Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood – 48


The Boss lady of Metanorn, who makes it all happen. An animanga enthusiast, who watches/reads almost anything that strikes her fancy. Just beware of her Death Perception and always keep her happy. Regularly found at @KyokaiTM & #[email protected].
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8 Responses to “Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood – 48”

  1. metalsnakezero says:

    While I do miss some episodes its blogs like you that keep me up to date on FMA.

  2. Noxious says:

    season 2 is indeed an outstanding thing to watch… the way story is shaped up makes u excited and u r so anxious to watch next episode!!

  3. DrJackall says:

    Awesome to see FMA:B in this blog, also welcome kyokai loved the review! Lookin forward to the next ep!

  4. thelazysamurai says:

    This is still the best running anime out there today.
    It has a captivating ( deep!) story and great characters with humor but also the much needed seriousness. Pain and loss are always prevalent which gives a dark but believable atmosphere.

    I really look forward to seeing the next show every week 😮

  5. Kyokai says:

    @ metalsnakezero, Arrigato~ We’ll keep you updated. 🙂

    @ Noxious, Of course! Love the FMA suspense, twists and turns. Keeps me guessing, like the whole Fuhrer’s compartment bombing. :shock

    @ DrJackall, Arrigato~ Yoroshiku! 🙂

    @ thelazysamurai, I totally agree! FMAB being an adaption of a classic manga/anime, it lives up to the big expectations. I don’t rest easy until I get my FMA fix every week! XD

  6. DrifterSoul says:

    wow, I was wondering, why don’t you review FMA, but YAAAY!!! :cheer: Frankly speaking this is one of my most favorite animes 🙂 glad you started reviewing it :omg:

    • Kyokai says:

      Arrigato ne~
      Totally agree! One of the best anime out there! ^^;

  7. hab mich köstlich amüsiert, danke 🙂

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