Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood – 48

We directly pan to Gluttony getting his butt kicked by Ran Fan. Always a screamer, he whines and whimpers as she cuts through his defenses in the dark with her kick ass automail. She sure didn’t take her time in rehab. All that love for returning to Wakka! Ahem! Even Greed agrees with me that there is something there! :blush2:

Gluttony is quite nonplussed with the both Xingese, stabbing and punching at him in pitch black, when no one could sense them. Old man, Fu creeps in (literally) to explain that his race, who serves Xing’s Emperor has the special ability of sensing the flow of energy in atmosphere and that is how they are trained to see even in the dark.

Can’t help but LOL on this one! Ed always getting into trouble.

The Lion Chimera Heinkel is trying his best to injure, even kill Pride but to no avail. Some good Samaritans from the village disrupt their fight to the advantage of Pride who takes the opportunity to get a constant source of light thus manipulating shadows.

In the middle we see flashes of Mustang meeting up with his foster mother, Madam Christmas. Who tells him about Pride’s truth of never growing up, proving that he’s homunculus. Mustang runs away from his tail in blowing up Madam Christmas’s bar. She sure loves him enough to let her Roy boya go and do his thing with his renegade nakama.

Going back to the showdown, Edward comes to the rescue of Chimera and inflames the narcissistic Pride even more when he can’t pierce through him.

Typical Ed behaviour: Come and get some! =P

The response to that is bringing the taken-over Alphonse to battle his own brother. By using Old man Fu’s flash bomb, Edward steers away Pride from Al.

Take this and that! Go cower in the darkness or something

Only to witness the greed of Pride, who kills and eats Gluttony to save himself for the ongoing battle. Very twisted indeed. And that kind of expression on a child’s face? Hiromu Arakawa and the animators later sure did a good job in making him pure eviiillll! :dundun

Pure Eviilllllll…….

The episode ends with Olivia guessing Mustang’s next move of kidnapping the Fuhrer’s wife.

All in all, a good episode of momentum-building when all the homunculus with their ‘Father’ are at the fore and ready for the “Promised Day”. Hohenheim coming to the picture and facing Pride changes things now because he has more power than all the homunculus combined as Fu already noticed. What of Al, is I’m worried about. He has been experiencing more out-of-the-armour flashes. He better get his body back soon. I’m looking forward in seeing Hohenheim in action and the Promised day.

So, how many of you have been following or want to catch up on some Fullmetal?


The Boss lady of Metanorn, who makes it all happen. An animanga enthusiast, who watches/reads almost anything that strikes her fancy. Just beware of her Death Perception and always keep her happy. Regularly found at @KyokaiTM & #[email protected].
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8 Responses to “Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood – 48”

  1. metalsnakezero says:

    While I do miss some episodes its blogs like you that keep me up to date on FMA.

  2. Noxious says:

    season 2 is indeed an outstanding thing to watch… the way story is shaped up makes u excited and u r so anxious to watch next episode!!

  3. DrJackall says:

    Awesome to see FMA:B in this blog, also welcome kyokai loved the review! Lookin forward to the next ep!

  4. thelazysamurai says:

    This is still the best running anime out there today.
    It has a captivating ( deep!) story and great characters with humor but also the much needed seriousness. Pain and loss are always prevalent which gives a dark but believable atmosphere.

    I really look forward to seeing the next show every week 😮

  5. Kyokai says:

    @ metalsnakezero, Arrigato~ We’ll keep you updated. 🙂

    @ Noxious, Of course! Love the FMA suspense, twists and turns. Keeps me guessing, like the whole Fuhrer’s compartment bombing. :shock

    @ DrJackall, Arrigato~ Yoroshiku! 🙂

    @ thelazysamurai, I totally agree! FMAB being an adaption of a classic manga/anime, it lives up to the big expectations. I don’t rest easy until I get my FMA fix every week! XD

  6. DrifterSoul says:

    wow, I was wondering, why don’t you review FMA, but YAAAY!!! :cheer: Frankly speaking this is one of my most favorite animes 🙂 glad you started reviewing it :omg:

    • Kyokai says:

      Arrigato ne~
      Totally agree! One of the best anime out there! ^^;

  7. hab mich köstlich amüsiert, danke 🙂

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