Suzumiya Haruhi 2009: SOS-Dan Meikyoku Album
[not the actual cover]
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu 2009 SOS-Dan Meikyoku Album [OST – Original Soundtrack Vol. 1] by Kousaki Satoru
K-ON! – Official Band Yarouyo!
K-ON! Official Band Yaro-Yo! by the Houkago Tea Time. Enjoy the epic rockin’ band score by K-ON!’s very own “Let’s-Make-A-Band” album. Includes a total of 109 tracks, including the official 5-jin versions of the OP and the ED (with Azusa). Download links after the jump.
Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei ED2 Single – Kurayami Shinchu Soshisouai
ZSZS ED2 Single by… various seiyuus. *too lazy to enumerate* lolz.