Letter Bee – 01


Shouta delivery coming up~

A while ago, Jun Fukuyama voiced a cat. Now, he voices a Bee. We have Gauche, a Letter Bee (or a “postman”, to make it simple), encountering a little boy named Lag Seeing. Lag turns out to be the package Gauche’s about to deliver. Added with a magical gun, humongous CG insects  Gauche’s about to fight, lots of terminologies, blues and purples in snow, we’re up to a fairy tail-like adventure.


OP: “Hajimari no Hi (はじまりの日; Day of Beginnings)” by Suga Shikao feat. Mummy-D

The OP is LOVE. Great cool vocals. It’s very refreshing to listen to ^^. I really love listening to male vocals that’s not J-Rock and I find it hawt~ The visuals are really great ^^.


ED: “Hatenaki Michi (果てなき道; Endless Road)” by HIMEKA

Just like the OP, the ED is pure LOVE as well!! Totally this one gets listed on my top 5 fave EDs this season already. I’m such a fan of HIMEKA and I’m totally in love with the song plus it totally sounds like it isn’t sung by a foreigner French-Canadian.


Don’t feed canned soup to dogs!

I’m in love with this anime already! Yeah, the twenty minutes sure flew by just like that but I find it entertaining and at least we get some characters fleshed out already. I absolutely love the atmosphere of the show. It’s has some fairy tale, bedtime story feel to it and it just hooks me up~

Pretty much another thing I love in the premiere is the overall simplicity but ‘cool’ look of the series. We have a scenic setting in snow (SNOW!!! *AAA*) I’m already a fan of the snowy setting already and all the blue and purple <3. The animation is quite nice. CG huge insects are CG (and huge), so I’ll leave it at that. The character designs are really nice. I’m a fan of white-haired guys so Gaichuu is an automatic addition to my waifus of this season already :P.

Going over with the seiyuus, Lag Seeing is voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro, which is already a household name for voice acting. She recently had roles in Phantom (Cal Devens), Canaan (Canaan), and on Bakemonogatari (Suruga). She’s also Shinku on Rozen Maiden and Mint on Galaxy Angels as well, for her most popular roles.Jun Fukuyama’s playing Gaichuu, and it’s another impressive job for him again. And I’m quite amused that his possible love interest Aria is also voiced by (no surprise) Ami Koshimizu, whom these two seiyuus are just shippable in every role they had: from Code Geass to Spice and Wolf. I just love these two together~. We’ve only hear quite a pinch of the cast actually. We’ve yet to see Nana Mizuki, Daisuke Kishio (which I haven’t heard in a looooong time), Ayumi Fujimura, and many others in this fantastic seiyuu cast. Wait, Nana Mizuki??? Hopefully this would be one Nana Mizuki anime I’ll come to like :D.


There’s gonna be some huggling next episode~

Bottomline is, I love it. And I might blog this one if I get some time to. But I guess I really might, since I’m mostly free on Sundays and ripping subs from CR are quick at the moment (lmao). Just don’t expect me to go on Crunchyroll and watch there. You all know I hate streaming sites xD. Anyway, yeah, it’s definitely promising and I’m looking forward on what will happen next in this one.

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7 Responses to “Letter Bee – 01”

  1. Adrian says:

    I agree. This show was a pleasant suprise, most of the shows I wasn’t interested in I am liking and most of the ones I thought would be decent…….suck. I’m happy with this and railgun the most right now, still can’t wait for kimi no todoke, but that show could suck and I would still watch it, but what am I saying, no show with Noto-chan could ever suck right. Oh god linebarrels…..Kampfer is pretty not good…same with blacksmith. Nyan-Koi is fun, I will watch it. Bantorra’s animation has been in the oven too long, it came out and they threw bad cg on it to cover when females look a lot like men, it’s scary to see someone with such big boobs look like a scary guy.

  2. warriorhope says:

    I really enjoy it too. ^__^ It’s definitly the first shoajan series I’ve wanted to follow in awhile. The animation is awesome and the ED and OP are cool. Can’t wait for Niche to show up~

  3. Kitsune says:

    Yes, it was a nice surprise 🙂 I like art, music, and OP and ED. We’ll see about the plot later 🙂

  4. shibis says:

    If it’s even half as good as the manga, then ill be a happy boy 🙂

  5. Xiao says:

    :kyaa: on the OP and ED~!!! :kyaa: :kyaa: :kyaa:
    I hope the single for both comes out soon.

    OMG, YES! Snow and blue settings FTW, baby! :thumb:

    lol, back to serious business uh, not really XD;, I couldn’t be more pleased with the casting. Doesn’t seem that Junie’s taking any dangerous prince roles this season but he is an Onii-chan in this one. Nuu, Gauche don’t turn Lelouch~! :huhu:
    Ooo, and Miyuki Sawashiro further proves how awesomely versatile her acting is. Gawd, I love this woman. :love:

    Hmm, first time hearing about Daisuke Kishio having a role for Letter Bee but Nana-sama is playing Nunally *SHOT* the imouto role. Kah, I can’t wait to hear her. She’ll sound so cute. :aww:

    & omg yes (again), I’m all for hugging. *hughughug* <3

    It'd be great if you could blog it. I'll spam you, of course. lol XD

  6. […] All images shamelessly stolen from Metanorn […]

  7. Chomesuke says:

    Yay! Someone put the op on youtube <3
    Now all we need is the ending :4:

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