Letter Bee – 01

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7 Responses to “Letter Bee – 01”

  1. Adrian says:

    I agree. This show was a pleasant suprise, most of the shows I wasn’t interested in I am liking and most of the ones I thought would be decent…….suck. I’m happy with this and railgun the most right now, still can’t wait for kimi no todoke, but that show could suck and I would still watch it, but what am I saying, no show with Noto-chan could ever suck right. Oh god linebarrels…..Kampfer is pretty not good…same with blacksmith. Nyan-Koi is fun, I will watch it. Bantorra’s animation has been in the oven too long, it came out and they threw bad cg on it to cover when females look a lot like men, it’s scary to see someone with such big boobs look like a scary guy.

  2. warriorhope says:

    I really enjoy it too. ^__^ It’s definitly the first shoajan series I’ve wanted to follow in awhile. The animation is awesome and the ED and OP are cool. Can’t wait for Niche to show up~

  3. Kitsune says:

    Yes, it was a nice surprise 🙂 I like art, music, and OP and ED. We’ll see about the plot later 🙂

  4. shibis says:

    If it’s even half as good as the manga, then ill be a happy boy 🙂

  5. Xiao says:

    :kyaa: on the OP and ED~!!! :kyaa: :kyaa: :kyaa:
    I hope the single for both comes out soon.

    OMG, YES! Snow and blue settings FTW, baby! :thumb:

    lol, back to serious business uh, not really XD;, I couldn’t be more pleased with the casting. Doesn’t seem that Junie’s taking any dangerous prince roles this season but he is an Onii-chan in this one. Nuu, Gauche don’t turn Lelouch~! :huhu:
    Ooo, and Miyuki Sawashiro further proves how awesomely versatile her acting is. Gawd, I love this woman. :love:

    Hmm, first time hearing about Daisuke Kishio having a role for Letter Bee but Nana-sama is playing Nunally *SHOT* the imouto role. Kah, I can’t wait to hear her. She’ll sound so cute. :aww:

    & omg yes (again), I’m all for hugging. *hughughug* <3

    It'd be great if you could blog it. I'll spam you, of course. lol XD

  6. […] All images shamelessly stolen from Metanorn […]

  7. Chomesuke says:

    Yay! Someone put the op on youtube <3
    Now all we need is the ending :4:

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