WINTER ANIME 2010-2011


This is a live post, so keep checking our updates log for more info!

Last update on 15th December, 2010.

Kyokai: WHA—Winter’s here already?! 0__0 Well, at least where I am currently, there is no sign of winter yet and the Celsius would never go near zero or negative even after December. Weather reports aside, the Winter list is longer than Fall’s but not as exciting. Here I was thinking that I would have some time to catch up with Fall but no luck, Winter’s going to be hella busy as well! Not to mention, I’ve been waiting long and hard for Kara no Kyoukai’s Epilogue, second season of Kimi ni Todoke and Supernatural: the animation. Anyway, enjoy our most comprehensive list of any season review that we have done till now.

Overcooled: It’s that time of the year again. No, not Christmas, (or Hanukkah, if you’re like me. Although I celebrate both because my family is badass) the Winter anime season! While I was a bit more excited for the Fall season, the Winter season has some promising new series. My dip in eagerness might be due to the fact that writing this list took FOREVER XD I’m still looking forward to the new season though. With the cold weather I’ll be getting here in Canadaland, I predict a lot of time spent huddled up in the corner of my couch with anime to keep me warm….Yeah, don’t judge me. <_<

Hato-kun: Winter? Bwahahaha! Don’t make me laugh, silly Northern Hemisphere. It’s all SUN and BEACHES and OBVIOUS HAREMS FOR HATO-KUN ABOUT TO BEGIN. While that last part is still being debated, it’s Summer for me, not Winter. However, I might feel a slight chill as I check out some of these cool new anime. While I’m obviously excited for both the second season of Mitsudomoe and Kimi ni Todoke, will anything else seem worth Hato-kun’s time? Hato-kun is going to stop speaking in third-person. Crap.

Hoshi: Oh, Winter season already?! I’m still being overwhelmed with the Fall season! Anyways, while I’m anxiously waiting to pre-order my beloved Kuroshitsuji and Durarara!! U.S Release DVDS, for some reason I’m unfortunately not excited for this Winter season :/ Every time I think of the Winter anime season, I’m reminded of my beloved Durarara!! (which STILL doesn’t have a second season announcement yet) and I sob silently that its epic-ness has ended (even though I watched it during the Summer heh). For me, there isn’t really a series that I’m super excited about, but there are some promising shows I’d like to give a chance. If nothing really hits me, I think I’ll take this season and my Winter vacation to catch up on other animes I have missed, or have been threatened to watch by certain…..bloggers *COUGH*. With that, I’ll be continuing to scrounge for money for the crappy English dubbing of my favorites series (I’M SERIOUS. IT SUCKS. Izaya’s voice is SOOOO CREEPY in English, but thank goodness they have that Japanese Audio and subtitles option 8D).

Masu: Oh man I’ve been so afk that I’ve missed a lot of fall. I’m trying to fix that though, perhaps I’ll be caught up by next week. 😡 I have this itching feeling though that I’ve been slacking off more often because it’s approaching winter, and I’ll have to start getting ready to take a long nap. Like all other bears, I need to hibernate. DW though, I’ll hook up a computer to my brain so I can still blog. Hurr hurr. I think winter is gonna be win, but I have been wrong before. O.o

Kyokai: As usual, we are not only covering the series lineup but Movies and OVAs too (except for those kiddy ones). There’s a bit of an overlapping with Fall in case of OVAs/Movies because some were either postponed or we were too efficient in covering everything in Fall. ^^; So, you would be seeing some old OVA/Movie entries from Fall posted here again just for being appropriate. Without further ado, let’s start our long journey into what to expect from the Winter 2010-11 anime lineup.

>> Action Packed Circuit!: Here you will find all the action, mecha and shounen series, which includes some awaited and not so awaited titles.

>> The Moe and Ecchi Club: All up for some moe and/or ecchi fun say, ahhhhnnn~ here!

>> The Bishies Lair and Outcasts: Fangirls’ most beloved section. This includes all the bishies, fangasm and outcasts, not fitting in other sections.

>> Winter OVAs: A list of Winter OAV/OAD, etc.

>> Winter Specials: This time Specials get their own little corner because well, they ARE speshul. xD

>> Winter Movies: A list of Winter movies.

>> Roundups and Updates log: This is the final studio, seiyuu, sources roundup along with update notes on edits to be made.

Draft versions (not counting the individual comments):Show ▼

>>>> We should start with a pun APPRIVOISE!!!

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Next »


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159 Responses to “WINTER ANIME 2010-2011”

  1. Shrran says:

    HAHAHA Hato-Kun NOT FUNNY SCREW YOU. It’s not like I don’t have to deal with enough misogyny in anime as it is, thanks for the reminder.

    Most of the actual series look uninteresting, it’s only the OVAs that catch my interest-Like Goulart Knights. Gotta love the tried and true “Everybody has their own super special unique power!” trope.

    • Overcooled says:

      lolwut? What happened? o.o

      Anyways, I’m a bit disappointed in the winter season, so I hope SOMEthing turns out okay. (almost) Any trope can be interesting with the right execution!

  2. Dan-go says:

    *jiiiiiiiiiiiii* ummm WHAAAAA???????

  3. cassi says:

    I’m so excited for Supernatural and Kimi ni Todoke. And since I’m a crazy Supernatural fan who is desperate for any information about the anime, I know that Madhouse have changed the release dates. The first dvd is not gonna be released in January but February. *sob*

    I’m gonna give Beelzebub, Mirai Nikki and Tailenders a try.

    • Tofu says:

      Woo~ Beelzebub! xD

      Everyone’s saying Supernatural is good but I’m still having second thoughts since I’ve seen the TV Drama and I saw these 3 different episodes with the same starting scene and ending scene

      *guy gets in car, girls a ghost, tries to kill him, brother goes and shoots her and they drive into a house and the ghost dies*

      Does it get better? I might give it a try (peer pressured much?) ahahaha

      • amado says:

        yeah it does, they deal with all sorts of ghosts and monsters, sometimes its not even ghosts who are doing it.
        oh and they also involve laterShow ▼

        • Tofu says:

          Oh~ I guess I’ll give it a shot, won’t hurt (but it would be funny to see what kind of voice they might have) xD

          Thanks Amado~

          • Kyokai says:

            @Cassi, bless you for liking KnT too. It’s just too good to miss. xD And I hope the DVD dates do not mean any delay in the actual airing. 0.0

            Tofu, I concur amado and order you to watch Supernatural! =P
            It’s toooooo good to miss and it’s not just ghosts. There’s loads of humour and mystery; of course, the story is case per episode but there’s definitely a lot of character development and you gotta love the brothers who give their all to hunting.

          • Tofu says:

            ahahaha alright I’ll be lenient and watch the first ep just for everyones sake ^^

          • Kyokai says:

            Don’t let a supernatural-fan hear that. Oh wait… *Activates death perception*

  4. amado says:

    well bleach movies are always good to watch(1st movie nearly gave me tears) despite not watching the anime now I still read the manga and would definitely watch this one.

    angel beats, still one of my faves but hoping this would show some hinataXyuri moments like in the novel and manga

    kara no kyokai movie length ones was pretty good so il probably check this out

    mirai nikki has Yuno, THE.YANDERE.QUEEN!

    Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica, by SHAFT huh… seems interesting, well if theres yuri in this I might watch it

    Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?, the pic grabs me, a loli with a chainsaw, will probably watch…

    as for the others…. I might check their first eps before deciding

    • Overcooled says:

      I’ll be trying out all of those too (except for the Bleach movie…and maybe the zombie one). =D lol looks like someone wants some more yuri for the winter season. I’ve come to the general conclusion that most magical girl shows have some sort of yuri undertone, regardless of whether it was intended or not XD

      A loli with a chainsaw is the best type of loli.

      • Tofu says:

        I was thinking I might watch ‘Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?’ since my favourite seiyu is in it xD (Hikasa Yoko~) Kyaa~ But the story and genre puts me off bad…

        Should I guys?

        • Overcooled says:

          Do as I do and watch the first episode to check. If it’s bad, then stop. If it’s good, keep going. I would say at least try it out =D

          Or if you’re really lazy – one of us is bound to review it, so you can wait to see our opinion on it lol.

  5. wonton jr. says:

    Oh my it seems like winter is going to have a lot of good ones this year! I’m actually looking forward to Houro Musuko ( it has an interesting plot), Kimi ni Todoke (its purely awesome), Gosick ( I love the name haha),Starry Sky(seiyuus and nice drawings), Angel Beats Alternative Ending( i hope its not sad),Beelzebub(it looks hilarious!) and KURAGEHIME SPECIALS, it’s the best show this fall!

  6. foomafoo says:

    Uhm, I think there’s episode 25 for DRRR!! too 🙂 The true epilogue for the series.

    • Tofu says:

      I heard DRRR are gonna have some special episodes (like OVA’s but extra’s not entirely relating to the main plot) but I didn’t know of an Ep 25 :O If it’s true Foomafoo then I’m definitely looking forward to that so much! xD

    • Overcooled says:

      Yeahhh, more DRRR!! <3 My personal favourite~

      I think we lumped that one in with episode 12.5, which aired already...So it's kind of a Fall release and wasn't included here, even though the second one isn't out until like...Feb 2011? *nodnod*

      • Tofu says:

        Yeah, that’s what I thought at first, I haven’t heard anything of an actual Ep 25 coming out (it ended in a nice way DRRR)

  7. amado says:

    oh yeah, maybe il also watch supernatural, I used to watch the original until we lost cable… it was always exciting, scary and surprised me a couple of times.

    though it would not scare me anymore since its in anime instead of the “real” looking kind, it might surprise me…

    • Overcooled says:

      Everyone says the live action is so good, but I hardly ever watch “normal” TV XDD I do agree that the original has the potential to be much more frightening than the anime, sine animation has its limits :3

    • Kyokai says:

      It won’t be scary but I’m damn interested to see how Madhouse recreated the first two seasons.

  8. Dan-go says:

    HAHHAHAHAHA Mirai Nikki looks so win, that photo, and the naming? Deus Ex Machina?!?! loloolo (it mean’s God in the machine, it’s a literary convention in which something just conviniently happens to save the plot like “it was all a dream” or something)

    • Masu says:

      hmm, i should have embellished my comment on the show.

      a Deus Ex Machina is a plot device that helps move the story along, though this “device” is normally not hinted at earlier in the story nor does it seem to make much sense for it to be in the story at all. for example, a human tries to fight a monster, but cannot and there is nothing he can do to save the world. Suddenly an angel appears and gives the hero a weapon that can slay the monster in one hit. That is a deus ex machina.

      it’s so named because many times in greek plays the plots would get stuck in a stalemate. they would then send a god in to fix the problem. the actors that played the gods would be hooked up to a machine/crane that would hoist them into the air so they would look like they were flying. ergo, “god from a machine” or deus ex machina.

      • Dan-go says:

        mmmmmmmm i h8 doing greek literature in class…but if it helps me with my anime references i guess it can’t be all bad

  9. sedra14anime says:

    The winter animes are ehh…nothing really special.

    • Overcooled says:

      Sadly. At least this will make the few good ones seem all the better…like an oasis in a desert of fail.

      • Dan-go says:

        Buck up lads, Tis from the wonderful land that is japan, it throws us a curveball everynow and then, cough ore no imouto cough

  10. Julia says:

    winter is one epic cruise on the fail boat~

    Beelzebub better be good.the manga was hilarious.yep,WAS.Macross is a must though it takes quite another 9 months for us to see.I’m putting high hopes on SHAFT since they made it back on track with Arakawa.All and all I can sense the depraving boom is coming to an end…considering the overflow of cliches.or however it is spelled.

    but it saddens me on how some good mecha animes get all the inferior comments,on contrary on how harem shows are pleased.discrimination?nope,personal interest orz

    • Overcooled says:

      It’s not horrible, but it’s not…good. XD

      WAS hilarious? Is Beelzebub bad now? o.o (I haven’t read it yet, so…)

      We’re not crazy about mechas, I guess. It can’t be helped. We usually try to at least do first impressions for everything though, so who knows XD

    • Masu says:

      i fucking love mechas. i just dont like singing in my mecha shows. KIRABOSHI is the shits. :3333333 and for the record, Blade Break is pretty good after the first ep. 😡

  11. Dan-go says:

    i think some people are getting snobby over their anime

    • Dan-go says:

      Positive thinking fellas, rmbr how we were all like…ehhh about Ore no Imouto, and anime just loves proving us wrong, so chins up

      • Captain says:

        Well you never know. Every season has some surprises, I guess. I just hope Winter isn’t one big giant fail 😮

  12. Dan-go says:


    • Kyokai says:

      FANGASM! *nods*

      • Tofu says:


        I apologize Kyokai… I will marathon it this weekend, please~ spare me from the eye’s of death perception!! Dx

  13. Joojoobees says:

    There is way too much here for a full response, but I am still hopeful that Gosick is going to be good. And BTW Hato-kun, I think they are referencing the Duchy of Savoy, a country in the Alps that became part of France. I want Gosick to be a good mystery. All of the artwork for it that I have seen was very detailed and quite excellent.

    • Overcooled says:

      A full response would be its own Winter Catalogue for each person commenting XD I hope Gosick pulls through as one of the better shows this season too.

  14. Captain says:

    IT’S WINTER ALREADY?! -looks out of window- BUT THERE’S NO SNOW! There’ll never be snow at where I’m staying at the moment. The situation’s around the same as Kyokai ;3;

    I honestly like Fractales art and storyline. So I’ll probably be watching that.
    Does Onii-chan no Koto nanka Zenzen suki Janain Dakara ne!! (*totally just copied and pasted the title*) have anything to do with Oreimo, though? ono” I’ve been seeing Mahou Magica EVERYWHERE. Oh well.

    AND STARRY SKY FINALLY. *tears of joy*

    • Overcooled says:

      You crazy snowless people. I love my snow, as long as it’s not blizzarding <_< I like Fractale too~ it's the one show I'm really on the look-out for. I don't think Onii-chan ddhkedhismwjw etc. has anything to do with oreimo...there's just a lot of incest manga everywhere. Then again, I'm saying this without checking any sources so it might not be right. I know, that was a HORRRIBLE answer to your question, wasn't it? I know, Mahou Magica is spammed in like every anime I watch in-between everything. I'm excited for the show and everything but OKAY, ENOUGH ALREADY!!

  15. Dan-go says:

    hmm, do you guys like search these up individually or is there a site with all the season’s releases?

    • Overcooled says:

      We used a combination of ANN, MAL, Wikipedia, Moonphase and the official sites of the shows. Plus Youtube for trailers. ANN and MAL generally has a list of all the new shows coming for a particular season, so we just have to gather our info and compile it from there :3

      • Dan-go says:

        sounds like a lot of wooork, well good on ya guys

        • Tofu says:

          woah… that sounds pretty intense xD Does everyone help out with parts? or is it left to one person? (which would suck) I’m sure with new bloods, this job would be easier ;D

  16. Dan-go says:


    • Kyokai says:

      LOL, someone might do a first impression. We are getting some new blood so no worries. xD

      • Dan-go says:

        chainsaw…lolis…the two most epic words in the universe put together

        • Tofu says:

          LOLS I would also like to see someone do a first impression since I’m not sure if I should give the anime a try or not :S

  17. Vivi says:

    I’ve read Hourou Musuko, it’s very touching. While the summary does sound corny, I think the manga bypasses the corniness and turns it into something really meaningful. But then again, I’m really sensitive and everything makes me cry DX

  18. Psycho says:

    I hope “Sadako” back in second season using her hairstyle when she going with Kazehaya to the temple at new years eve.
    I like that hairstyle >_<.

    • Kyokai says:

      Oh I can’t wait and Production I.G would animate it breathtakingly, I remember watching the first episode and of season one and remembering the awesomeness of animation that I experience in 5 Centimeters per Second.

      *cookie for you*

  19. Zenbaka says:

    UWAAAAAH although I’m not looking forward to as many series as I did with the fall preview, I see a few more favourites in line~

    Hourou Musuko- YESSSSS ONE OF THE BEST MANGAS OUT THERE. SO GLAD it’s getting an anime. It’ll definitely open a lot of people’s eyes to transgendered people.

    Kimi ni Todoke- HOW CAN I SAY NO ♥

    AB!- I cried and I cried hard. Although I’m a little bit uneasy about it being an “alternate” ending, I’ll definitely watch it anyways~

    Gosick- I can never get enough Goth Loli I tell you now. And from what I’ve heard from my friend it’s pretty good. I’ll have to borrow the novel from them *u*

    Kuragehime specials are a definite yes too!

    I would probably check out Fractale, Madoka, Megane no Kanojo, Bungaku Shoujo, Norageki! and Mirai Nikki as well.


    On a slightly less on topic note, I pre-ordered Durarara!! too *u*

    • Overcooled says:

      Everyone is raving over Hourou Musuko, makes me curious. I’m looking forward to Gosick though. Starry Sky…maybe I’ll just listen to it and not watch it lol. XD


  20. bakuhasu says:

    This post will be stolen for our podcast just like how our webmaster got stolen by the fine folks at Metanorn….

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