Umineko no Naku Koro ni: III-II
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In the forest of Rokkenjima, a hidden mansion called Kuwadorian exists
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POWUH: Occasional (51-75) with 57 comments
Animated gif overload!
Lol I don’t understand the show any more, but hurray for sexy stake girls.
POWUH: iLurker with 4 comments
Beatrice took a little more than a tumble, apparently. xD She’s so innocent when she’s just a human. lol. Moe moe~
May I just say this? Pretty please? :14: Shannon is a slut.
She liked getting her boob touched by Genji. She wants to get laid by George. Now she wants to rape/molest/whatever her brother.
Shannon is a polyamorous bitch! *is really mad since she called Beato-sama ugly and pitiful*
THE STAKES!!!!!!!!11 THE STAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!1111
Especially Belphegor~ I dunno why I like her so much, but she’s amazing. Yay for Asmo and Beezle too! (SpinSatan as well~) Eh, forget favorites! TEH STAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Poor Gohda, we hardly saw any GAR from him this time around. Oh wellz~ But I have one complaint: WHERE IS BEEZLEBUB FLIRTING WITH HIM?! (a rather weird thought, but seriously. WHERE?!)
Never underestimate Ronove and his Monocle! Muahahahaha!
lol @ DEEN’s fanservice.
I hope Shannon is dead forever this time around. Of course, that unfortunately won’t be happening (nuu), but why?! :huhu: 😥 :baww: :baww2: Kanon had to go too!!! NUUUUUUU~!!!!!!
Well, if he had to go, then they better animate the scene in Purgatory (or the Golden Land, I forgot cuz I suck) where he and Jessica huggles~! :3
Yay for Virgilia~! Maybe DEEN isn’t really doing too bad of a job for this arc. W00t~! Can’t wait for the fight. 🙂
POWUH: iLurker with 3 comments
You capture the best moments with those gifs :thumb:
I wish there where some subs for the previews 🙁 .
POWUH: Lovely-pyon~ and Metanorn's Hime-chan~ with 371 comments
Sayaka Ohara voicing Moetrice made me soooo happy~ <D
It’s amazing how she can pull of Beato-sama’s “pompous air†while still making her look so cute!
Too bad she died. 🙁
And hell yea, that was one quick death alright. o.O; While half of my mind was on that, I was wondering “Duh! You don’t go hiking dressed in a Victorian dress in the first place! Especially along a cliff!â€
Lol Nice pause in the middle of the gif there. xDDDD;;;;
I’m really hating DEEN and their weird, creep faces. Beato’s was the last straw. It was neither fitting nor scary. Stupid DEEN! *throws stuff at the wall* -_-#
Lol @ Lucifer fanservice.
But yea, I was really disappointed with her fight against Kanon. Even if it is VN canon for Kanon (oweh, my tongue~ :P) to win, I expected a better duel where he didn’t win as easiliy as he did here. I mean, f**kin’ come on! Luci is Stake of Purgatory! *RAGE*
But HELL YEA! All the Stake girls are present! Stealing all your lovely badass gifs (will credit, of course). ;D
& Shannonnying just sealed herself as the most hated character for me in this show. I don’t know if she’s like this in the VN (cuz George’s character was much better compared to the anime one) but all her sweet-talk about being fulfilled and shit makes me want to tear her face apart (EP 1 YEA!). She’s such a wimpy slut without any fight in her compared to Kanon and she has the friggin’ nerve to sit there, accept death and insult other people (wtf! Nobody talks like that to BEATO! D<) because “she’s done her part so she’s happy�! Go jump off a cliff, bitch!
On top of that, no offense to Rie Kugimiya, but she’s so moeblob, it makes Mikurun look almost half-gar. Dx
And Genji should’ve slapped-destroyed her button for lolmoargainaxinglol so that we wouldn’t have to see her again in later arcs. *too much wishful thinking* Tch…
Ronove~ <333
Magic fight = DO WANT! *bounces all over the room* x333
POWUH: Novice (36-50) with 45 comments
it’ll be even more moe-yaoi if Ronove can just lose his moustache
POWUH: Metanorn Regular with 96 comments
LOL moe Beato-chan is just LOVE!!! Ha, ha, ha!
I don’t really have anything to say but you did such a good job (again)! See ya next week!
P.S.: Ronove shutting his mistress with the palm of his hand over her face… Maybe he’s a little bit more than a mere furniture to Beato-chan (or so I hope, I like Haruhi-Kyon scenes)!