kyokai about Immortal Regis. It is an awesome korean manga, so much that I have to go and buy the whole series but I’m wondering why no other country/chinese country is publishing its sequel, Cavalier of the Abyss. Still the author is awesome with a great storyline. Getting back to topic, it seems like we’ll have a real treat this year with all the new animes coming this holiday.

    • Kyokai says:

      Somebody should wake up to its awesomeness soon! Btw, definitely one of the most promising Winters I’ve seen in the last 3-5 years. So many titles coming out… Though, I feel some of these might get postponed.

  16. Kurochi says:

    Starry Sky FINALLY
    I love Gosick the novels are great little sad and creepy but fun to read.

  17. I’m interested in Beelzebub, Dragon Crisis, Rio -Rainbow Gate!-, Starry☆Sky, and Gosick so far. Some of those are mostly because of the artwork/character designs interest me or I’m going to watch with my boyfriend (*lols @ currently watching Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls with her boyfriend this season*) But.. knowing me (and him), the list is going to grow.

    I don’t really watch many OVAs, unless all of the OVA episodes are out. But.. gonna try out Supernatural and Goulart Knights. Supernatural is gonna be shared with a friend of mine who’s an avid fan of the actual series. She showed me a few episodes from season one to me a few months back (since I DON’T watch TV, lol, like ever) and it wasn’t too bad of a series.

    • Kyokai says:

      Awesome list and good to know we have extensive anime watchers like ourself. XD

      Take it from me, Supernatural as a TV series is awesome, of course big reason being Dean and Sam. As Madhouse will be animating this, I can’t wait for it to come out. ^^

      • I’m kinda fickle when it comes to live action series.. If I know a lot of people are into it, I just wait till the hype has died down and check it out eventually. lol, I even did that with Avatar: The Last Airbender… I waited till it was over and then watched all 3 seasons.

        • Overcooled says:

          Same here. I’m really picky when it comes to live action, so I hardly watch any. Once Avatar was over, I marathoned it too XD

          • Kyokai says:

            Ah Avatar, good old yet awesome anime. Why Shyamalan had to make a mockery out of it? =.=;;

          • @Kyokai I totally agree. Saw that in theaters when it came out. Didn’t like it at all. XD Now there’s rumors that it’s gonna be 4 movies long, instead of 3, with the Comet major battle as a 4th movie. o.O

          • Kyokai says:

            Are you kidding me?! 4 movies?! Aaargh. The actors better improve their act, not to mention a much needed transition between scenes. >.>

  18. Dan-go says:

    ummmm…when we say subaru is collaborating….are we talking about the car company ?

  19. Dan-go says:

    also…hato kun…really? “I might feel a slight chill as I check out some of these cool new anime” …those harems might be a little further off than you think

  20. MikADo says:

    winter? it never gets below 25 C here so i forgot it was that time already 😛
    not much to see this season so it gets a little sad
    since fall was packed with things to see…
    i guess its good since midterms are coming up, but not entirely happy for this season..
    still Kimi ni Todoke Season Two and Gosick is finally here!! also Kara no kyoukai epilogue too! these i have been waiting (smirk) i might watch Fractale, Freezing(just because its Korean), and Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica(since its SHAFT)
    compared to last season’s 12 titles, 5 titles sure sound tiny 😛

    • Overcooled says:

      O_O I would say you’re lucky, but I hate the heat….it makes me too sleepy…

      I feel like new seasons always come out when I have exams XD Still, I need good anime to watch or I’ll…well…I’ll have nothing to watch <_<

      • MikADo says:

        by the way, why isn’t baka test 2nd season in the list?

        • Overcooled says:

          Hmm, from what I see, it’s airing in 2011, but we don’t know when. Trust me, I’m going to pounce on that AS SOON AS IT’S OUT.

        • Kyokai says:

          Btw, Baka to test is linked in our skip list on page eight. ^^

          • MikADo says:

            oh i meant the second season not the ova 😀

          • Overcooled says:

            OK, so we skipped the OVA as Kyokai says and I was talking about season 2, which still doesn’t have a specific enough air date to be on our Winter list XD (some random month in 2011…lol) At least, that’s what ANN tells me. I didn’t even know there was an OVA coming out….I must watch it now o___o

          • MikADo says:

            all i heard was that it comes on January sometime

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